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Kerbal Productions

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Everything posted by Kerbal Productions

  1. The Adam's Apples! Why integrate if you can be derived from an apple without getting the value of the quartic?
  2. Yes, because crossovers blah. What happens when I factor out this pea?
  3. 8/10 - you might have confused me there, you're probably not alien. I rely on YouTube tutorials on Math other than my Math teacher's PDFs, therefore I must be human!
  4. Floor 3171: An Indian guy teaching 50k... viewers about integrals... on algebra, apparently
  5. @Gevdeiand @henryjac13, Feel free to roam around the forums and enjoy
  6. 7, one for each letter. What do we use to cut the cheesecake?
  7. Sorry sir, self-service is implemented in this restaurant. Waiter! Did you or did you not infuse gamma rays in my soup? I can feel it!
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