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Everything posted by IsaQuest

  1. HOLY CRAP GAMEPLAY!!!! Framerate sooo smooth... I love it! Graphics are way better too!
  2. This is only the beginning, there might be some more amogus packs coming soon!
  3. This mod is great! I’m late to the forum post unfortunately
  4. VERSION 2.0 RELEASED! Revamped Model And Textures Drastically reduced face count on model Other Small Tweaks https://spacedock.info/mod/2784/Among Us KSP?
  5. Not everything, just the import/export of mu files. You should switch to 2.83 if you want to import crafts too.
  6. it stopped working when i came back, i have no idea why it worked before, but i just downgraded to 2.92
  7. Hello, I am trying to use .dds textures for my parts but the textures won’t load in game (gray part in game instead of textured part), but if I use .png, it works just fine, even though blender loads the dds texture perfectly. It only happens with .dds files. Does anyone know why this happens? Is it an error on my part? I am using Blender 2.92
  8. Version 1.1 Released! -Lowered Face Counts on Collider and main Mesh -Other Minor Tweaks Download link in OP
  9. Managed to reduce collider and main mesh’s face/tri count. Release will come out today.
  10. Should work for 1.12, let me know if there are any issues.
  11. Thank you! It is my first mod I have ever made. Version 1.1 will increase performance and fix issues, and Version 2.0 (last version) will Revamp it to have a higher quality Model and Textures.
  12. Pain and Agony™ is going to get a revamp (with way less geometry) in late July. You have time to prepare.
  13. i like how every reply is just “amogus” and not actually commenting on the mod
  14. Among Us in KSP V3.0 This is a small little project that just adds an Among Us Red Character into the game. Install by copying the quest_assets folder into your KSP GameData folder. -This is my first mod ever so its contents may not look good or function properly. Please report issues on its GitHub page. -This is a joke mod. It only adds this Among Us Character to the game and nothing else. Enjoy. Short Mini cinematic by The KSP Maniac (Recorded in V1.0) DOWNLOAD LINKS! SPACEDOCK Also available on CKAN MIT License DEPENDENCIES -Module Manager
  15. Ok thanks! The glitches I was talking about were just messing with the scattering and a lot of black artifacts were on my screen, so I kept it on the newer version.
  16. Hey, awesome job on scatterer! Also, Sorry if this has been said before, but id there a way to use the old sunflare config type instead of the new version? I made a temporary fix by switching to an older version of scatterer sunflare in CKAN but it brought visual glitches with it. I would really like to use my custom sunflare without modifying the scatter files!
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