Banned for being a newcomer at this present moment
Everyone! Go up here! There's a new page!! Let's rejoice and get the champagne out of the refrigerator!
I'm not TUBM, but I wanna answer that: yes, I code with @Venusian Explorerbut we just work on science definitions on 100+ celestials and thousands of biomes, sorry Venusian Explorer.
And your TUBM... nope.
TUBM is Akagi since I quoted you twice
Using a word not much people use is cheating! Do you think we have an Oksford dictionary beside our screen?
The moderator called, he said there is a new page. So I brought my keyboard and made more posts.
There are some good ol' factors to consider including PC not being able to handle such mod. If you have a decent computer... then the issue is different.