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Everything posted by PlutoISaPlanet

  1. I used to be on the side that autopilot was bad, but an autopilot for landing on pads could be good.
  2. It would be nice to be able to set launch pads as targets. Atmospheres make landing on launch pads with precision very difficult.
  3. I believe that easter eggs may expand the "story" of KSP, along with discovery and experimentation on each new celestial body. But a actual campaign is very unlikely.
  4. True. If ksp 2 comes out 3rd or 4th quarter, it is less than a year away, which is hype, but also means it is close and we can pass the time.
  5. I did a VR space station thing. It was cool, but super disorienting with the whole floating around thing. Made me imagine what it would actualy feel like floating in 0-G.
  6. Oh ok. I would think like all most games ksp would have sliders for all facets of the game: graphics, lighting, performance, etc. The PC version would have the best sliders, while the console version would have lower sliders.
  7. If it is done right it should absolutely be released on all possible platforms. If it functions like CyberPunk than it should obviously not be released on X Box. I have been concerned about the reality of ksp 2 on last gen consoles, but if it works it works.
  8. I feel liek rain would be a nice thing to look at, along with lighting. Should they have physical effects... In my opinion, no.
  9. I originally was skeptical of how the game would aproach some of the "OG" parts of the game, but the idea of pitching lights has reafirmed my belief in this aspect of KSP 2.
  10. You should make a dedicated thread with the evidence, that would be cool.
  11. Viewing other solar systems, you should only get basics like a stars appearence and mass. Maybe you can get planet paramaters, but I want to discover these worlds and be suprised.
  12. Not sure, but it will run on X Box and PS 4 so....
  13. Im just hoping it is optimized for console. I do not want another Cyberpunk on my hands!
  14. How is my x box going to handle this!? Hopefully their are slider settings for terrain generation to better optimize the game for better performance.
  15. This is what I needed after a long morning of football practice!
  16. I dare say it is harder on console.
  17. I think the UI for the VAB is an improvement from what we have in ksp now. I have hope for the other UI's.
  18. Thay have been saying that this game is being built with consoles in mind, what does that mean, I honestly don't know. Just hope it is good.
  19. Most likely, yes. I am very happy I will be able to play this game day 1 on X box, but also very afraid of how it will perform. I just hope it will be optimized to a level where it is playable.
  20. Probably won't be a actual mechanic of gameplay, but if you choose to work for, with, or against others than sure.
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