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Everything posted by Echo__3

  1. No, you did not miss anything. The point of the video was to show that getting into orbit, performing an ejection burn, and circularizing around the Mun are better than just trying to go straight for the Mun. This is just a question that I see come up pretty regularly, so I thought I would demonstrate both ways so people could see that getting into orbit is the correct way.
  2. This may help you visualize things. As others have recommended Alexmoon's transfer planner is a great tool.
  3. Clipping is how most people make their coaxial helicopters. I showed you on Reddit how I attached both rotors to a cubic strut and clipped them together. The values for each rotor were set the same so that their torque is canceled out by the other. In this video I only have one set of blades, but the torque is canceled out by another motor aligned coaxially and spinning parts of equal mass to the blades.
  4. This video describes how to set up the controls for a helicopter.
  5. A way more accurate portrayal of the Beresheet mission than I originally intended.
  6. I like to call these videos discussions, because these are exactly the kind of responses/discussions I'd like them to generate. Thank you for the good ideas.
  7. BGYT Craft File https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgX4yLy61s3KkiwZlSBaSt-mqfvv?e=9Uw5Oo
  8. I used autostruts. I also added the ability to change the angle of attack of the rotor wings. You can see that they are almost level when I'm landing. I used the KAL-1000 and bound the angle of attack and the jet engines to the throttle.
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