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Everything posted by JcoolTheShipbuilder

  1. Ok... hmm.. So, a rescue contract had a kerbal in lko, and when i went to the pod, i realized there was nothing i could do since the pod had no hatch, and i set it so kerbals hibernate, and when i went to rescue, the kerbal was still hibernating, but could somehow crew transfer, and i recovered the craft. and now..... theyre a tourist and on the tac life support tab, it says they arent hibernating
  2. ..... yep i downloaded from github because the download link here keeps saying its not downloaded correctly?! ima try again edit; now downloading the correct one lol aaaaand it works lol...
  3. Im on windoes 7? ok ill check anyways Ok, im looking for the file and...... hang on a second.... where IS it?! ok turns out, somehow, i literally dont have the Plugins folder at all. Hmmm....... ok.... weird... im looking around in the downloads, ok found it... On the top Left, is the extraplanetary launchpads folder thats in my modded 1.10 install. The top right is of the mod, but its a different version and in 1.9.1, with EL v6.7.0 Bottom is two picture of the same 6.8.2 EL, but the left is just in the zip folder, the right is in that gamedata that is in the window on the bottom left. I tried it both ways, but the left broke entirely. also... when i searched for "Launchpad.dll" with the search, it... was not there?! Ok..... wot
  4. Ok, soo... when i load up the game, there is not an EL button, or any modules for the workshops that allow building... I have Tac life support installed, im not sure if that affects things, but it hasnt replaced the containers, so it likely doesnt effect EL. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zXI1AW3J5lBkCJ_eXG9BoyRzhVY9jYCM/view?usp=sharing I have Extraplanetary Launchpads version 6.8.2 Running on ksp 1.10.1 I have the latest versions i could find of each of these... Im not sure if it is a mod conflict or it is something i might have missed
  5. hmmmmm............ *spins two probes at 400rps and docks them, creating an intense tear in spacetime, sucking the entire solar system into a strange new galaxy where theres nebulas everywhere and oh god all the planets arent orbiting kerbol as they are now orbiting a massive black hole thats pretty far away*
  6. wait a second..... I dont have ModuleAnimateGenericEffects installed lol.... Edit: it still spams the exact same thing..... hmm....
  7. ok... soo... Im in 1.10.1 and when i click on the time GUI, a NullRef error spams the log. Its only when i click on Time GUI, it also entirely breaks the window too... Also, i have the latest version of the mod...
  8. I know this would be a minor detail, but... if i were to like run out of energy like 1.5km above the surface of Kerbin, and i wanted to check a setting inflight, i cant change settings, and it doesnt show them. it would be a litle nice if it were to show the settings, but the sliders cant be moved because if being in flight. or just show the settings and not the sliders? hmmm
  9. well doing a test.... a kerbal was recycled in a recycler and i got organics...... oh god
  10. Ok, i have a rover, which i have had for over a year. and i replaced its wheels with faster ones. Eligible for Purist; did not use any engines Flawless; it achieved both 750m and 1500m without losing parts (until it rolled backwards too fast) and Check Yo Staging; no parts staged off, actually, there wasnt anything to stage in the first place! It uses robotics to turn, and also uses the pistons as suspension it cruised at about 40m/s Got to 750m fairly easily, with a time of about 12 minutes It then achieved 1500m with some difficulty, but still doing full throttle. unfortunately, a few seconds later, one of the wheel pods flipped when i tried to turn it so it could stop, and that pod exploded...
  11. hmmm.... i accidentally sent a kerbal to NaN space in a few frames by using an insane overclocked engine. it also broke the game hard enough to land something on the sun, but it said "No Situation report available"
  12. I accidentally detonated Arrakeen city... Well... Bob did. after picking up a plushie from the gift shop, Bob decided it was a good idea to do full throttle...... without checking where it was pointed yep, thats a huge mk3 SSTO headed straight for the Cidatel the ssto slammed into the tower at over 60m/s, and the structure proceeded to detonate Bob Kerman: "This is fine" as my pc ran at one frame per... 30s lol, it as a 300part plane vs a 500 part spire in a 2k part city lmao also, flying docking port sorry Stratzenblitz! miraculously, no other structure got damaged. Except for this one ^^^, it got fricking obliterated the twisty tower got landed on, but not damaged. oops lol
  13. I hope so, so we can make ships in the scale of kilometers lmao
  14. I noticed that the record was going to be ~30 tons, so i decided to beat it with a 41t SSTO ok, i just did it with an SSTO The ssto is 41t, and it landed at 40m/s with all brakes and no reverse thrust. yep. and now... to take off again. also, the TWR shows that i could not have done a vertical landing lol, 0.80. Took off, i then proceeded to go into orbit I then reentered and decided to land on the SPH again When i landed it the second time after returning from orbit, the mass was now 26.4t It stopped suprisingly fast, despite touching down at about 40m/s again lol... took off, and then i went and landed on the runway the taking off and landing took several tries
  15. hmmm.. i have ubio welding, and modulemanager 4.1.4, and when i click the button (im in 1.10), nothing happens im trying to weld this... it should work.. hmm.. i have the latest version of ksp (1.10.1), Ubio Welding, and Modulemanager(4.1.4).
  16. hmm... ok, also, the EL app button isnt visible... also, how to upload a file?
  17. hmmm... what modulemanager should this mod have? i have only the latest modulemanager and (i think) the prerequisites, and the modules for the construction and stuff arent showing up for This mod at all, tho modules work fine with every other mod? Or have i possible incorrectly downloaded it?
  18. if you go into map view, and click on the info tab, or just go and click on the stock delta V thing, it will show the current mass i think also, what about using an ornithopter?
  19. Playing in a sandbox save, decided to join the Upsilon Initiative, and built a ship for one of their projects. my idea was that it was going to be big, but then i realized.... yea lol, it would be extreme overkill. idk what its name should be, so its currently "Eeloo colony ship" atm, tho.. with mods and other solar systems, this ship will be an interstellar ship. a lot of its stats are in the pic, but here are some more Length: 306.4m Width: 99.6m Height: 40.1m Crew capacity: exactly 4000 somehow, tho since its wip, it will likely go up and to solve the issue of extreme lag due to part count, I will use UbioZur Welding to massively decrease the partcount. also, It makes a lot of other ships that seem big, look tiny This is the size comparison of the megaship and a bunch of other ones There are Jett Quazar's victory star destroyer, and MC-80 star cruiser. directly above center is my biggest ever career launched ship; the massive colonial ship. and that tiny ship near the front is the Kerbal-X
  20. I know this isnt exactly a rocket, but I have a wip megaship lol it is 300m long, 100m wide, and about 40m tall, and i currently have no idea how to or if it is even possible to launch this gargantuan ship, even when empty.
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