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Minmus Taster

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Everything posted by Minmus Taster

  1. You...lied to us! you said Luna 1 wasn't in this beta! (ignore the stock tank everyone I'm trying to make a point) /j
  2. Hey Beale! Loving the new probe already! will it have it's own antenna's in the final version?
  3. What a joke, Starship might have flown TWICE by the time this is ready again XD
  4. Regardless of if or when a Neptune or Uranus mission even gets planned out any time soon if I ever work at NASA I can say here and now I ain't working on VERITAS.
  5. If anyone says F them I'm going to lose it. Also: Total loss confirmed
  6. And to keep things on-topic:
  7. Basically the scrapped story line the original main dev was working on will be implemented in KSP2. The idea is that most of the easter eggs in the game give you clue's to find a lost planet far past Eeloo which would not be on the map, the planet would have ancient ruins made by the civilization that predated the Kerbals, the planet was once where Kerbin was around the sun until they started experimenting with weird kraken inducing tech and they were flung out into deep space, in the races final moments they scattered easter eggs around the system to seed intelligent life, instead creating the Kerbals, debatably intelligent life. I wish I could explain the evidence but I have to leave now
  8. I'd say celestial bodies is soon, because they have been showing us the actual surfaces and a new planet these past few show n tells as well as collisions w the surface in a dev diary (and certain dev diaries like this one seem to be followed by a feature video a few weeks later). And before every video there is a stream of info on the subject of discussion, so I think celestial bodies would be quite possible as the next feature presentation. (also they wouldn't have to spoil to many bodies since they seem to have chosen specific planets to show so that they can show us there).
  9. I assume you mean the blurred screen? another clue to my theory then again every single thing the devs say is part of my theory now so...
  10. I did the usual stuff... Another day another funeral...
  11. Hey @Poodmund I thought Thatmo goes in the opposite direction of Neidons rotation, and Urlum isn't spinning clockwise, is this on purpose because I have heard some pretty nasty horror stories of trying to get planets to have a unique tilt/rotation/orbit
  12. U-um guys? I don't know if I can post this here but uhh...this is how Starships will refuel apparently.
  13. Every time I hear of ANOTHER scrapped concept for Uranus/Neptune I whimper a little. Anyways, very cool!
  14. I doubt it, at least at first. Welcome to the forums!
  15. We've got bigger problems than your jaw! my heart is skipping beats!
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