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Everything posted by Rakete

  1. Naaaah... meeehh... somehow i'm not convinced of this idea. Even more parts outweight the already inplace de-buff of the CryoEngines due to bigger tank size and need for electric charge. Don't overdo complexity Keep in mind the partcount for the guys and girls on weaker computers. https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/SystemHeat/releases Newest package, Extras folder: FissionReactors
  2. @Nertea Please see correlating bug in CE, that happens also for KA-Engines: This is a major one.
  3. @Nertea: Bugreport - Type: Calculations, Severity: Medium DeltaV-Calculations of a stage oscillates in orbit. Observed with Tyrannosaur (CE) and Scylla (KA) engine. Testcase launch one of the linked vessels into orbit and watch the dV-Calculations of 1. stage in orbit when tanks pretty emptied after launch: https://www.filemail.com/d/bvgcnbxmpzenyxz This dV oscillation causes oscillation of the ingame burn indicator, when to start a burn and makes precise burns difficult. Tested with newest versions of KA, SH, CE, etc. EDIT: Further investigation: Tested also via cheat to orbit: dV readings oscillate also with filled tanks. Oscillation stops if I re-enable the cooling of the 1st stage tanks (which had disabled cooling on big S3-stock tanks, as it was not neccessary for a first stage to cool it, as the boil of is negligable during launch of a first stage). So it seems to have to do with the CryoTanks-Boil-off-mechanic, and should be moved over to the CT-Thread... Sorry, but I noticed this root cause only after further investigation this evening and initially thought it was the engine's fault, not the tank's. ) EDIT 2: Oscillation starts already on launchpad as soon, as the starting clamps are disengaged and engine is turned on (zero throttle) on the given example vehicles (Arakis Station Part 2). In order to not spam your threads (You can't delete posts in this forum, somehow...), please pick up the issue here, so i won't have to copy the issue to the CT-Thread. Unfortunately I still can not login to github. So yeah, maybe you want to copypaste the issue to github yourself - or somebody here would please be so kind ?! Sorry, for that. As cooling engaging prohibits this bug I switched the rating from major to medium. :-)
  4. The waterfall mod made KSP a whole different game for me visually. Thanks to Nertea!
  5. @Nertea Something of what I'm not sure if it's a bug or a feature. Bug Report - Type: Calculations, Severity: Minor While doing some overheating/damaging experiments with the KA-Engines (Jebediah just wanted to know, if they explode if cooked up to 2000K), it came up, that the Liberator engine ignores the Shutdown-Temp-Setting if set greater than 1400K. Here a reproduceable testcase: Static firetest on Launchpad. No cooling devices in the loop. Set Shutdowntemp to 2000K. Liberatorengine will shutdown already at 1400K Looptemp. 1400K does not show anywhere up in part description. Same for emancipator. Further engines were not tested for this behavior. I guess, it's the same with all KA-Engines.
  6. @Nertea: Bugreport - Type: Visual. Severity: Minor/Medium Waterfall-Plume of Tharsis Engine does not move with engine gimbal movements: Other engines of CE not checked for this. Not gamebreaking, not critical but visible.
  7. Mhhh.... the plush kerbal could be a little more... cute...
  8. In no particular Order: Waterfall (!!!!!) Eve Spectra The other Nertea Mods (NF, FF, SH, HC, KA, SSPXr , etc.)
  9. Great job ! @Nertea Small question: does this Update work with 1.11.2 or does it require 1.12 (because the rotating docking port system is used in this mod, if I remember correctly) ? Haven't installed 1.12 yet, due to still waiting for a proper fix do drifting dockingports (in the base game - or otherwise to Mods being compatible to the mod fix).
  10. Somehow I don't get, what's your point. Nertea is still busy updating all the mods to 1.12 but as far as I read, most of them just work fine in 1.12 and also in 1.11.2. (Except the mods, that have docking port, as KSP 1.12 changes a lot concerning this topic). Please don't put pressure on the the creator of this mod. He has almost a dozen mods to update. Just give him the time he needs. I can confirm, that HeatControll works fine with 1.11.2. Nertea updates them already in lightspeed. That's more than we could ask for. Also: If you do edit parts of the mod by yourself, please don't redistribute it, unless Nertea gives his okay. But feel free to report bugs, since giving the creator the chance for fixing them makes the mods even better for all. Pro-Tip: Just subscribe to the mod threads you like and you don't have to check on a daily basis, since you are notified, if someone posts in those threads.
  11. Mhhh... As nice as this fix-mod is, I heard from some modmakers, who also include docking ports in their great stuff, that they might hesitate to adapt their mods, since the situation, if and when a "proper" fix in ksp basegame will happen, isn't very clear. Maybe an info from the squad team ( @JPLRepo ) for the other modmakers would make sense, if making their mods compatible to this fix-mod is worth the effort at this point in the timeline. It might not be, if the "proper" fix in KSP itself as 1.12.3 is just around the corner (e.g. just one month away) in a way, that they don't have to adapt to anything if they just wait a little bit... So some info might help them to decide whether to do the efforts now, or to wait for the fix. More info is always best . Just my thoughts on this... anyway, thanks for the fixmod itself. I think, nobody expected a fix-mod, created in your free time, @JPLRepo. We really appreciate such great efforts.
  12. Will check tomorrow or so, unless it's gardening time after end of business. (if my wife sends me to the lawn mower...) For interest: Whats the difference between waste heat and total heat SH-wise? I thought the waste heat is the heat I will have to compensate by radiators. So total heat is... Waste heat plus power turned into electricity? Did you just switch to lightspeed in terms of bugfixing? This is crazy, how fast you fix stuff.
  13. Haven't had time to check all the other SH-using engines e.g. from FFT for this issue, too. If something like this catches my eye in those engines, I'll report that as well - but not today... It's evening on this side of the ocean and time to get some rest :-) No reason to force a bugfix soon, cause it's just a minor issue, if you know where to look things up :-) Rule#1: The SH-Tool gives the answer . In fact, it's sooooo much better than the stock heat system.
  14. @Nertea On the topic of the missing Part info window informations of waste heat as reported here: As tested for the eel: They are now there, but inconsistent to the PAW: See here: Partdescription says 10kW, PAW shows 8kW. On running vessel 8kW seems right, so the PAW info is the correct one, not the partinfobox information. Same on the poseidon: Part description: 1000kW, PAW: 900kW Same on the neptune: Part description: 100kW, PAW: 80kW Same on the scylla: Part description: 110kW, PAW: 85kW The other KA-engines seem to be alright. Okay, didn't expect this. So the system temperature means what? Is it a useful information, as I'd guess only the loop temperature matters?
  15. Thanks for the deployment. Heat Exchanger bug seems to be fixed, but now the Converters do not show correct loop temp anymore in the PAW: See here: Compare loop 0 temp in vulcan-smelter PAW and SH tool loop info. I haven't tested with all converts, but the big stock ISRU shows same behavior. So the red highlighted bugfix broke something. The converters, which i used for test, have shown static temperature of 500/500K, respectively 600K/600K right in the second, they were turned on. The temperature in the SH tool (right hand sided) is the correct one (in this picture i shut down the exchanger for verification of the Exchanger bug and the Loop 0 temp shoots up as expected, as loop 0 on the testrig has not heat sinks).
  16. Fix confirmed, thanks for the fix in no time! (Funfact: In german I would say, "Der Fix war fix." meaning, this this fix was fast -- little pun, as fix means also fast in my native language ) Someone else wrote today (but I can't find the posting anymore in the forum), that the emancipator's main plume would not work correctly. I can not confirm. For me, all works correctly. ugly test-rig-screeny for verification:
  17. Just one word: AWESOME ! Kerbals are plants, aren't they? Nice place to do some photosynthesis while munching some snacks or fertilizer.
  18. Thanks a lot. Info: I have not tested the other KA Engines for this behavior. So they may have the same issue. Don't know.
  19. @Nertea And another odd thing: (Think, I'll win the award of nertea's most hated user ) Scylla and Coolant tanks are heat wise already glowing red (Stock KSP's heat indication (always have turned off KSP's heat gauges, but they are glowing red, esp. the tanks, which are additional highlighted by the stock heat indication system) but SystemHeat says all temps are nice in range (about 400K of 800K range). The setup consists of Scylla and two coolant tanks. Scylla runs on LOX-Augmented mode. So the engine seems to produce additional heat in KSPs old heat system (not core heat, ... the other heat type), even if it's bound to systemheat. Haven't tested with the other engines, since this is a snapshot from my main save while just playing (and not testing stuff ). As for testing: before taking this image two clydesdales were firing on the sides, but now have been decoupled. But the tanks still became hotter (more glowing red) even after decoupling of the clydesdales, so they should not be the reason. Also the SH-heat is very very slowly climbing. Drag can 't be the reason either since we are in space in the picture
  20. Seems to be very... to quote Nertea: Embryonic. Looked up, what fixes are in there... could be a start of something, but at the moment... naaah... the one "fixed" relevant bug is "copied" code from Jplrepo without asking... mhhh. I will watch what this thing will become - if it grows or dies.
  21. Pausible approach. Just wanted to give you a hint, that there is interessting stuff going on around the docking ports, that might be of interest for you. Maybe this fix thing will not live long anyway, depending on what Squad will or will not do to stock. Upon this issue the situation is more than foggy to me at the moment. [Offtopic]Anyway, I'm kinda surprised, that fixes are deployed by use of mods by KSP devs... strange things going on. Somehow it's unclear how the KSP basegame minor update strategy really looks like in the weeks (?) and months ahead. Especially with this mod fix things from official KSP Team members... this is confusing. [/offtopic] Is there a community fix pack already? Seems to be a great idea for when squad finally abandons ksp 1. Have had a look at the 2.0.0 SSPXr WIP branch. Amazing. Really looking forward to the stable version to be applied to my mainsave at some point in the future. The new models are... mindblowing! Can't say how much i am impressed.
  22. in the 1.12.2 thread JPLRepo (KSP Dev) posted a new mod, to fix the drifting of docking ports, what happens to all docking ports since 1.12 - guess it won't be fixed in the base game anytime soon. He wrote, that this depending on which node a custom dockingport uses, it might be neccessary to do some changes to mods, that come with own docking ports to use the repairfixes he provided. Maybe adding support for this repair mod from JPLRepo might be worth a consideration for all the fantastic Nertea Mods, that come with new or replacing docking ports... Just my to cents... Just a proposal for Restock, NF Launch vehicles, NF Construction, SSPXr...
  23. Yeah, but i'd consider it a bugfix of the base game of ksp ("here and there when needed") not a feature increment. This means, the base game will not receive this as a bugfix? Anyway, thank you for this.
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