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Kerbal Productions

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Everything posted by Kerbal Productions

  1. Granted, there were aliens and they abduct you. I wish for Chandler's proposal to Monica be better than anything else
  2. Floor 2953: That fountain on the intro of Friends.
  3. Sir, this is a first-come first-serve basis, you just arrived here! You'll be waiting for... an hour or two. For now, here's a free sample of shrimp crackers. Waiter! My soup is jumping everywhere!
  4. Yep... lel TUBM is going to vacation sometime
  5. Wha- TUBM had a haircut this week
  6. Banned for being so close to irrealism
  7. Floor 2911: A person knowing everything at 18 but nothing at 22
  8. Here's Joey, he doesn't share food. I would like a cake for the handyman!
  9. Unbanned for being a philosopher. In-house as well!
  10. Congratulations to all the winners who are aspiring enough to reach this honor! I want this so baaaaaaad
  11. Before Star gives it away, *I* will give it away! This is the premiere link of the cinematic! You can watch with people (hopefully) at the said schedule above, if you manage to be awake at that time.
  12. Nothing. (beat drop) Launching a smol rocket
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