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Kerbal Productions

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Everything posted by Kerbal Productions

  1. ayy! @jrodriguez I'll test this later, and if the font is great, I'll... be speechless!
  2. VAL - DAY 4 Mission: DMagic Asteroid Science Mission Agency: DMagic Orbital Launch Vehicle: Falcon 9 Payload: DMAS-1 Probe Destination: Bob's Bobby Bobs, a carbonaceous asteroid (and a 1800-ton size E) that was captured by some crew with an advanced 6 MILLION funds Daedalus Drive Mission: SUCCESS! (yet the booster...)
  3. Can you sing it for us? lol jk jk
  4. Moderators, the people who bring PEACE! on this wonderful KSP Forums. They're uh--
  5. Banned for procrastinating on my movie script.
  6. Banned because @BlackMesaSurvivordoes not know about Helvica. Banned for not landing my Falcon 9 first stage at OCISLY. Banned for having 2 replies merged
  7. Banned for going to Helvica with a Daedalus Drive.
  8. Banned for using Inf. Propellant to reload my fusion pellets
  9. 0.2.1 RELEASED - Shuffles some soundtracks - No bug fixes, yet. Available on SpaceDock and on Curseforge now!
  10. Hey @jrodriguezI suggest trying to make the font of the telemetry in desktop client version of OCISLY the same as the orig. one if: You can. The font they use is stock. If it isn't, I'll suggest a different font like Century Gothic. I'll tell you if the font in the orig. one in real life is stock! UPDATE: So the font is Bahnschrift, which is a stock font. I think you can use it if you can!
  11. Yay!!!!! This mod is so helpful! We are blessed to have you! I'm trying to promote you in one of my Discord servers lol but some people are scared to get it because of umm... But what a good mod! And I wish you'll be in TOTM for June 2021!
  12. Here's my old space station, unfortunately it's gone now I'll be making space stations soon! Here's my Kerbin station, which is gone too because "save go bye-bye" I didn't get to finish it
  13. This is a very great mod!!!!!! ONE OF MY FAVES! I got to Jool and landed with Vall with the Daedalus Drive! But when will you get some RealPlume, or maybe Waterfall plumes? We will LOVE (i mean love, because those mods are great af) this mod better, because it's a good mod for interstellar travel! And also another thing: does the Bussard Drive have so much thrust? Because its thrust at vacuum reaches so high, maybe million or billion? I don't know. Kindly check it, please. But all in all, good mod!
  14. So the Kerbals have decided to give you a craft that is powered with fussion pellets and can be refueled with LH2! And there are rumors that it has nearly a hundred thousand m/s of dV! They really want to repay you!
  15. @FruitGoosethe Kerbals have their verdict! It works! They're not wasting their time and their snacks finding a good name anymore! They want to repay you!
  16. oki! Understood! I'll test it about an hour when I'm available. I'll let you updated!
  17. ohhhh, I didn't put the FruitKocktail mod but the question is, the whole ORANGE on the FruitKocktail? and it should only be ONE text file? not two? thanks in advance
  18. Hey @FruitGoose, I have the ORANGE mod, but it doesn't seem to work. I have the Change Name thing, but there's no new name in the vessel box above Can you please help me? Nice collection of mods anyway!
  19. VAL - DAY 3.5 Same mission, same stuff like Day 3, but instead, it's the center core. BOOSTER STATUS: FAILED TO LAND OVERALL MISSION: SUCCESS! (landed on the Mun) (Booster landing) (Payload landing)
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