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Everything posted by PlutoISaPlanet

  1. Char will be kinda similar? Butttt not the black hole.
  2. Im back! The following will be bullet points with little descriptions of the signals I talked about. They are in no order, and some are evidence while some are more speculative. 1. Resource trading and management has been confirmed in ksp 2. This means we will be able to trade with other players- a indication of large scale multiplayer. 2. All variations of the ksc are large, and have multiple launch pads. We also know there are multiple ksc's. 3. Multiplayer is kept unwraps for good reason. If it was just co-op, it would not be such a safe gaurded secret. This does not mean that the multiplayer is not large scale, but I adress this in my final point. 4 (final opinion). This game is very large, and considering the fact we will be trading with players and interacting with players in the many star sytsems of ksp 2 leads me to believe the multiplayer will be large scale. How large? Maybe hundreds of players. How would this work? It is quite simple! Note- This only applies to the multiplayer aspects of the game The game will show other players bases on celestial bodies and in orbit. You can interact and trade with these bases. Their may even be a freinds system. I know some of this seems like a stretch, but if you think about it, it is very much in tune with reality.
  3. Morning! , There are many things that signal that the games multiplayer will be more masisve than many think, I will be back on later today to didcuss it more in depth.
  4. Im more foxised on the massive multiplayer aspect (the devs never said it would be a mmo but a lot of what has been revealed makes me infer it will be along those lines).
  5. Can't wait to see what the rest of this system will look like!
  6. A binary system like Pluto and Charon would be awesome, with a tiny moon in between (like in real life).
  7. Or even some of the kerbolar planets and moons.
  8. Planets (and moons) we know exist in ksp 2 Glumo Ovin Puff Murble Charr Rask Rusk Gurdamma Gurdamma's moon
  9. Every player is in their own time bubble when timewarping, and cannot interact with other players vessel. When both are not in time warp, they can physically interact.
  10. Frostlines were mentioned to be a new feature of ksp 2 in Mashables new article. I know ice formation can hinder craft and wheeled vehicles, but what does this realy mean?
  11. Seeing how radiation is going to play a big role in ksp 2, I felt it was necessary to open up a discussion post about it. Radiation will play many factors in the game. One way I believe it will work that I have not seen discussed is pollution via destruction. Im just gonna leave you guys to it!
  12. I wonder what the lore is for ksp. Game Theory should do a vid on it for ksp 2.
  14. Yes! Question: is it exclusively next gen Speculation:2022 on pc and console is great, and makes me believe the game will release earlier than some think.
  15. Idk, I feel like rails are unnecessary (but hey. Who expected we would have roads).
  16. I think it will help, but the only way to profress to interplanetary travel is trial and error. It took me almost a year to reach Duna and Ike. It takes time, and watching tutorials does not help with that (not that they are trying to). They look good to me, but I am not new to the game, so I guess it does not apply to me.
  17. Nate said before in the forums that Squad was playing a roll in KSP 2, but never that they were actively developing it. Just wondering, won't their be a language barrier. Espanol es muy dificil. (Im not trying to make a point, just saying)
  18. Yes, yes yes! This will probably come shortly before release, but it would be great. Too many trailer and sneak peaks are just highlight clips showing no UI or gameplay. My favorite thing we have seen is the VAB gameplay, which is the only time we have seen a human being playing the game (or a showcase idk).
  19. It has been confirmed that Squad will be working on ksp 2. I do not see much discussion around this, which is shocking because of the major impact it can have on the game (and of course it's release).
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