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Everything posted by darthgently

  1. First, most KSP stations end up best oriented normal or anti-normal because that direction doesn't change throughout the orbit. You can always control from a docking port that you want pointed norma/antinormal so the station as a whole is oriented mostly the way you want. Second, I don't use MJ for things like this, I use kOS, but MJ can do it. It sounds like you could use a lot less control authority. Maintaining orientation doesn't take much authority, but you may have to be patient for it to get there, like several minutes. You certainly don't want your RCS in course mode, but in fine mode instead (not sure if MJ overrides that, but kOS devs say it would be hard or impossible to override so am assuming MJ is under same constriction). Course and fine are controlled by the caps-lock key. Third, there may be a way to tweak the RCS thrustlimits and torque PIDs for MJ but I've never dug down that far. But you can certainly adjust the thrustlimits for thrusters via their KSP r-click Part Action Windows (PAW).
  2. Perlin? I was reading docs for the Waterfall mod and came across a type of noise generator called Perlin. It could be the planet where the Kraken evolved
  3. Should the expanding IST2501lqd tank have LFO, LF, O as switch options by default, or do I need to add those somehow? What is the best way to add them if that is what I need to do? Ideas welcome
  4. Is there any possibility for getting the functionality of the contents of containers in the VAB to be copied as well as the container when alt-left-clicking a container with parts in it? The same when placing in symmetry would be fantabulous. I just got bit hard. I have everything staged in Minmus orbit only to find all my inventory is empty because right before launch I had to temporarily change the root of the craft to a lower stage part to put something in place, then because of another KSP bug, I *copied* the upper part of the rocket back into place instead of just clicking it (which when Nerv engines are involved causes my install to go all Null Ref, but the Alt-left-clicking avoids this for mysterious reasons). Anyway, my Jool mission is all staged in Minmus orbit with empty inventories, lol. I reverted to an earlier save and am going to fix and relaunch rather than re-supply, which means repeating some satellite placements around Pol, but no big deal there FWIW, stock inventory suffers the same issue. All containers must be individually populated and copying does not copy contents. I'll be putting in a request for that also but no hopes there until KSP2 I assume, if at all The ability to do this would be phenomenal! Even if it were an entirely separate function from copying containers. Like maybe a PAW/r-click-menu option in the VAB to clone contents to another container? Even that would be a huge bonus. Thanks for reading this far, and have a great day
  5. I'm finally curious enough. Are there any CKAN plugins? If so, are there any plugins the average user might find useful? Where would one find them? I keep seeing the menu option and have been wondering for awhile
  6. Yes and no, it depends on the mod. Some mods don't have a forum here, but have excellent documentation on, say, github. I wish there were a convention for mod support forums here to have some specific keyword in the topic name to filter out non-mod support forum stuff. Something like "MODSUP" maybe. But the CKAN app has the github doc and other non-kerbalspaceprogram.com links so I find that helpful
  7. As an aside to Heburusan's response, the CKAN app makes a great browser for support forums. Just click on the Metadata tab in the lower right after selecting the mod and the first link in that tab will typically be the current and active support forum for that mod
  8. A regolith 3D printer kind of thing? At least being able to level and harden a "launch/landing pad" area using local materials would be nice.
  9. How about given the presence of an engineer, empty inventory space, and old vessel sections + time = an inventory of parts for construction at the click of a button instead of tediously driving a single kerbal in EVA for 45 minutes. It would still take 45 minutes of game time, but you wouldn't have to manually go through the motions. Parts that don't fit in inventory could be attached to predesignated sections of the hull of the scrapping craft. A kerb could detach and toss undesired parts into a recycler to get raw materials from them instead.
  10. Resupplies to/from orbit between the surface of the body orbited can be handled in a simple way. Resupplies to and from low orbit of a body and low orbits of a moon could also be handled in a fairly simple way pinned to a multiple of the optimal transfer schedule. Resupplies involving interplanetary transfers would be more involved and could be pinned to a multiple of the optimal Hohmann transfer window schedule. Finally, a Resupply Chain could be defined by the player involving one or more of the previous types bundled into a chain. I like the idea of first having to fly a resupply mission before it can be automated, but given the feedback I got when I posted about the same idea as this thread I suppose this could be a choice in the Difficulty Settings.
  11. Ok. Unfortunately I've found that stock construction can only manipulate a fairly small subset of parts. Thanks for responding
  12. Love this mod, but it seems that 90% of the time I want to attach a part to a craft in orbit it is on one of the mesh vertexes or edges so it wants to tilt this way and that as the cursor moves a single pixel. I realize I can somewhat compensate using Shift-W/S/A/D/Q/E but as the view drifts inevitably the cursor drifts that one pixel over the mesh edge or vertex and tilts radically the other way. Is there a technique I could use either to freeze/lock the camera view so the view doesn't drift while attaching or a keystroke that causes the part to attach at a auto-coplanar (flat?) angle to the interpolated/smoothed mesh surface rather than the literal individual planes making up the mesh? I have some docking ports tilted at some very odd angles at this point. An EVA kerbal doesn't have the "Lock" camera view that craft do apparently. Thanks for any clues
  13. I found that the ability to click on things evaporates under many conditions, many unrelated to this mod. The fix for me was the Click Through Blocker mod that provides a button to "Clear Input Locks" and this typically resolves the issue. Also, using "M" to go from flight to map scenes and back often works also. Finally, I recall that in the Alt-F12 cheat menu there is a "clear input lock" option that may work but I've never tried it
  14. If a black hole were created and broke loose, I don't think a planet would remain at all. But a hollow planet full of dinosaurs and cave-kerbaloids might be interesting as long as we are getting crazy
  15. There should be an Autostage Once button available from MJ for adding to Blizzy. Are you saying that Autostage Once is acting sticky as if a checkbox has been checked in Settings to turn autostaging on? That would be a bug I'd think in that case
  16. Also, if you have Blizzy toolbar installed you can add an MJ Autostage button to the screen so you don't have to drill into menus to get to it if you like
  17. I stumbled on this solution by randomly trying things when I was almost done with a craft then this editor-kraken reared up. It works for fuel lines also, and sometimes for those glitches when one isn't able to place complex parts in symmetry. More of a dice role in the last case. Another trick is when the editor won't let you delete a part that has been picked up by the cursor, nor let you place it or drop it. Just select another part from the left and the held part will delete. Voodoo! Come on, KSP2!
  18. All you get is a general location, orbital parameters, latitude/longitude from last known location and text of last communication ("OMG, Kraken!"). But no Tracking Station signal, nor targetable objects unless scanned (see next) A new part that can scan for wreckage and cadaverine molecules Body bags and flags in case the best case scenario is recovering remains for burial with honors on Kerbin or a space burial in solar orbit J/k. But seriously, some medevacs of injured kerbals would be cool. Maybe science labs could double as field medical units. A stretcher part and 2 Kerbals to carry it. Higher on the tech tree a robotic walking stretcher. Five star scientists can fix injuries on location (no science lab or stretcher required) if they have their sonic screwdriver with them
  19. Maybe a weather difficulty setting along with the other difficulty settings could be included and the weather could get heavier as a career game progressed. More importantly, KSP should monitor physics load and simplify the weather modeling (less detailed, but same difficulty maybe) as physics load goes up.
  20. I don't know what changed in the last few days of CKAN updates or what but now about every time I try to launch a craft it gets hung up on endless messages like the following. I've had these before, as we previously msgd about, but now they never end and the craft never loads. What a mess. It would fill up my drive if I didn't kill KSP. I've said it before: the main challenge in KSP isn't rocket science. It is KSP (+mods) [LOG 10:57:57.284] [PartSet]: Failed to add Resource 1566956177 to Simulation PartSet:54008 as corresponding Part Mk0 Liquid Fuel Fuselage-1825441388 SimulationResource was not found.
  21. This would be a great way of getting some cool video of launches and RUDs, as well as debugging side booster separation issues and similar
  22. A guess. And I'd just restarted the game. I do have a lot of mods that generate a lot of usage during scene changes. I dunno. I'll be more rigorous later
  23. So far, on a 12 core i7, I'm getting about ~30% (guesstimate) faster scene switching with it set to 1. Actual ascent of a small craft is about the same from what I can tell, but will check with a larger craft later
  24. I don't know what the default is. KSP reportedly only uses one core ever, which is why this setting can help. By limiting to a single thread it apparently prevents multiple threads from fighting/waiting for resources via spinlocks. This is a great find Lisias. I was just dinking around with the var but it never occurred to me to set it 1. I've been trying values between 5 and 20, lol
  25. One thing to note is that the environment variable will only affect mono processes run from the shell/cli/terminal it is set within. If you set up a shortcut to launch a terminal to run KSP from a script, with the env var setting in the script, the env var will effectively be in a sandbox unless you run another mono app from within that same shell/cli/terminal
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