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Everything posted by PlutoISaPlanet

  1. Their are realy only 2 possibilities. 1. They are working so hard to get the game out, they do not have time for public outreach. 2. They are waiting for a big info release. I am fine with both, especially if the game released sooner than later.
  2. I found it in some article roadmaping Take 2's future releases. Honestly, it doesn't matter because we know it is releasing in 2022, and it is impossible it releases before April. I am hoping for August, but I am starting to realize the unlikelihood of that.
  3. Possibly, I believe it depends on the accuracy of the archive. But I have no idea.
  4. Good find. This Steam page stuff is intriguing. Ok so I just want to add that ksp 2 is planned for fiscal 2023 which begins in April. The game will release in 2022. Personaly, I do not see the game releasing in the winter season because it is not a holiday game (in my opinion). Looks like a fall release to me.
  5. It is strange that some games that are releasing in 2022 don't say coming soon, but either way we are in the planned release year, less than 365 days away from KSP 2. This is interesting. Wonder how soon soon is (if it was manually set to coming soon).
  6. I thought it had to be changed manually but im pretty sure it just happens when the release year and current year matchup.
  7. Sometimes I wish the game was never announced. That way we wouldn't be stuck in these limbo years of waiting.
  8. Another forum user has said that Nate Simpson stated he has some new coming up (I cant find the post). If this is true, I guess it explains the relative quiteness. However, I don't want them to just go dark for 4 months. Hopefully this news comes out sooner than later, I feel like we need it.
  9. Totally agree, I can wait longer. In all honesty, their are three things I am realy anticipating at the moment: Avatar 2 comes out in December, and the XFL comes back in 2023. I want KSP 2 to come out earlier, but if it does come out later it's fine. I feel I have been waiting for stuff for years (because I have!). Hopefully KSP 2 can fulfill its promise, as many of us have been waiting since it got announced!
  10. Oh cool! I remember a lot of peo0le upset the game was not confirmed for Linux. If this manifest into anything, the game will launch on every possible platform exept nintendo switch! (Sorry switch users)
  11. We need a gameplay trailer. All the "gameplay" we have seen so far looks pretty good.
  12. The Steam page is not the only evidence. QA hire went up for ksp 2 PAX is coming up KSP Star is active, but not posting anything special on Fridays Their are other pieces to this puzzle
  13. Oh realy, my bad lol! I thought they changed it but im probably wrong then (I think everything else still holds up).
  14. This is not a bad thing. It just means we are getting closer to MAJOR NEWS. KSP Star posted recently, so that shows that they are not short staffed or anything. IN FACT, they are hiring more people to quality test the game. The Steam page also change s the release from 2022 to COMING SOON! It appears to me we are getting a rollout for this game in summer! Maybe I am to hopefull, but I want to dedicate a thread to this discussion! (Sorry for the lack of brevity)
  15. So do you think it will be announced at PAX? Just want to add in a started a new thread about a summer release. It is looking incredibly likely to me. Ok sorry for spamming but BREAKING HYPE NEWS!!!! KSP2'S STEAM RELEASE DATE HAS CHANGED! It changed from coming in 2022 to coming soon. HYPPPEEEE!!!!!!!! LETS GET THIS TRAIN GOING!!!!!! I DONT CARE IF WE DON'T GET POST ON FRIDAY, WE ARE CLOSER THAN EVVVVERRRR!
  16. Possible. I would not understand the game features taking 3 years to code, so graphics probably have something to do with it. Hoping for news soon.
  17. They are hiring a QA tester guys. Im not a developer, but that appears to be a good sign. Maybe release date soon!!!!!! HYPPPPPPPEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
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