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Everything posted by OrdinaryKerman

  1. After losing interest in this project a few months ago, I've been working on this thing LMCC-S, a small LCC for smaller spaceports. Somewhat related: Where is kerbal MCC anyway? Do they put it in the basement of the Launch Control building? Is that why the Mission Control menu is accessed from the LCC building? The openable hangar is now postponed indefinitely, sorry for that.
  2. FLOOR 2820 A totally blank floor, save for a couple of vending machines. They're all free to use, so you take as much as you want and are now full. You also get to read a newspaper for a while. Keeping the paper and a few snacks with you, you continue up.
  3. SE: You now involuntarily dodge everything you try to eat or drink. SP: Can survive anywhere from Earth sea level to vacuum
  4. they're not dynamic, it's just that the game doesn't care if a ladder collider clips into the ground or not
  5. their length is not dynamic, they're fixed length with an extend/retract animation
  6. KSP1 unfolding ladders aren't procedural, they're just animated models
  7. @PART[tbee-taerobee-aerobee] { @maxTemp = 2000 @cost = 90 @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 240 @key,1 = 1 210 key,2 = 5 0 { { { @PART[tbee-bumper-engine] { @cost = 210 @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] { @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 235 @key,1 = 1 205 key,2 = 5 0 { { { @PART[tbee-bumper-engine-unclad] { @cost = 190 @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] { @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 235 @key,1 = 1 205 key,2 = 5 0 { { { //taerobee control computer @PART[tbee-taerobee-control] { @cost = 300 !MODULE[ModuleReactionWheel] {} !MODULE[ModuleSAS] {} } Is there some basic mistake I've missed in the second, third, and fourth patches that makes ModuleManager not apply them as it did with the first?
  8. Uber taxi is shot down by ASAT missile. Spy satellite
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