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Posts posted by TruthfulGnome

  1. 5 hours ago, Jcking said:

    BDB does not have waterfall support for SRBs. Waterfall is not designed with the billowing clouds that SRBs produce in atmosphere in mind and while people have done configs for solid upper stages that are designed to be used in vacuum (where SRB plumes look more like the plumes that waterfall was designed around), BDB does not.

    Simply not true.

  2. 3 hours ago, GoldForest said:

    So while looking up pictures of Dyna-soar, I came across pictures of an interesting space station:


    I really do hope we get docking parts for this, it would be great

    By far some of my favourite things added to this mod great for everything on the surface, you don't have to be stuck to historical stuff with these either!

  3. 1 hour ago, cameronisher3 said:

    My LC-39 pads are just eating rockets. Appears Katniss fixed this at some point or everybody just figured it out. Did you happen to mess with the spawn stuff for these pads when converting it to KSRSS?

    I can work on a updated version today or tomorrow.

  4. 3 hours ago, Kuiper_Belt said:

    Missions To The International Space Station - Volume 2: Apr 2001 - Nov 2002
    ISS Adventures, the sister series to Shuttle Adventures has seen a lot of missions over the last couple months since Volume 1. In addition to myself and @lemon cup, we've added a new member to the project.  Author of the International Manned Laboratory series, @D0m1nu2! As previously stated these posts are designed to keep from double posting between threads but keep these missions well documented as these missions are very important to the Shuttle Program. Note, These missions are only through April 2001 and November 2002. This is due to the fact that after 2002, The Shuttle was grounded due to the Columbia Disaster meaning there weren't flights until 2005. Every mission is linked with its designation and date so feel free to open up a new tab and enjoy some wonderful screenshots and the summary of the missions!

    STS-104 & The Quest Airlock - July 12th, 2001 By: Lemon Cup


    STS-105 & Expedition 3 - August 10th 2001 By: Kuiper Belt


    STS-108 & Expedition 4 - December 5th 2001 By: Lemon Cup


    STS-110 & The S0 Truss - April 8th 2002 By: Kuiper Belt


    STS-111 Expedition 5 & The Mobile Base System - June 5th 2002 By: Lemon Cup


    STS-112 & The S1 Truss - October 7th 2002 By: Kuiper Belt


    STS-113 & The P1 Truss - November 24th 2002 By: D0m1nu2


    At the point of writing this, this is where we now are! I hope you guys enjoy and more missions coming soon!

    Absolutely beautiful!!

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