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Everything posted by JcoolTheShipbuilder

  1. Most nuclear submarines can’t withstand the surface pressure of Venus Venus’ atmosphere at the surface is technically a supercritical fluid.
  2. You get a 10 page essay about the role of not every part, not every part of a part, not even about every molecule or atom, but of Every. Single. Subatomic. Particle. Involved with it I wish the universe doesn’t collapse due to the previous wish corrupting so badly lol
  3. 73: success! Thread revival done, but wait, where’s number 72? Oh... it was delete the universe with an elevator, and it vanished. 73.5 make an elevator that doesn’t delete the universe after a single use
  4. It gets terminated i wish a random rock does something completely random and unexpected
  5. Is there a limit to how quick I can go to Duna? As in, can I attempt an entry at a ludicrous speed lol? or does it need to be as realistic as possible?
  6. Uhh... hmm..... constellation or literal? Hm constellation? Welllll..... stars go flying at each other, and explode. Baking the earth from light ears away. literal? Hmm.... Gemini docked around the moon, and wondered how the heck they got there and exploded,,, F I wish that fusion propulsion was easier
  7. the respawn timer is in real gameplay hours, not in game hours. So if it’s set to the default three hours, it will take three real hours before they respawn. No matter the time warp.. yea I was pretty confused at first lol..
  8. Wait... the purpose of the ore to ec and the ec to ore converters is for an infinite loop?
  9. Hmmmm..... ok that’s closer to what I was thinking lol... I was thinking it was about 90%. Also, using the L=M^3.5 equation, the 0.6 solar mass star would have about a 0.16 solar luminosity, which... hmm... since the two stars are pretty much touching, would the luminosity be added when both are visible, and vary since they are eclipsing? also, idk how they affect each other’s brightness since they contact.. wouldn’t their temps be closer together than if they are separate? Also, since the planets orbit almost on the plane, and the stars eclipse from the planets POV, would the light they receive over time, be less than if they were in a polar orbit?
  10. The sun aerobrakes in kerbin’s atmosphere, and resulting heat destroys kerbin. (That’s literally the way I misread it lmao) I wish content farms go away
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