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Everything posted by JcoolTheShipbuilder

  1. You get sqrt(-1), which is an imaginary number i wish every planet had rings
  2. The steam workshop is now on fire somehow i wish my glasses stopped fogging up when wearing a mask
  3. minmus has a ring made of deadly sawblades of doom for some reason i wish minmus had an ice cream ring
  4. Nope not from the ksp community lol! I wish snowpiercer made any sense at all since it would be much more worth it to make a giant bunker, also it would be unlikely for all life to die since there are things that thrive in extreme cold weather ( I didn’t watch snowpiercer, and am not planning to)
  5. It doesnt and it keeps snowing all over the world until every continent is covered in at least a meter of snow, the avg surface temp is now much below zero i wish the earth spun about 1 second slower
  6. Banned for co banning someone after your rocket missed its exact landing point by 1m
  7. Mega parts+++++ adds parts, but the smallest one it adds is 1km in diameter
  8. *sees part welding is allowed* hmmm.... I guess I could use part welding quite a bit, and use a ship that weighs thousands of tons lol...
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