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Everything posted by Caerfinon

  1. @Itares This mod only supplies the Contracts for the flights. For it to work correctly you need to have the following mods installed as well. Required Mods: - Eskandare - Kerbin Side Remastered - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/174336-kerbin-side-remastered-101-173/ - AlphaAsh,ozraven,Ger_space - Kerbal Konstructs - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/151818-181-kerbal-konstructs-18115-15dec2019/ - nightingale - Contract Configurator - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/91625-1101-contract-configurator-v1305-2020-10-05/
  2. @tupidfp The author has not been active since October of 2023 and the license for this mod is All Rights Reserved. Chances of an adoption by another person seem unlikely.
  3. @Atsushi Y. @Aelfhe1m The reputation penalties for crashing a mission are rather severe and are increased for every passenger on the flight as well. The rational is that the more crashes an airline has, the less people will want to fly with them.
  4. I've never nested one vessel parameter group inside another. But I have used the Type Any parameter to nest multiple Vessel Parameter groups as separate solutions to completing the contract requirements PARAMETER { name = Any type = Any PARAMETER { name = VesselParameterGroup1 type = VesselParameterGroup ... } PARAMETER { name = VesselParameterGroup2 type = VesselParameterGroup ... } PARAMETER { name = VesselParameterGroup3 type = VesselParameterGroup ... } }
  5. My wife says that I'm very "out there" all the time . @AtomicTech
  6. most of the airline flights begin with a clearance for take off pop up dialog giving you clearance to take off. Wait on the runway after loading passengers until it occurs before take off. If you take off before this happens the all the parameters of the mission can't be completed in order.
  7. The stock rescue contracts use any kerbal type (not tourist) to populate their craft. I always used the MKS package in my games (which also allowed for additional kerbal types) and it had a configuration option that prevented all but the original pilots, engineers and scientists from being rescue candidates. If you don't already use MKS, it's a pretty big ask for you to install that in your game to fix this issue. Alternatively, you could use a crew management mod to modify a citizen/civil-servant/servicekerbal rescued kerbal into one of the three main professions as required. Civil-Servants and Citizens have no capability of performing any activities except filling a seat in a vessel. The Servicekerbals have the ability to use a parachute pack for the KSIS agent missions. Ship Manifest and Roster Manager are examples of mods you could use for this purpose. Or you could edit the persistent.sfs file for you save and make changes to the roster section as required. If you want to completely remove Kerbin Side Remastered GAP from you game, I would recommend cancelling all contracts offered by the pack prior to deleting it. Also all of the Kerbal Konstruct items added by the mod will be removed. Additional taxiways at Baikerbaunur airport The Trans Kerbin Airlines buildings at the KSC The United Knations complex at the Dununda airport The water launch sites at all Naval Air Stations The Air Terminal signs at each airport. No objects provided by the Kerbin Side Remastered pack will be altered in any way.
  8. @Hotel26 never encountered this in my travels.
  9. The barn storming contracts are from another GAP contract pack. However, if you edit the file for the barnstorming contracts and change the setting maxCompletions = 0 to maxCompletions = 1 (or the number of times you want it to repeat) then the contract will only run that many times.
  10. As long as my passport is still good @Admiral Fluffy
  11. These are kerbals that make up the passenger classes of the flight missions. If you use the mods that alter the hiring process then these Kerbals will disappear from Applicants in the Astronaut Complex. I've always played with MKS or if you want something less complex TRP-Hire will also do the Trick.
  12. @anthonyalessi88 @Aelfhe1m “All things are ready, if our mind be so.” I designed the mission tiers in a fairly modular way. The only differences between the tiers are passenger sizes for passenger flights, and the requirements of a certain number of cargo parts for transport flights. These requirements could easily be converted to total mass or any other values exposed to parameters by Contract Configurator. But as I took the torch from Inigma and Keniamin and built on their GAP contract packs, I think if there is to be more done to what I have made, then some enterprising Kerbals would need to fork my various Github repositories and rework my stuff to make some improvements. Everything I have made it under MIT License and is there for all to use or change. I would be happy to give advice to any future project on how I put things together if it is needed.
  13. Happy end of all things '23 and more for '24 @ColdJ!!
  14. In the standard astronaut complex all defined traits will show up as potential candidates. If you use the USI mods then the Astronaut Complex hire section will only give you the option to hire Pilots, Engineers, Scientists, and the specialized traits available with USI. If you don't use USI then the mode TRP-Hire performs the same function for just Pilots, Engineers, and Scientists. In both cases Civilian, ServiceKerbal, and Civil-Servant kerbals should not be "applicant" categories.
  15. You should look into your game's persistent.sfs file to find the ScenarioDestructibles section and then change any items where "intact" does not equal True to the value True. This should tell the game that Kola is no longer"broken".
  16. If civilians are showing up in the Astronaut Complex then something changed their KerbalType from "Unowned" to something else making them visible in the AC and the RosterCheck.cfg hidden contract cannot remove them because they appear to be not dead. There are a few methods to remove them; Attempt to dismiss the kerbals from service in the astronaut complex if you can Use a mod like Ship Manifest to delete the unwanted kerbals Edit the persistent.sfs file on your saved game and remove the kerbals you don't want from the roster section of the file Load them into a plane and fly very fast into the side of a mountain near the KSC. Extreme yes, but sometimes necessary.
  17. I've always used the mod CommNetConstellation in conjunction with Ground stations. It allows for easy configuration of Kerbal Konstructs statics to be recognized as ground stations in it's cnc_settings.cfg file. The following is an example snippet of a ground station config; GroundStation { ID = Aleutia_tracking_station_complex_0 Color = 1,0,0,1 OptionalName = Aleutia TechLevel = 0 OverrideLatLongAlt = True CustomLatitude = -51.7792119403168 CustomLongitude = 171.127192034374 CustomAltitude = 291 CustomCelestialBody = Kerbin Frequencies { } } If you use CommNet and are "Adventurous" you can directly edit the CNCCommNetScenario in your games's persistent.sfs file to modify GroundStation configurations as well. But fair warning, here be dragons... Kerbin Side Remastered is an older mod but is is just a collection of static objects and configurations for the mod Kerbal Konstructs. As long as you are on the the latest Kerbal Konstructs, you should be fine.
  18. The requirements of mission type 3 is intended for a large passenger aircraft design with a passenger capacity for 80 plus kerbals. In actual game play however, having 80 plus kerbals on a vessel generates incredible lag, so the actual number of passengers on each of these flights is restricted to 12-16 kerbals in addition to the crew. This allows for the piloting of larger crafts with the minimal amount of lag. I'm glad you are enjoying using it in your game.
  19. The Gap extra air strips do not show as airports using the Kerbal Konstructs icons in the tracking station by design. The are meant to be stumbled upon. Any flight missions to one of these sites will generate waypoints for the specific contract. In the patches directory of the Mod there is a file named CustomWaypoints.KSRGAPEX that can be used with the Waypoint Manager mod to display all of the airstrips. It needs to be moved to that mod's folder to be used. A similar file for the main Kerbinside Remasterd Gap mod exists in it's patches folder if you wanted to use those as well.
  20. The various different agencies that offer flights have requirements that a certain number on Inspection flights be completed before they will start offering fight contracts Navy missions start after an inspection flight reaches the particular Naval Air Station Hinterland Tours begins after 16 inspection flights are completed Jeb Cargo flights, Kerbin Geographic missions, KSIS Operational flights and SkyMed rescues begin after all 20 inspection flights are completed. NOTE: SkyMed flight also requires you to have the mod Kerbin Side Remastered Gap Extras installed. The value that determines the progress is the variable $ksrgapFlightProgress which is contained in the Persistent Data Store section of your game's persistent.sfs file in the saves directory. It looks like this: SCENARIO { name = PersistentDataStore scene = 7, 8, 5 DATA { ksrgapFlightProgress = Int32:9 } } If you edit this file while your game is not running you can change the value of the Int32: between 0 and 20 to set the Flight Progress to where you want it to be without completing all the Inspection flights first.
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