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White Owl

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Everything posted by White Owl

  1. Turns out that my install has some kind of invisible, intermittent gremlin causing the slowdown. The gremlin must've thought it was funny to associate himself with your flawless mod for a few days, but has now moved on to making mischief elsewhere. I'm going to catch him one of these days. For now, the latest version of RPM is working perfectly for me. I apologize for the confusion.
  2. What are the chances of an update to match the changes in Outer Planets? Loving this whole config.
  3. That sounds simply perfect! I'm in the early days of a career mode game with x2-scaled planets, and haven't yet sent any vessels past the Mun or Minmus, so sounds like this mod will integrate just fine.
  4. Sorry I didn't see the response. That's my fault. No, the slowdown is not associated with any particular part. As a matter of fact, I see the low framerates from the initial game menu, and in every scene after that, regardless of what's loaded or unloaded. Only when versions 0.24.2 or are loaded; using 0.24.1 fixes it. Since I appear to be the only one experiencing the problem badly enough to report it, I'm thinking it's likely a conflict with some other mod or collection of mods, and therefore not really your problem at all. Tracking it down could be a pain... but in the meantime, I'm content with 0.24.1
  5. This sounds very interesting. Are there any conflicts with the various rescaled planet configs using Kopernicus? If a Kopernicus config changes some details about a planet but leaves the atmosphere at stock values, will this mod still add your atmosphere?
  6. I've run into an issue where using version 0.24.2 or cause KSP to run very slowly. Low framerates, my clock is solid yellow for all craft, whether they have a cockpit or not. There doesn't appear to be anything unusual in the log. I narrowed it down to this mod and verified that if I roll back to version 0.24.1 the problem disappears. A couple people on Twitch reported the same problem, and confirmed that going back to 0.24.1 fixed the slowdown for them too. I love RPM and hate to bring bad news! Is there some other information that would be useful?
  7. No, it crashed just before the menu screen. But really, it's a ridiculous huge pile of mods at full texture resolution. I can't expect miracles!
  8. Used a pre-Madcatz X-52 for years, until it eventually started to fall apart. Decent stick that honestly lasted through more abuse than I expected it to. But recently I made the switch to the glorious Thrustmaster Warthog... and brother let me tell ya, there's no going back.
  9. Oooo I'm a gonna try this out. Opengl works okay for me, but there are still some glitches. Maybe this will be better. Edit: Crap. I still have too many mods.
  10. My oldest is 0.13 from January 2012. For some reason I didn't keep a copy of 0.12, which is kind of sad now I think about it. After 0.13 I have at least one install of every official release, and several experimental versions between most of those releases. My KSP install folder contains... lemme count 'em up... 74 distinct versions of KSP still in the .zip files. There are also 36 unzipped and installed instances of the game, although several of those are just differently modded/unmodded versions of the same release. I have more installs of 0.25.0 than anything else, at six different copies. Windows tells me the install folder weighs in at 120 GB. By contrast, my "Kerbal Stuff" folder contains no copies of the game, but is mostly collections of mods. Some of it is very disorganized, because for some inexplicable reason I didn't start keeping separate mod collections for separate game versions until 0.21. That folder is a mere 36.4 GB, and I'm not even going to attempt to figure out how many different versions of different mods I'm keeping there. Are you missing an old version of some major mod? Message me; there's a good chance I have it here somewhere. I wonder at what point do you stop being an enthusiast and collector? At what point do you become a hoarder?
  11. These are fantastic parts. Looking forward to the full release. Looking forward even more to some functional instruments in the IVAs.
  12. Bless you and your descendants a thousand times for those first two fixes! But... I really like the intuitive mode for editing normal/antinormal. Any way to keep that, or add it as an option? Make it a choice in a cfg file, maybe?
  13. I've been experimenting with this mod, using the x2 config with Outer Planets, and I love it. Seems the perfect size for using stock and stockalike parts, just 'cause I'm wanting to avoid things like Real Fuels this time around. Great mod.
  14. Can I suggest integrating this with the Community Tech Tree? I'd like to see all the prop engines in their own tech node, earlier than supersonic flight. I've been playing around with this, and really like some of the cockpits.
  15. So I enjoy flying airplanes in KSP with my joystick and rudder pedals. That's fun. These controls allow smoother, more precise input to all three axes, which is very good for airplanes... but not really necessary for most spacecraft. The problem: My flight sim hardware tends to give small, undesired control inputs to spacecraft. This results in a tumbling satellite and wasted monopropellant. The current solution: I increased the deadzones for all three axes so when the joystick and rudder pedals are at rest, they don't register any control inputs. Satellites are now well-behaved; this solution seems okay at first. The new problem: Now the deadzones are too big for the desired fine control for airplanes! I want to roll left or right just a fraction of a degree, but the ailerons don't move until the stick is so far over that the resulting roll is more like five degrees. I find myself using keyboard to fine tune the plane's attitude... which completely defeats the purpose of using a joystick! Now I'm wondering if there's a way to toggle controller inputs on and off completely with a hotkey or joystick button. That way I could set the deadzones for very fine control, and simply hit a button any time I want to use the hardware. Hit the button again to turn the hardware input off and use keyboard control. Does this mod exist already? If not, is it possible? I know next to nothing about coding.
  16. Those are some sexy looking IVAs and prop engines!
  17. Just took it for a spin. Mapped trim controls to my joystick, and everything works precisely as advertised. This is another one of those that's so good and simple it should've been stock.
  18. Fantastic! Edit: I can't figure out where to download the actual mod. Edit again: Found it! Maybe change the link so it goes to the release?
  19. Yeah, on second thought it seems likely to cause frustration if a user just wants to add a little normal/anti-normal dV. That's a good point.
  20. This is one of the essential mods, without which I refuse to play KSP. And I love the new intuitive inclination change mode! It works perfectly. Might there be a way to default the editor to intuitive mode on and multi-node paging on, so I don't have to select both options every time I use the mod? That would be awesome.
  21. I think you swapped vertical/horizontal speed in that explanation. Vertical speed is how fast you descend and contact the ground; should be less than 10 m/s. Horizontal speed is how fast you travel across the ground; at landing, your 60 to 90 m/s is a good initial guide, but it varies hugely with design. Oh, and I really love these parts!
  22. That's what I've been doing. An install using stock aero, stock heating, and a pile of stockalike parts mods, staying away from things like Real Fuels and Procedural Parts. This scale works well.
  23. This may be the best thread I've ever seen around here! In early childhood, conducted several unwise experiments with fireworks. Nothing too important caught on fire for too long. That was probably the beginning of my hearing damage, though. In late childhood (known to some as early adulthood, but c'mon, you aren't fooling anybody) became fascinated with airplanes and devised a scheme to obtain a license to inspect and repair all sorts of flying machines. Immediately upon graduating from airplane mechanic school, got a job at a flight school. Spent two of the happiest years of my life (so far) turning wrenches on the very same airplanes I was learning to pilot. So as a very Kerbal way of life, I have to think that came pretty close to the ideal. I may not have been designing the flying machines, but I was living every day dedicated to the planes: learning to fly, troubleshooting what went wrong (mechanically or otherwise), devising repairs, and test flying those repairs myself. A few times, an instructor and student pilot were landed out at East Nowhere Airport with some little widget malfunctioning on their plane, so no legally airworthy means of returning to the school. I got the instructor on the phone to describe the problem to me, and determined it was something easily repaired. So I packed up a toolbag, flew a plane to the stranded guys, gave them my plane to fly back, fixed the uncooperative widget, and finally flew their original plane back home. Felt like a hero. I loved that job. Crashed while flying once, but not in an airplane. My budding skydiving career was cut short on my sixth jump, when I very badly botched a landing and broke my back. Not paralyzed, don't worry, just messed up. And I still absolutely freaking love skydiving and can't wait to get back into it! How Kerbal is that, huh?
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