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Everything posted by modus

  1. I also type click and press submit reply
  2. Yeah I was thinking asteroid as well
  3. If I'm buying a game I want its roses to be fully grown in a gardening center so I can enjoy them. Maybe they're not fully grown, because they're early in their life (but I know that when I buy them). So a little patience is fine, because I can see that my rose is, in fact, a rose. I don't want some seeds, that a gardner still has to put in the ground, with only a promise that it's going to be a rose. Especially not when he keeps on delaying it. He sometimes sends me a message with a promise of a video of a rose (although i've never seen it), but that doesn't really help when I don't know when my own rose will be fully grown, or even be a rose.
  4. Can't wait for that version the devs play, you know, the one they're having so much fun with. That's probably what's distracting them.
  5. I voted no no yes, but it also depends (or would depend) on what mode I'm playing. If it's sandbox, I want no restrictions, if it's career (or adventure, whatever) some limitations might be nice.
  6. This is very much how I feel (except I don't play ksp1 anymore). Game sucks, so be it. Don't really care anymore. When it's good enough to play (in my opinion, dont really care about version numbers or ea) I'll probably play it. For now, very much looking forward to cities skylines 2 (talk about a different path to release)
  7. And if you want to go manual, it's really not hard: download zip, extract content from zip to gamedata, play.
  8. Yeah you negative person, stop talking about what's wrong and focus on all the positive things ksp2 has to offer! Like....you know...the thing...doing that stuff...I mean, the list goes on and on!
  9. I get you, but as @VlonaldKermanalso implies, apparently the dev updates and the game in general aren't of much interest, because the game still is not good. So yeah, the "usual bickering" is all that remains. I guess.
  10. Yes, but forward to...what? I totally agree a lot of you are tired of seeing or having the same discussion over and over again (I'm hardly posting anymore, just reading the same 6 people fight), but...you know...what is there to talk about? (A lot of people think) the game sucks isn't good (yet?), so what else is there to talk about?
  11. Isn't that because it's very hard to actually enjoy all those things?
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