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Everything posted by Entropian

  1. Ok, just, people. Calm. Down. So far as I can see, over the last year (I lurked long before I registered) the MH debate has 2 sides: Metallic Hydrogen is not plausible because of X, Y, and Z. Metallic Hydrogen is plausible because of potential advances in technology in the future, etc, etc. Arguing over this is pointless. It has already been shown that, overall, the people who think MH is plausible are sticking to their opinions, and the people who think MH is not plausible are sticking to their opinions. If this stays in the game, it seems MH will become something people may ban in their challenges, shame others for using, and many more unpleasant things. Obviously, this is a hotly contested topic among users, so, why don't you guys just try to work together and find something else that can replace MH instead of going in circles debating something that seems to be going nowhere? @Dragon01 already pointed out that a liquid-core NTR has near-identical statistics to what a theoretical MH engine would have, and there may be other engines that also have the same characteristics. At this point, does it even matter if MH is viable? It seems that there will always be the arguments "Yes it is!" and "No it isn't!" debating to have it in the game or not. At this point, I would think that the cost of arguing over this has far outweighed the benefits/detriments of having MH in the game. Just find common ground, and find a replacement! Work together instead of against each other! Probably I should also link to this: I have tried to make this post as neutral as possible. Please don't interpret this as being on one side of the argument or another.
  2. Nothing. That's how you install it. If you're having a problem, please learn how to get support:
  3. No, it's a website: http://projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/
  4. The answer is literally in the OP:
  5. My mistake, I used the topic title filter. It really isn't random, but let's not get into that. Strange. I just used Google and the hits were highlighted as the thread title. DuckDuckGo also yields the same results. Both search engines had the OP as the top result.
  6. I just noticed that the fora search function doesn't differentiate between British English and American English. For example, if you search for "Textures Unlimited Recolor Depot," the thread does not appear in the search results, however if you search "Textures Unlimited Recolour Depot," it does. As far as I know this is a common feature in search functions elsewhere.
  7. This is already done with mods, so no need to have it in the stock game (at least for PC): Glossy/metallic: Coloring:
  8. I don't use MacOS, but you still just copy the mod file into the GameData folder.
  9. Hydrogen bonds between the water molecules would cause cohesion, which would keep it in some sort of sphericalish shape. If you pushed it around with something that water easily adheres to, some of the water would adhere to the object, and create smaller blobs. I would think that a non-adhesive object would be able to push the spheroid around, albeit slowly. The acceleration would be determined by the strength of the hydrogen bonds keeping the blob together, and the force due to acceleration from pushing on the blob.
  10. No. Yakovlev designed and built them for Soviet England. Can you see this text?
  11. Do. How do I ask a stupid question, then get a stupid answer back?
  12. There is no "the" replica, but you might find some here:
  13. X3: Terran Conflict is awesome, however the learning curve is more like a learning overhang.
  14. I know. I also used Physics Range Extender and it still had the problem.
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