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Everything posted by Rakete

  1. Maybe just add 1.12 compatibility to the existing main SSPXr stable branch and delay the release of the big update with the new parts, if the design of big update with alle the bells & whistles is not fun right now. Don't do things, that wear you out. You have given so much already.
  2. You can do that by using the heat exchanger module. It shifts heat between loops and can be activated if you need it. But it can't be automatized. To my experience most of my cooling loops are on a rather static heat level (engines not considered). And even engines can (given that you have enough loop volume) be controlled by hand (activation of exchangers if needed). By the way - are the exchangers toggable bei Action groups?
  3. Has this influence on their cooling performance ? Or is it just a nice way let us build visually more pleasing crafts, as sometimes no tracking makes them more streamlined? Also fixed for the heat exchanger, which has shown same behavior as reported? Thanks for the update and your efforts. It's mindblowing how you as a single person are developping so many great mods, that turn KSP into a whole new game.
  4. What will have changed mechanics-wise, especially with the NTRs? ... Found the anwer on post #1 on this page. Ignore it. :-)
  5. Please note, that the posted issues refer to the mod versions made for KSP 1.11.2 as I did not upgrade to 1.12 yet (waiting for needed fixes in base game) and the newest mod versions (e.g. KA 1.3.0, that you released last night). So some of the issues in github might be solved already in your 1.12-compatible versions, some may not. So it may be possible, that you may drop some of them according to what you already knew and fixed with 1.12 compatibility patches released these days.
  6. @Nertea Fed most of my bug reports (minor and major) into the respective github repository issues list of the affected mods (NFP, SH, DBS, NFLV, KA etc.) So feel free to sort, prioritize or discard them completely according to your preferences and roadmaps. Hope it helps.
  7. Yeah, I'm just trying to help, as I think it's best to report a bug (fixing worthy or just a minor thing - prioritizing or discarding is always up to you), as I believe these great mods deserve any hopefully useful input they can get. I'll see, how I can make up issues on github. Never had to do with this system - i'll need an account. I will have to take some minutes to get through this stuff. I didn't know, that you want us/me to file issues on github. I was afraid, that it would annoy you, if I would interfere there. Please don't be annoyed by the reported bugs here. They are not meant to keep you working or to annoy you. I do not presume to define requirements and force their implementation like in my RL-job . (yes, we requirements engineers in safety departments tend to be very annoying people in the R&D at times ...) Alright, just wanted to mention it. The little IVA Windows below right hand side, that show the kerbals are perspective wise a little pushed forward, so that the Eyes of some kerbals clip through the plane of the camera, so that the kerbals sometime seem to have no eyes. Minor thing. In fact, your mods are close to perfection. As close as a mod can be. None of the bug reports is meant as moaning or stuff like that.)
  8. I woke up with a funny idea. What if Kerbals like Olympic Games too? This is the spot to post all olympic games related crafts and vessels: You built a Spacestation in form of the Olympic Rings? Post it here. You have a nice kerbaly idea to ignite olympic flames (moooar Fire !!! )? Post them here... You let kerbals stylishly jump into the pool on the KSC from a tower? Post it here... Let the kerbal olympic games be opened. Have fun...
  9. Minor sidequestion: Has NF Spacecraft coincidentally fixed the kerbals heads clipping through the plane of sight (in the Iva-Windows down in the right hand corner) in the current iteration?
  10. Also make sure to have a look in the extras folder of Nerteas Mod distribution packages, there are some patches, that make things even better (e.g. turning stock parts like drills and ISRUs in SystemHeat participants and such stuff...) They are almost always worth having a look, what they do and if it fits your likings.
  11. I had exactly the same problem. So i startet with NF electrical and NF propulsion, as they fit nicely to each other in combination with Heat Controll (more radiators for the heating issues). And then I got to the marvelous SystemHeat (also one of nertea's mods) , that completely reworks the heat system in the game. That was enough learning stuff for the first run. Then I downloaded Stockalike Stationparts Expansion Redux... From that point I got to play around with NF Construction, as Stationbuilding was in focus then in my actual playthrough. Therefore I dived slowly into NF Solar, which matches stationbuilding well, too. From there I got to Far Future Technologies stuff, cause this mod is too attractive. (And as i had all dependencies for cryo engines already ensembled, it was just logical to add these cryo engines too) ... More Mods from this Mod cosmos are yet to come to my Ksp install, as I'm not through with working through with the cryo engines stuff to confidently use them in the right usecases. And the FF stuff is waiting for deeper analysis and writing down my notes, too. Think the next Mod to install will be NFLV (which I had temporarily installed, but it was just so much at once, so i decided to keep that for later, same goes for Kerbal Atomics)... but i'll wait with further installing Mods until I can upgrade to 1.12, as KSP 1.12 is too bug-plagued for me at the moment. I am so astonished, how fast Nertea upgrades his mods to 1.12 that I'd bet a banana, that all the NF stuff will available faster for 1.12.x than KSP 1.12.x itself will be in a playworthy condition.
  12. Just for curiosity... Any very very rough E.T.A. or only "it's done, when it's done"? Autumn? (No, doesn't mean to hurry, just for information and being hyped (yeah, the big update is mindblowing as far as I saw in the dev thread.) Really like your great work. Thank you for all the efforts. (Do you even have time to play KSP on your own with all the great stuff you made?) )
  13. Currently constructing the first two modules of the Cochrane-Facility - an antimatter generation and general refueling station planned for 150km LKO (uses Near Future and Far Future mods made by Nertea). No pictures yet, as i figuring how to fit all the needed stuff into the modular stucture in an aesteticly pleasing way. The plan is, to build a conversion chain. Ore to Uranium to fission pellets to anti matter. We'll see if this works out. Alternatively i'm going to skip the first conversion as this a very slow conversion with great losses. Maybe supply with uranium from Kerbin... naah, let's see what works. Ore tanks will be installed anyway, to enable almost every spaceship refueling as an ISRU-Installment is also planned. I think the station will not be as compact as i initially intended. The station will need several reactors with Fission or maybe fusion mhhh... Somehow some electrical engines for orbital corrections have fit there too... To many design goals. Currently a lifter for the antimatterconversion unit is my right-now-challenge... maybe i have to install hangar extender... let's see if i manage to build a compact lifter for this huge piece.
  14. Perfectly alright. Any other strategy would not make sense... I think, i should wait to install the new upcoming SH version until I upgrade to 1.12.x as soon as the showstopper bugs in Ksp itself are fixed. (Currently not play worthy, as all my stations wobbled apart, due to bugs in the base game... so i went back to 1.11.2 for a while. Squad has to fix the docking mechanisms first) this may take a while... Alright. I thought there would be an ingame module and was curious. Checkmark.
  15. --- forget about this posting --- found the cure for "the problem" by myself.... after reading through the part config... unfortunately I can't delete this post my self, so I just wiped the content.
  16. @Spaceman.Spiff@Nertea Think this is nice to know for you: I did a test with droptanks filled with coolant: As soon as I drop them, the temperature shoots up to 1300 K with the Ouroboros and get stuck there, ignoring further extended burn. Edit: Stopping the engine keeps the engine get stuck at 1300K, but reignitions lets then the temperature rise above 1300K. Stopping the engine lets it go back to 1300K (no further cooldown) and stay there (at least for a while). So yeah.... SH/HC is currently not made for such extravaganza as coolant drop tanks :-) But this is really an edge usecase, I think. :-)
  17. Will it still be backwards compatible to 1.11.2 for those who hesitate to upgrade to 1.12 (due to the actual bugs in vanilla ksp 1.12.1?), or should one stick to the actual version of SH until upgrading to 1.12?
  18. Alright, I'll try this approach. Thanks... there is a dedicated part called heat sink? Must have overlooked it. I only have radiators, coolant tanks and the heat exchanger between loops in mind. Coolant drop tanks sounds funny... some kerbals on the beach get a hot shower of coolant...
  19. Okay. But currently the coolant tanks are maybe a bit buggy (see bug report SH-thread, july 6th), so i hesitated to use them. What other heatsinks than radiators do you have in mind? Any good advice? :-) if i remember correctly the biggest aerodynamically viable grey (non-graphene) radiator carries away approx. 50 (?) kW... compared to 1,5 MW.... sounds like a whole lot of coolant tanks to lower the temperature gradient over time for a viable Eve/Kerbin-Ascent
  20. Alright, but then a aerodynamic version if the grey ones with more cooling performance might be useful to get away the heat of a fission or fusion lifter-engine like the great fusion aerospike Ouroboros (iirc its more than 1,5 MW to radiate away). Haven't got KSP right in front of me right now, but if i remember correctly there is a gap in aerodynamicly applicable high powered radiators that might be considered to be filled. At the moment, the available aerodynamically viable options for grey (non-graphene) high temperature rads might be a little weak to carry away the Megawatt (+x) heat of a Ouroboros without unrealisticly spamming medium performing grey rads all over a cryogenic fueltank above the fusion aerospike. Just a proposal for the roadmap to feature complete... feel free to handle these thoughts to your liking
  21. Agreed, this makes perfectly sense. Only rounded circular dockingports without angle locking (I love this angle locking feature, by the way) should be able to rotate... (and for completenesses sake the round ports from SSPXr and Restock+)
  22. I think there will be an update to some of them anyway, as some of them contain docking ports that will be made compatible to the new rotating (actual wobbly) stock ones as nertea stated some pages ago. So just just keep an eye on potential updates to the NF cosmos in the nearer future.
  23. I agree to @HoskJa. Now, that I installed also Far Future as well and have access to the fusion aerospike I came to the little wish for some high performing (graphene) radiators in an nice aerodynamic shape. So if you are about to add some further shapes in the future, aerodynamic radiators for atmospheric ascent e.g. on Eve on nuclear power would be great. Yeah, we got the triangular ones but they are not very aerodynamic if you need some surface. And if you choose a small angle for aerodynamics, you have to spam those, to get away the massive heat. Just a proposal to think about.
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