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Everything posted by Rakete

  1. I agree to @HoskJa. Now, that I installed also Far Future as well and have access to the fusion aerospike I came to the little wish for some high performing (graphene) radiators in an nice aerodynamic shape. So if you are about to add some further shapes in the future, aerodynamic radiators for atmospheric ascent e.g. on Eve on nuclear power would be great. Yeah, we got the triangular ones but they are not very aerodynamic if you need some surface. And if you choose a small angle for aerodynamics, you have to spam those, to get away the massive heat. Just a proposal to think about.
  2. Installed FFT, and loving it! @Nertea Thank you for this. This adds a whole new world of gameplay to KSP. This is mindblowing.
  3. I would interpret it like this: The engine produces 1,1 MW heat @3000K with reactor activated and throttle 0 It cools the 1,1 MW away if throttle is at 100% but generates 200kW (fixed or scaled with throttle?) as soon as the engine is running. I guess, the waste heat of the module is calculated something like this: (100% - throttle %) *1,1 MW + 200kW * throttle %.... Just a guess. Maybe the output temp. scales down linear from 3000K to 800K (lowering the effiency of graphene radiators of HC, which love 1350K +×) while throtteling up. I haven't got KSP in front of me right now, so you have to try it by yourself. My last test with these SH-patched NTR have shown, that they heat up quickly if you switch on the reactor without having the throttle up, as the throttle cools the engine. Difficult to handle for precise burns without burning up the core... otherwise you need big amounts of radiator surfaces. My recommendation: build a test rig on the launch pad and let us know... that's how i figured out most of the SH mechanics for myself.
  4. I think there is a patch 1.12.2 or .3 in the pipeline especially in terms of the dockingports (drifting, autostruting, wobble and broken mk2 docking port) bugs in the vanilla KSP soon (tm). Maybe it would be a good idea to wait until this arrives and check then the mod update in order to circumvent mod breaking due to upcoming stock KSP changes/fixes. Maybe this could avoid extra work for the mod team due to double releases with double testing? (also all the other fantastic Nertea Mods, that contain docking ports). Think, the actually new rotating docking port mechanics in stock are in an intermediate state between their release and their bugfixing.
  5. Signed. They have become "must-have"-Mods for me too. I also want to say thank you for all those great mods. I really really love them. They are the best thing, that can happen to a KSP Install.
  6. Now fully operational Cassiopeia-Station @500km LKO with docked Sphinx-Class-SSTO. Left hand side: Industrial section with ISRU, Gas tanks, reactor core, cooling, uranium centrifuge for uranium reprocessing or Xenon extraction. Middle: 2 crew centrifuges (counterrotating) for kerbals enabling to reproduce (no, not the three dolphins club), a big science section with big lab and hydropinics and aquatics Righthand side: controll, habitation and communication. Far right hand: a docked sphinx Mk II with 20 Kerbal capacity.
  7. Added the last Modules to the Cassiopeia Station in 500km LKO. As you can see, the inflateable Modules on the right hand side below are not inflated yet. Also the both centrifuges in the middle are not unfolded yet. For these things I will need to get 3 engineers up there. They will also start up the 6000 kW Hermes Fission reactor... Moar Power, you know?! Also some conversion to refill propellants and gases have to performed. Think I will eat up much of the stored ore.
  8. Added the last Modules to the Cassiopeia Station in 500km LKO. As you can see, the inflateable Modules on the right hand side below are not inflated yet. Also the both centrifuges in the middle are not unfolded yet. For these things I will need to get 3 engineers up there. They will also start up the 6000 kW Hermes Fission reactor... Moar Power, you know?! (Jeb proposed a highly powered sauna, which heats up from cold to cozy hot in mere seconds... so he got his wish fullfilled.) Don't let Kerbals play with uranium! I had to tell them, not to play with the rods. Also some conversion to refill propellants and gases have to performed. Think I will eat up much of the stored ore. (The Station uses Nertea's Mods (Near Future and Stockalike Station Parts Expansion with some nice 3,75m station parts)) This will be my Science processing lab in the sky. A separate dedicated refueling station for 150km LKO is also planned. Constructed in 8 launches. On the left hand side: The main docking port for my SSTO-Spaceplanes. Faaaar away from the hot reactors in the right hand side below incl. a re-enrichment facility for depleted nuclear fuels.
  9. Bug report on NF propulsion: Sound cracks in burn sound of magnetoplasmadynamic engines (very very minor) The engine burn sound makes periodicly every few seconds a short "bop" sound. Think it's on one of the ends of the engine sound file, so that the short sound occurs on restart of the soundloop. Just a very minor issue, which has not to be adressed anytime soon - Just for completenesses sake :-)
  10. Currently preparing to install a 6000 MW fission reactor (Near Future Mod stuff) and enough cooling panels to my big Station in 500km LKO. Don't know, what the kerbals do with so much electricity... But you know, Jeb said, they'd need moar power! And so I'm about to create the station module with reactor, batteries and capacitors... Solar cells are soooo last century. This station runs fully nuclear powered, because it's possible.
  11. Please understand, that reading s.o. else's code is difficult, and if you are not used to module manager's config language and the effects certain values in the greater construct of mods that are interacting with each other (like the great NF packages do) have. See, I understand that documentstion need time and eats it away from modding itself. Many KSP mods in general are not very well documented in terms of what each script/patch does with each set parameter. I read all the readmes, but understanding everything for s.o. how does not write mods and patches is sometimes not as easy. I did not say at any point, someone did a fault. I try to ask politely. Not more, not less. I try to help, when I ask if a certain (for me) strange behavior is intended or a bug. I really love especially Nerteas Mods. Sometime mechanics change, old parts from old mechanics remain. That's why I ask. Example: The mechanics to fill uranium changed with the integration patches of system heat. And sometimes asking helps, as we could identify a bug in the localization files. (Not to be discussed here, different NF Mod, just an example) Another Example: It's hard for a newbee to KSP modding to understand, why e.g. a patch that integrates "only" system heat (at first glance) to NF fission reactors changes the whole the PAW UI and reactor completely even with new reactor features like auto power controll and hibernation, what has nothing to do with the system heat integration at first glance. It's not meant to critisize. I just have to ask, as I don't know the underlying software constructs - how could I? And these things are nowhere to look up in detail. Again, no problem, but then I'll have to ask. I know, perfect documentation eats up much time, that is better invested in programming. Again, I really appreciate the great work the modders do (think I'm going donate some bucks as soon as I revived my money sending thingy). But if something completely changes unexpectedly and is not documented in a wiki somehow I have only one option: Asking. Please don't missunderstand this as critisism. See, I am neither a programmer nor a native english speaker. Sometimes it makes it double as complicated, to get the information I need to use the mods and help finding bugs. Sometimes my not perfect english skills might make me sound unpolite. That is not intended. I'm sorry for that, if that occurs. In essence: I really appreciate the modder's and especially Nertea's work. I did not mean to make someone angry or annoy some one at any time. But if I ask questions here in the forums, they might help others thst may have the same questions or stumble across the same things. And sometimes the dividing lines between highly integrated mods, that highly synergize, blurr due to cross and side effects for the "simple user", who's is just getting into things and tries to perform a steep learning curve. I will really do my best to ask my questions in the right threads, if I can identify the dividing line between those magnificent highly with each other interconnected mods. I love them
  12. Bug Report: (between minor and medium) Some heat generation/rejection combinations cause wild oszillations in the SH simulation algorithm. Sorry, that it's me again, who finds a little bug. But I think, you'd like to know about it: Some combinations of heat generation and rejection result in wildly flickering values in the temperature approximation. Seems like an iteration oscillation. Here's a setup, where it happend (don't mind the ugly setup, it's just to reproduce the issue with as few parts as possible). As screenshot shows a snapshot of one valueset while wildly oscillating green & orange with unplausible values. After moving the vehicle to launchpad and back to VAB oszillation stops and plausible values of 900K are stable. Also: playing with the simulation rate stops oscillation. Maybe some divergence/oscillation detection in the iterative algorithm may help in a future release with switch to another simulation rate if oscillation happens. (Yeah, sometimes iterative algorithms tend to refuse nice convergence, 'cause they are nasty sometimes ). Btw: Thanks for the simulation rate slider. It really helps in those cases. On the real vehicle on the launchpad the simulation is sufficiently slow (small stepsize), so that I did not see any wild oscillations yet.
  13. I kinda like the idea. But somehow I feel, that a nice part, that does the manufacturing (a nice 3D-Printer in Kerbal style), would be much cooler, than doing the stuff in an relatively ugly dark-on-the-inside ore container. Just my two cents...
  14. Then I'm looking forward to the stable release. Great things on the horizon.
  15. In the current ssprx stable branch or in the new WIP-branch? If in the stable branch, i must have overlooked them (you don't know the name of the part to search for?) . Currently not on the computer.
  16. I'm really looking forward to seeing the big 5m-stationparts in a future stable release of SSPXr. Are there adapter pieces with windows and handles etc. planned to get seamlessly from the actual 3.75m to the new bigger 5m modules - as we already have gotten to get from 2,5m to the 3,75m? Have a good vacation. It's more than deserved.
  17. I think the squad part makers don't think of parts and their fitting in the parts continuum as much as you do. Thank you very much for all your patches and corrective interventions! *thumps up*
  18. Exactly my thoughts, as I saw this part. I thought: "Please, noo... not doing EVA all day long to refill a big reactor". Your actual solution is best for player enjoyment.
  19. No problem. As you said "not that soon" I expected months... 3 to 5 weeks is very fast. So have a great vacation! When you come to upgrading System heat, you may also have a look on my reported bugs on the page 20 of this thread. They are just meant to be a help - not a complaint. (Yeah, i'm used to testing stuff a bit more deeply. Even on my RL job I currently write testcase catalogues in the R&D of cars.) Funfact: Your mods have become "must haves" for me. So without them, I won't upgrade to 1.12. It shows, what a great job you did with your mods! Sidequestion: What does the uranium container do, that kerbals can put in their inventory? Is this a future feature?
  20. I understand this. Can you implement a fix for the upcoming 1.12 actualization of SH or is this too much work ? This means I have to stickt to the english version as the localization is borked. Alright for now. I would be really pleased, if you could add this fix to your backlog. Can you please signalize here in the forum, as soon as a fix is available, so that I can switch back to the german version, when it's fixed? Just give a ping then, please. Hopefully not tooo far away... :-) Anyways, thanks for all your efforts in making KSP a whole better game. I really wonder how you as a single person can create so much cool mods... It's great. Also: If you need some german translations, just contact me. As a german native speaker, I may help you providing some nice catchy translations - as long as you don't request them to be written into configs (Just PM me the english original texts, and I'll give you a matching german translation if needed via PM back).
  21. I installed the english version. Now the buttons are there... So it's the localization. Is it repairable in a future version of SH / NF Electrical? @Nertea here is the log of the english localization: https://www.filemail.com/d/xoalfuoeyrwjrwn
  22. I installed the english version. Now the buttons are there... So it's the localization. Is it repairable in a future version of SH / NF Electrical? @Nertea
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