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Dr. Kerbal

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Everything posted by Dr. Kerbal

  1. As they developers of KSP2 release pre-alpha footage gameplay the Communitron 88-88 seems to make an apprentice in the game. Watch the pre-alpha game play and you will find it. Look closely. Here is the video I found it in: And here is the time I found it at: 5:43
  2. Well a Disscusision for Suggestions for KSP2 is important. Suggestions and Improvements can be made a bigger importance with topics rather than posts. You could make a topic about the purple rockets like suggestions! Or you could add important updates for KSP2 as a topic. Or post topics for individual suggestions and make a bigger importance meaning.
  3. Dres should have a ring of asteroids or maybe some asteroids following it outside of Dres’s SOI.
  4. Well there should be a discussion anyway. A topic will be hard to find later on in the KSP2 Disccusion. But a KSP2 Suggestions and Inprovments Disccusion will be much easier to find. It will also help the developers to find them. They can easily go the discussion and look for suggestions they like instead of looking through hundred of topics in a discussion filled with other stuff. Yes. We could.
  5. Should my rescue team of Hansel Kerman only deliver food? Cause you can rescue Kerbal by sending them good food. Right???
  6. This will be a challenge. I’m going to have to make oil rigs all over kerbin and the mun. So many drills I’ll never run out!
  7. Hey. I have a quote;

    ”We live and learn.”

        -Dr. Kerbal

  8. Oh. Well that’s sad. We can’t send suggestions before realease. Oh well. Opertunnities will come.
  9. I didn’t know they excisited so. Well. Eh. We learn and live.
  10. We need a KSP2 Development and Suggestions Disscussion. This will make sure that all suggestions for KSP2 will (Hopefully) make it to the game. This will also bring the community’s together and tell developers on what KSP2 needs and what can be added to make it better!
  11. You know what. People have hard times planning menu era nodes and getting encounters with planets. Well! I have a solution. KSP2 should have MechJeb. Or something like that. It will do burns and plan menuver nodes. It will find the most efficient burn and when do do it! But it requires a lot of electricity and you need to attach to a spacecraft. All probe cores or pods won’t have it. See. MechJeb will help KSP player help get all over the place!
  12. I guess so. But what about time! Eh?! Well, that’s why I don’t do interplanetary often.
  13. When activated the tote scope will just look for astroid near planets. From there you can track asteroids as “Unkown Objects” and see if they hit kerbin.
  14. Ya. Ya. Well. My... you know what time warp sucks on PS4 KSP! I can’t go 4x time warp because I’m moving. Cannot warp faster than 1x?! What! Okay. I can’t do this when burns are 5 mins!
  15. I don’t now. Oh well. Life. We learn.
  16. if you need help to rescue your Kerbals from the scary depths from space or get all that juicy science come here and ask for help. Of course I wont help cause I play on PS4 but post em here and someone may help! I'm not doing this to get followers or like. Im just here to help.
  17. Friday never gets crazy. It just get crazier with a mix of Kerbal. FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Hi. Thanks for liking this. I owe you a like too!


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