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Everything posted by Rakete

  1. Just take your time and don't make the video too short. Some nice "how to..."-moments might encourage people to try it out themselves.
  2. @Nertea: Great, thanks. Really like your work, especially waterfall! Made KSP a whole different game for me. Just for interest: If I like the stock KSP design and don't want to implement the whole restock revamp (for compatibility reasons to my very complex and detail-optimized (for the Mr. Monk in me) workhorse crafts (mostly Spaceplanes) made of stock parts (don't want to rework them all after restock mod-install as it might break some aestetic descision I made on them) ), but some parts like the 3,75m dockingport or some additional nuclear engine from restock +. Is there an easy way, how I can pick and chose only some exclusive new (additional) parts from restock plus ? Maybe some kind of : "grab file part123.abc, part123.cfg and part123.xyz, put it a folder and you have the part extracted, if you just want that." ? Or Plan B: a way to only install Restock Plus and only the files from restock, that forms the dependency and not the revamp (because of not wanting to re-optimize my whole beloved SSTO-Fleet)?
  3. Great! I didn't know this... So I'll get the mod, as soon as I am back on my pc these days (currently have some bbq ribs in the smoker which require my full attention and love Nice sunshine bbq weather in Germany )... Are these engines in the Near Future launch vehicles waterfallized with some nice plumes ? And another question on the heavy launchers: what are these LF-Engines, which are to be seen in the imgur gallery of the mod? Are they some kind of nuclear engines? Sidenote: I never modded my KSP until waterfall dropped (which I had to get...) and now, that KSP doesn't get major updates anymore i dive slowly more and more into nertea's parts cosmos - and love it. And since 1.12.x is the last version, I lose my major reason not to mod my ksp: to keep up-to-date with the current ksp-basegame and its DLCs. Currently I'm still on 1.11.2 in order to wait for upgrades of the mods. Sorry, that I ask silly questions, as I dive into nerteas parts world step by step and am simply overwhelmed by the amount of content. Sometimes a bit much to get through and understand at first glance.
  4. How to connect these 5m Parts without wobble? Is the clampotron sr. strong enough?
  5. I will upgrade to 1.12 if all my must-have-mods are compatible. I even consider waiting for 1.12.1 due to the wobblinessissues with the dockingports at the moment, of which I read. Spectra is now one of my must-haves, so I asked if I can put a checkmark on spectra on my must-have-list as an enabler to move to 1.12.x
  6. Maybe a nice youtube video on the trek drive mod would be a great idea. So that it shows whats in the mod, the ingame animations and operations of the phoenix parts and how to operate.... Just a hint. Moving pictures are the best advertisement.
  7. Nice to see SSPXr gets an expansion.... Hyped for it... Can we fast forward to autumn (?) please, when Nerteas new toys for us are released, please? One question from my side: Are for the big new parts docking devices planned to connect wobble-free the big parts in space (bigger than the clampotron sr.) ? Doesn't need to be beautiful, just needs to be strong and big. Just an idea for the greatest KSP-Modder ever.
  8. Well, no new runways? I hoped for some new places to fire up my SSTO-Spaceplane-Family or to comute between. Well new launchpads are alright too, I think. But new runways would have been the cherry on my dessert.
  9. ... I have to wait until my must-have-mods have updated to 1.12 So I hope the guys around Waterfall, Spectra, Eve Redux and Stockalike station parts expansion redux are getting ready to upgrade their masterpieces.... can't really wait... hope the updates come soooooon.
  10. Did you try a higher version? They don't eat soooo much more performance.
  11. Will there be a feature update to the SSPXr's Dockingports to enable the upcoming rotational feature of KSP very last major update? Or is SSPXr intended as fully feature-complete in a way, that the upcoming rotational feature will not be integrated to the SSPXr's docking ports?
  12. Yeah, no problem. Just wanted to help you by giving hints. Don't feel put under pressure.
  13. Bug Report for SSPXr: The choice of handles and coloring of the PTD-C Porthole cupola does not work and shows no effect on the part in the VAB. For all other station parts which I tried it works. Edit: Ahhh.... It seem to only change the handles at the back of the cupola, not the front. Maybe add some Choices for the handles at the front, too?
  14. Why is there no fancy ssto docked to the station? (Just kidding, we all started with less complex station/vessel builds)
  15. Bug Report on the IVA for Near Future Spacecraft. The IVA-Perspective is a little too pushed forward in Mk1-L Nereld Command-Pod. So the kerbal's heads and their eyes clip through the plane of the camera. Happens for both command seats. Maybe you like to fix this to make the mods even more perfect? Just a hint for you as dev. @Nertea I didn 't check them all. Maybe you want to check them and optimize the point of view for these commandpods ?!
  16. It will be reworked soon? So it doesn't make sense to install the extras now!? Or will they be compatible in a savegame to future reworks. (imagining: building a station under usage of the pre-reworked parts, new mod version drops. Loading of the station and the kraken strikes... :D) Am I right, that the new ksp 1.12 with the new rotateable dockingports will also mean a needed update for SSPXr to enable docking to those ports and use of the new features? (Think i'm gonna set sspxr on my ultimate "has to be available in correct version before I upgrade to the new Ksp-Version List" Bare Metal sounds great. Unfortunately almost every part in KSP is black/white. Metal seems to be a nice addition. (What's a bit missing in KSP is a possibility to paint parts with so nice colors... or metallic colors. A nice metallic blue.... xD)
  17. Yeah, i asked because even with my 32gigs of ram (and only eve redux, spectra and waterfall installed) my KSP install leaks memory or somewhat and starts getting slower and slower over time until restart. So I'm not sure, if KSP benefits from big available RAM, as it slows down, even when over the half of RAM is still unused. So I wonder what happens if load even more data into KSP, Which other mods are bundled into the package? Whats the difference between the packages from spacedock, github etc? I think for Ksp 1.12 there will be a new version upcomming as the docking ports are now adjustable, right? Are the dockingports of this mod compatible to the stock ones (right now in KSP 1.11)? Another Question: what do I do with the "extras" folder in the download. It's not mentioned in the readme. What is it? Where do I have to put it? What does it do?
  18. Some silly questions, as I didn't find the anwer on the original post and hadn't the time to read all of 71 pages: What dependencies does the mod have (for me as a manual-install-guy)? Are they all packed with the download? How big is the mod and the impact on the game on a weaker system (9700K, 32 gig ram, Gtx 1060-6gb)? Will parts ship builds with the old cupola and hitchhiker load correctly when the mod is installed - will then the new model from nertea load in or the old one? Does the reworked on have changed colliders?
  19. The Wild Rover (tm) is equiped with refueling capabilities and can couple to a landed spaceship via it's multifunctional claw on the front. It's also equipped with many science experiments. It's truly autonomous and self sufficient. Currently it's crewed with Miles O' Kerman and Keiko O'Kerman. Maybe there will be more kerbals after leaving it alone for some months Yes, it uses a little part clipping but only for aesthetics, as all my crafts. Nothing too cheaty.
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