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Everything posted by JcoolTheShipbuilder

  1. Granted, but you did not specify its speed and now it is in a retrograde orbit around Kerbin flying around at the speed of light I wish for more funny ways to break ksp
  2. I was making a heightmap for a tidally locked desert planet, then decided to just add the two other star systems I was planning anyways, put in a main planet for each (the Ecuminopolis for Arcturus and Proxility for Pythros). I tried the heightmap on the desert planet, it just... looked off so I tried it on some other wip planets, and it fits really well with Proxility! I then discovered that I had no specular whatsoever on Correlae or Termania. Proxility is the 3rd out of 5 planets in the Pythros system, and the Arcturus system will probably have 6, or even seven planets. Pythros will have: A small lava planet (the only object in my mod that has lava due to its proximity to its parent star) An Eve-like planet with two moons Proxility (pic) with its three moons A contact binary rocky planet (I will actually try this, but I am certain that they cannot touch or the craft would easily fall through the other planet and just... die A gas giant with a few moons, including a methane ocean moon. Arcturus is actually a merged contact binary, the red nova generated by the merging event lasted for a few weeks and was around 100x its luminousity for the duration as the two stars' cores merged. The luminousity was 2.25L before and is now at about 10L. It will have: A burnt out core of a gas giant with a few captured melted asteroids A puffy gas giant with two moons A slightly Ecuminopolis world with a sunshield and its moon The main Ecuminopolis world with a sunshield and its two moons A Duna-like world that had a sunshield, but it fragmented during the event meaning that several chunks are still in orbit, and it has a few burnt areas. A gas giant with a few moons Idk what to add beyond... hmm.. I have no idea what to name any of these planets or moons, though I already have names for Proxility's three moons. These two systems are placed far enough so their light do not excessivley illuminate planets in other systems. BUT the Estrela Dobre system does dimly illuminate planets in the Excelsior system as that star is kinda-sorta the third star of Estrela Dobre. Excelsior actually formed around 3-4 billion years before Estrela Dobre. It was captured by the newly forming system, and has been in orbit for the 2.5 billion years Estrela Dobre has existed. Later on, around 3 billion years from now, the contact binary stars of Estrela Dobre will inevitably merge, and 3 billion years from then, the system will die, and Excelsior will likely fly off due to the mass loss of the dead star, though it might get destroyed with Estrela Dobre.
  3. hm I have decided the name of planet 1 to be.. well I got names for the first three planet.. now its just the 4th planet that needs a name The first three planets are named Calidum - main feature is a hot desert, which is where its latin name comes from Canite - is latin for 'blown' as it had a lot of its surface blown off Periphial - named this way as somebody suggessted it since its on the very edge of habitability
  4. Granted, but Beijing was not safe from your flight and died. I wish for a yellow string for some odd reason
  5. I made a unique pair of wormholes connecting the Estrela Dobre and Excelsior systems! It works seamlessley. I achieved the effect by using two bodies. the main body is the wormhole object, and a tiny star for the light effect with 0 soi or luminousity (as any whatsoever caused ridiculous temperatures lol)
  6. Granted, the box you possess is on the top! yay! aaand now its raining.. also the cardboard boxes are not waterproof I wish for a fully functional, inert capital ship! (there are still many, MANY ways for this to go wrong)
  7. I made an awesome ship, and then teleported it around as I made a new star system! The Excelsior system orbits 10x further than Ichor, and is a dim orange dwarf. Periphial, an eyeball world on the edge of the Excelsior system habitable zone that is barely habitable. What life it used to have was wiped out during the big event. It is the third out of four planets, a little smaller than Kerbin. Also its heightmap is literally a modified version of Temporalis' ice cap heightmap lol, I just thought it would look good for an eyeball world like this. Canite, a devastated world that is on the inner edge of the habitable zone. it was once an eyeball world filled with life around the terminator until the big event blew a massive chunk of its surface off, enough to reduce its orbit slightly making the star move retrograde in a wobbly motion in its sky. The ingame radius is 627km so the lava is down below at the level of the exposed mantle while the cliffs at the edge of the giant basin are mostly 20km near vertical cliffs. The way I made it look pretty good imo is that it uses three heightmaps, one for the basin (just.. basically two colors, black and white), the regular terrain map, which is just.. a mashed together heightmap of a normal planet overlayed onto this, and finally a crater map where the basin has none. Also, its atmosphere has mostly pooled into the basin. It does recycle two heightcolormaps from two other bodies in the estrela dobre mod, but they are shifted around so it effectivley has one heightcolormap for its exposed mantle (yea 20km down is definitley in the mantle) and one for its regular terrain. The orange light from the star it orbits makes it look the most like chocolate. Canite's orbit is also right next to the wormhole that links the Excelsior system to the Estrela Dobre system. These wormholes are close to the center of the systems so its difficult to get to them.
  8. Granted, it is burnt into charcoal and everyone uses it for energy ohno the planet died somehow I wish the planet is revived from the dead
  9. Granted, there are thousands of other batmen too so it is really hard to do your job before somebody else does it. I wish for a hypersonic airliner
  10. Granted. they green because... they are... rotten I wish for the most boring planet pack ever
  11. granted, they were doing it in the stone age and it was forgotten I wish the sky turned an ever so light lighter shade of blue
  12. I managed to get my surface velocity around a planet to literally read "infinity". I think the highest I saw it read was it was literally two lines of numbers, or was it one or two numbers in a third line? idk... anyways the infinite land speed was by editing the rotation period of a planet to be an incredibly low value, and saw just how many lines the navball could read by itself, which was I think 8 or so lines.. but of course, TOUCHING the atmosphere resulted in an instant crash with infinite ground speed
  13. Granted, star wars is stopped and now no longer esists. I wish for.. hmm... ah! I wish for more mods
  14. Finally figured out how to add scatters! These are landable. the biggest one in the center is between 10 and 20km across. I am testing these scatters on Temporalis before I.. well I cant exactly move these scatters to a planet that doesnt exactly exist yet. These scatters will appear like the levitating remains of the devastated planet's crust. the devastated planet will be the 2nd planet around Excelsior, which is a dim orange dwarf orbiting the Estrela Dobre system.
  15. Granted, the tea can taste now... somehow! I wish for coffee to taste better
  16. hmm.. Excelsior will have four planets.. I dont know what their names should be. Also, Excelsior will orbit between 10 and 15x further out than Ichor The system's classification is "dead/abandoned", but offers some clues as to what happened in the great event/war Planet 1 - eyeball planet dominated by desert, has a ring of water around its terminator, and a thin ice cap. Planet 2 - devastated planet with a large portion of its surface seemingly blasted off by an explosion during the event, in a 1:2 resonance with planet 1 there will be a noticeable gap between planets 2 and 3, where stuff screams 'there should be a planet here' Planet 3 - a cold eyeball planet that is barely habitable, lost what little life it had in the great event, in a 1:4 resonance with planet 2 Planet 4 - a strange, ice planet further out, has techno signatures, but is lifeless like the rest of the system. in a 3:2 resonance with planet 3. What are some name ideas based on the characteristics?
  17. Granted, it is the 18th post of the page, but you have to find the exact value above 5 where your post is on another page. I wish the sky becomes funny
  18. I am making a few engines for my planet pack to make it a little easier! Here is the cheesecake nuclear engine, a 2.5m engine with 500kN of thrust at 1600s. It makes SSTOs quite a bit easier in conjunction with the H-1 hybrid electric scramjet. though you do need to watch out for overheating while escaping Temporalis! I havent textured it yet tho the blue light is from a domelight clipped inside the engine
  19. Granted, it is on Mercury, as it is the first world from the sun I wish the earth had 25636765 moons
  20. Granted, but it can ONLY replicate itself, which causes some... funky things to happen as more ships are replicated inside of each other until reality collapses in on itself I wish for... hmm.. reverse psychology!
  21. Granted, but you drawn in SCP-999s (thats the cute n cuddly blob boi, right?) I wish for the person on the opposite side of the planet for me to have the sky turn eyebleedingly pink before their eyes
  22. lol! Also I had quite the issue with the game freezing up and dying every ingame minute. I assumed it was because of my laptop at first, and then I got KSPCommunityFixes and disabled the manuver node planner, which fixed every issue with the game freezing and dying. I am pretty sure the game really did not like Temporalis being a trojan object or something with high inclinations of wormholes. I decided on adding the Excelsior system as its lore is... very connected with the Estrela Dobre system. The system itself will have four planets (a big gap at the inner edge of its habitable zone where a planet once was... hmmm... where could it possibly be...).
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