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Everything posted by DaveyJ576

  1. So... how easy (or hard) is it to add a launch site that isn't in the mod? Specifically White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. I am setting up a historical playthrough and want to launch Bumper and Viking rockets from WSMR. I have looked at the LaunchSites.cfg file and it seems like a copy/paste/modify evolution. My major question is about the latitude/longitude placement and the vertical placement. How do I know how to do that? Lat/long can be looked up on the web, but getting the vertical placement right for that location seems a bit tricky. Now, if someone already had a patch for that... Thanks!
  2. I like it! However, not meaning to rain on your parade, but isn’t this essentially the Vega upper stage? Or was the RL-10 more powerful than the Vega engine?
  3. There was an NTRS document that I read once that for some of the later Apollo Extension System (AES) missions there would be a 3 man LM Taxi. The CSM would be powered down and its orbit maintained remotely while all three astronauts maximized the science return on the surface. If it is possible it would be great to have one. Another version of the plan involved longer stays on the surface by two astros. I think the plan was for 30 days. The CMP stayed in orbit, but had the luxury of docking the CSM to a small SLA based station. It allowed the CMP to conduct orbital surveys and other experiments in relative comfort. This obviously would have been a two launch mission. I apologize for the lack of documentation. I was unable to find the document again.
  4. I suspected that would be the case. Too bad, but it clearly is not worth the effort by the dev team. Thank you for the explanations!
  5. @CobaltWolf, how hard would it be to model the inflatable tunnel for the Mercury Lab? It would be very cool but I imagine kinda tricky to render... It would have to be jettisonable too...
  6. Do you have the Comfortable Landing mod installed? I tried it once and had that exact problem. I uninstalled CL and it went away. I really don’t think this is a BDB problem. @CobaltWolf, FYI here.
  7. 1001... A BDB Odyssey! Anyway, if NASA had actually built and flown the Big Gemini, it seems to me they would have picked a more dignified name for it other than "Big Gemini". What should it have been called? @CobaltWolf, @Zorg BTW this is my 2nd test flight, and I can confirm that the 2.5m decoupler works, but it seems to have zero push force in it. The umbilical flaps come open and it seems as if I can see a sliver of light between the heatshield and the decoupler, but it doesn't go anywhere. If I tap the RCS the movement of the spacecraft will then throw off the retro section so I know it has detached.
  8. @CobaltWolf, feedback on your feedback about my feedback... 1. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. The cargo module simply needs to have habitable volume. It had interior space large enough for at least one astronaut. See diagram below: It was necessary because automated docking systems were in their infancy and the spacecraft had to be manually flown to docking. It could be something as simple as the blank space that you have in the Skylab workshop. It is a minor point really, but it adds to the immersion factor. 2. Yeah, I actually didn't know that! Simple stuff from the School of KSP, courtesy of @OrbitalManeuvers! 3. What I had in mind for that was a B9 part switch for the CCR module that would shrink the bottom edge to the same size as the cylindrical SM. It would be the same concept as the fairing that is used for the Saturn A-1. One fairing that has three different configurations via a part switch. Can this idea be applied to the CCR module so that it will fit both the big cargo module and the cylindrical SM?
  9. @CobaltWolf, @Invaderchaos, @Zorg, Some notes for the Big G. Disregard if you already have these for action: 1. The 2.5m decoupler acted a bit wonky on my flight test. The flaps moved properly, but the retro module didn't detach. I tapped the thrusters a bit and the capsule threw off the retro section. Could the connecter node for the decoupler or the CCR module be set just a tad off? The force setting was at its highest level. 2. Currently there is no way to transfer crew to the CCC module. There would need to be at least one in there so that the spacecraft could be visually guided to docking. Also, can there be a lights on function for the cargo module when there is crew inside? Are any of the greebles on the bottom of the CCC module intended to be docking radar? 3. The Banger solids can be attached to the retro module, but you have to use the move and rotate tool to get them into the right spots. 4. Nitpick alert... Most diagrams I have seen of the Big G show the crew tunnel to the cargo section right in the center of the CCC and CCR sections just like you have it currently. If that is the case, shouldn't the hatch in the 2.5m heatshield correspond to the tunnel location? Minor point really. 5. One thing I am not sure of... when Big G was to be used with the "Matisse" module on the Titan IIIC, did the spacecraft have a separate retro section for deorbit, or was it intended to use the RCS for deorbit? It is not clear on the diagrams that I have seen. If there is a separate retro module for this config, would it be possible to just get a part switch for the existing CCR module so that it will connect with the Matisse module? One other minor request for the S-IVB instrument unit... can we get an all white version for the AS-201 and 202 flights? Fantastic work on the Big G. Thank you!
  10. The mod Janitor's Closet goes a long way towards paring down and managing your VAB parts list, without having to delete any items or folders. I consider it an essential mod. @CobaltWolf, @Invaderchaos, Can anyone give me a hand with this? I am not very good at interpreting the log file. It has got to be something specific to my setup as many others have been able to deploy the experiments. Thanks!
  11. So, I am still having an issue with this. I can do everything except actually deploy the experiment. I deleted BDB and reinstalled the dev branch and it didn't change. No issues with BG components now or prior to installing the latest dev branch with the ALSEP experiments. Below is my mod list and my KSP log. @CobaltWolf, @Invaderchaos, do you have any thoughts on why this is happening? Thanks for your help.
  12. Okay, I have been trying out the new ALSEP experiments, and I am encountering an unusual problem. When I go to deploy the experiment, I click the white arrow in the inventory and the experiment appears in front of the Kerbal highlighted in green, ready to drop and activate. So far, so good. When I tap the space bar to actually drop and deploy the experiment, nothing happens. The experiment stays green and floats just above the surface. I can move it back and forth, rotate it, and even tap the Esc key to put it back, but it won't fully deploy. I can fully deploy and use the BG experiments, but not the new ALSEP ones. I have seen others here that can deploy them so the problem must be on my end. I suspect it is something very simple that I am missing. Thanks for your help.
  13. @InvaderchaosI have assembled and launched the Pegasus, and currently have it flying at 130km on KSRSS. When I try to run the micrometeorite experiment, I get back a response that it "can't be conducted within an atmosphere". Seems strange. Did I goon something up?
  14. Excellent! Thank you for adding the alternate IU. The dev team's commitment to historical accuracy is commendable.
  15. @rogerwang86 I must say that I really like this mod. It adds a whole extra level of immersion to KSP and I really appreciate it! I do have a couple of questions for you: 1. Launch pads 5 and 6 are configured in such a way that I have to reopen them each time in the VAB before I send a rocket out to them for launch. They won't stay open once I open them. I have studied the KK windows for each pad and it seems as if the only thing that is different between those two and the rest of the pads is the Set Group is different (KXMS vs CKAFS) and the radio button for "Static will show up on anomaly scanners" is not lit. Is there something that was done to these two pads when they were placed in your mod that forces you to reopen them each time? Can that be changed? 2. I am reasonably familiar with KK and Tundra and I would like to like to add some additional pads. What did you use for roads between the pads? I can't seem to find them in the KK menus. Thank you. I appreciate your help.
  16. How does the mass value listed in a config file relate to the actual weight of the part that you see in the VAB? For instance, I have a part that shows a listed weight of 4.442 t when you click on it in the VAB, but in the config file for that part it has a mass value of 3. It doesn't seem to correspond. Does the listed weight when you right click in part in the part listing in the VAB include fuel and monoprop? If I wanted to tinker with the weight of the part in the game, what and how do I manipulate the .cfg file to raise or lower the weight of the part during play? Thank you.
  17. Do you have Comfortable Landing installed? This is a known issue with that mod and how it relates to the BDB Mercury. I ran into it and it bothered me so I uninstalled it. The famous @linuxgurugamer is currently maintaining the mod and is aware of it, but I don’t think a fix has been developed for it yet.
  18. Yep, it was a case of fat-finger syndrome. Some sort of copy/paste issue. I fixed it and it is now good to go. Oops!
  19. Okay. I probably gooned up the download. Will try again tomorrow.
  20. Hmmm... something is amiss here. I downloaded the updated file, but all I see are the inventory slots that come with the Kerbals. There don't seem to be any inventory slots for carrying cargo or experiments.
  21. @CobaltWolf, @Invaderchaos, absolutely amazing work. If I sound like I am repeating myself it is because I am running out of superlatives to use. Thank you for all of this. I look forward to using these on my missions.
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