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Everything posted by PlutoISaPlanet

  1. A game getting delayed, living up to the hype, and being great.
  2. Indeed, hoping for something before the beginning of 2022.
  3. Idk about you guys, but Halo Infinite dropping gives me hope.
  4. @SciMan everything you said above is true. In my version of multiplayer, the way these processing crises are avoided is quite simple. A players vessels are not present in your game until your games are "merged". Until then, maybe you just see colonys, but you can't interact with them. This is difficult to explain, but this is the way I see it.
  5. This is 100% true! I believe that the reason this has not happened is that the devs are preparing a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT. Instead of showing us little tidbits, they are saving up for something big. Hoping for a demo, release date trailer, gameplay, open beta testing, etc.
  6. Great insight! I hope we get some vegetaion. Lapat would be a pretty cool name.
  7. Yeah it would be kinda cheap to just make abother planet eith green trees and grass. If they go for alient vegetation, I want to see something new and unique.
  8. I just see an oppertunity with colonys being integral to gameplay.
  9. I feel that the system I am putting foward would be nice. It may not float everyones boat- which is fine. The option to have other colony's of other players appear could be opptional. Or you could merge game. Their are a lot of minute details that go into this.
  10. To clarify, all I expect from an mmo for ksp 2 is as follows. On evey planet, their are multiple colonys from your friends and random people. You can merge games from the colonys. This expands the games scope without being unreasonable. I know this is just hypothetical, but I feel this would be a great way to expand the game and make ksp 2 feel more ALIVE.
  11. We shall see. I personally would like to see something like this.
  12. I still believe this game is lending itself to a MMO style, with colony trading. Doesn't mean you can't have 2-4 player "squads" or lobbies, but I see the multiplayer being on a large scope.
  13. Maybe we should get more analog planets and moon (basicly glumo). Some have talked about a Neptunr or Uranus analog, but I would love to see a Pluto analog with the red material and the icebergs. Pluto is beautiful.
  14. Regarding life, I believe that it should be in the game. Here is my awesome example. Ex. Your Kerbals create a settlement on Gurdamma. Suddenly, your Kerbals become SICK! You are informed that something on the planet is causing this. You experiment on the soil, air, radiation levels, and finally... WATER. You find life, the cause of the sickness. This can be used as a gameplay mechanic.
  15. Same! This game is realy making progress. Been following it for more than a year now, and I firmly believe the delays are OVER!
  16. In the newest vid they talk about planets viewed from orbit vs landing and exploring. I think to orbit one was done early. I explained this horribly lol.
  17. When they say KSP, I believe they just mean the entire brand. Also, I think that T2 probably wants people to think about KSP 2 when they think about KSP as brand.
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