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Posts posted by TruthfulGnome

  1. Skylab 1 - May 14 1973
    Part 1


    After hard work since 1968 Skylab which was originally named Orbital Workshop (OWS) is finally ready to soar the skies, it is a historical day for NASA and the United States as it marks the last launch of the Saturn V, the first launch of an American space station, and the largest spacecraft ever built. Mans dreams long stays in space are about to become true.


    Skylab 1 waits on LC-39A with Skylab 2 on LC-39B

    Skylab 1 prepares for launch.

    Swing Arm 3 retract.

    Mark! T-1 Minute and continuing to count.

    T-24 Seconds, Swing Arm 1 retract!

    T-16 Swing Arm 2 retract!

    12.. 11.. 10.. 9.. 8.. We have ignition sequence.. 6.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1..

    We have a liftoff! The Skylab lifting off the pad now!

    Skylab has cleared the tower!

    Mark T+18 seconds, pitch and roll program started, Saturn V currently now on flight path 

    T+ Minute, Display data shows stable thrust on all five engines

    Roll program complete. Anomaly


    S-II performing on the spot

    Skylab Sep. Anomaly

    Part 2 Coming soon!

  2. No Shortage of Dreams


    For around 3 months I have spent a lot of time researching the Skylab program and procrastinating about what an alternative history of Skylab would've looked like if it went right. This will be my own take based on what I love and dozens of studies, PDFs, concepts, etc from the various space agencies/companies pitched for Skylab, mainly the Reuse Study by McDonnel Douglas and the Power Tower studies by Lockheed. It will focus mainly on Skylab being a S&D station and extended by the Space Shuttle. The thread will contain 1 mission per post containing KSP Screenshots and diagrams.

     For their help with certain ideas, pure support, and the main inspiration for all of this, and please check out their fantastic "Chasing Dreams" alternative history.
    @Kuiper_Belt With their Incredible Shuttle Adventures 

    The Beginning.

    Skylab 1 and Skylab 2 (SLM-1) wait on their respected pads. May 14th 1973.

    Mission List

    Skylab 1 - Finished
    Skylab 2 / SLM-1 Finished
    Skylab 3 / SLM-2 - Finished
    Skylab 4 / SLM-3Finished

    Skylab 5 / SLM-4 / TRS-1 - Finished
    Skylab 6 / SLM-5 / STS-2 - Finished 
    Skylab 7 / SLM-6 / STS-5 - Finished
    Skylab 8 / SLM-7 / STS-6 - Finished 
    Skylab 9 / SLM-8 / STS-7 - Finished
    Skylab 10 / SLM-9 / STS-12 - Finished
    Skylab 11 / SLM-10 / STS-14Finished
    Skylab 12 / SLM-11 / STS-16 - Finished

    Skylab 13 / SLM-12 / STS-18Finished

    Skylab 14 / SLM-13 / STS-21 - Finished

    Skylab 15 / SLM-14 / STS-22 - Finished

    Skylab 16 / SLM-15 STS-24 - Finished

  3. 4 hours ago, lemon cup said:

    Hey thank you!

    The Shuttle ET is something I've been tinkering with for a while. I started with NearFutureLaunchVehicles, using the 5m orange tank pieces and also a structural tube from ReStock. It has a few Procedural Parts and recolored parts using TexturesUnlimited. Altogether it probably has really terrible aerodynamics because of all the little parts :D


    The Shuttle tiles you are seeing is just two custom flags I made, one for each main wing, to use with Conformal Decals. 



    This is just a  pure beauty, can't believe it's SOCK

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