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Everything posted by JcoolTheShipbuilder

  1. Here are some more pics! When i made a Jool ship in sandbox mode When i added a couple of Kraken drives to Jett Quazar's millenium falcon i had the main drive, and a second drive which pushes the ship vertically, and it makes landing much easier, including landing on the edge of the canyon at the mythical place called Dres I made yet another mothership! "The Dawn", it went to Eve, it did some cool stuff. i made this ship before i made the nuclear space noodle in another save, it was with the S. S. Zerye and the Duna Mothership This is a small part of the story of my biggest ship (in a stock career game). The ship is actually completely stock with no DLCs either Here is a pic of the massive colonial ship LANDED on Gilly (another craft was doing the landing) In orbit around Gilly Boosting away Going to burn for about 30 minutes to Dres The ship has a capacity in the hundreds also, these things happened in late 2019. (the massive colonial ship in december)
  2. I have MANY epic pictures that i havent shared yet over the couple years of playing ksp i had. An explosion of when an Executor class star destroyer krakened out and blew up. A giant mothership, actually one of the first ships i sent out of kerbin's SOI, the first ship i actually sent to Duna, i had a lot of fun building it in orbit around Kerbin, despite the low FPS. It is "The Duna Mothersip", which was kinda accidentally based off the Hermes from The Martian Built another mothership (the S. S. Zerye) for the next transfer window to Duna (this was all in 2018), it was single launch, and could land, refuel, and take off from Ike, forgot autostruts first try, the landing legs collapsed and the thing blew up lol. Next attempt, it worked, i then took two attempts at docking it and the Duna Mothership together, and you can see that i came in WAY too fast and the reversers on the Duna Mothership were on full throttle, and they just collided at ~11m/s, two 500+ ton ships crashing into eachother is kinda epic lol. also, the acceleration on thee ships were obviously REALLY SLOW XD The second attempt went smoothly because i went WAY slower. and it was successful! The thing is, after undocking, and doing other stuff, the Duna Mothership fell to an unknown kraken attack, which basically made it all one craft, even when undocked! i even deactivated the grabber and it FREAKING SHEARED THE SHIP IN HALF LOL Started a new career for reasons, and this is the first ship i sent to duna in that save! its a TINY mothership (compared to my other motherships) this ship was the "Nuclear Space Noodle", basically a nuclear spaceship that looked like a noodle. 190m long, the tank clusters in the middle were autostrut points to prevent the craft from krakening out. it was a success! Here is the Nuclear Space Noodle docked to a station in orbit around the Mun This is the next mothership i built, actually one of the first "smaller" ships at a little under 50m long. in this pic here, it has a mining rig attached. This ship went and explored Eve and Gilly. the thing sticking up from the ship is the sensor pod. also, this is the first ship with kind of an "interior" i built \ While i was launching a new ship, a cruiser, to duna, i launched this GIGANTIC SHIP It was the LARGEST and most MASSIVE craft i have ever built in a carrer mode, and it was launched mostly empty, hence the comically tiny launcher. and i used fairings as cosmetics. its getting really late, im going to upload the rest of the pics in the morning
  3. For large cosmetic cylinders, you can use fairings, but I have to agree, “there’s a mod for it” is the most common and sometimes annoying. And there are even mods that don’t exist yet afaik for specific things like giant 80m hexagonal capital ship parts.
  4. I love the modding community, but I also love that you can use stuff in ways not meant to be used to build giant ships lol
  5. I’m very glad too, orbiting at golly was reallllllly slow lol
  6. Hmmm yea, I agree that I would not want to be on the train. I’m going to stay safe in orbit
  7. I have visited the Kerbin system, Duna, Eve, Solar orbit, and Dres in a legit career, I have visited Jool with a legit ship in sandbox, i visited Moho and Eeloo with a millennium falcon made by @Jett_Quasar, which I added a high speed kraken drive to, and had loads of fun.
  8. Hmmm... ubiozur welding Ltd continued works in 1.9.1, but you are talking stock parts?
  9. Just... no KSP2 will be about future stuff like interstellar travel ( I heard even INTERGALACTIC travel was mentioned), not about how the ground squishes around when your rocket unceremoniously hits the ground in an epic explosion.
  10. It would technically be a ‘regolith’ castle, but ok. Also, i have seen it a few times
  11. Im very much looking forewards to what ksp2 will bring us, and your pose brought my hopes up!
  12. Granted, but absolutley nothing changes I wish for galaxies in ksp
  13. when you start making kerbal stuff in other games
  14. well, i largely love building gigantic spaceships, and i have only recently since spring break this year, got some mods, and now im tinkering with the idea of making a mod for gargantuan spaceships. i have done a few career playthroughs, most of which didnt get far before a big update, and the one just before i got mods, i made some pretty cool stock spaceships lol (and an epic giant spaceship that likes to explode every once in a while). sometimes, i would get bored somehow, and do other stuff with ksp running. but that would not account for much lol.
  15. gets a rocket vending machine inserts a ginormous rocket
  16. Gets joy Inserts slap-o-matic 3000
  17. gets legends inserts a gigantic, physics breaking 16km spherical craft
  18. i think you do that with the sides? also, is it possible for there to be transparancy with structural elements that are less than, say 0.1m thick? also, i LOVE making large spacecrafts with the cosmetic flat panels that weigh like nothing, they look cool, but dont affect delta V
  19. Whats supposed to happen when a kerbal gives birth? i was switched to the vessel a kerbal was onboard when their childbirth timer went to zero, and it went into the negatives?! edit: its ok now, and i do NOT think you should be able to take a TWO DAY OLD kerbal on EVA lol
  20. Turns out that the fuel tanks use about 1000 ec/s for cooling, i have 13 million LH2 (15 million capacity) onboard the ship also, launching the reactor with the fuel works
  21. wait.... so the NERVA cannot be refuled? then how did the KSPIE nuclear processor fuel those? after building one with EL, is the refueling a one-off event? i understand putting the nuclear fuel into the NERVA before releasing from the orbital construction docks, you cannot redock with it. soo, i need to grab an already fueled one and launch it from kerbin? also, im going to add more radiators. the engine that will power this beast is a 3.75m NERVA, soo.. ok
  22. sorry if this would be spamming, but is there somewhere on the wiki that tells about how nuclear fuel transfer works?
  23. How do i easily run ksp from non steam btw? do i make a shortcut to run it?
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