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  1. Dears, finally crew transfer function works also for me thanks to the latest update some questions about crew transfer mechanic (did not find these info on the wiki): Which are the WOLF resources requirements at the origin biome to set up a new crew route (I see it asks for Habitation and Lifesupport WOLF points) How the duration of the journey is determined? Thanks
  2. Same issue for me Running KSP 12.2 with only MKS mod tried with both "v112.0.0" and "v112.0.1-bleeding-edge.1" MKS releases. The button "Show terminal window" doesn's show anything. Am I missing some dependencies? Thanks
  3. Same for me, I click the button but nothing appears Moreover, I can't setup a complete route for crew. Starting terminal at KSC is recognized by Transport computer and route start but destination terminal (on Minmus) is not recognized. The ship is on the same biome of the terminal on Minmus and they are close but trasport computer says that there is no terminal within 500 m. Has anyone encountered this issue?
  4. Ok, I tried this solution: 1) Connected to origin depot on KSC biome 2) Launch in orbit the vessel with a WOLF cargo container (Payload 15) in orbit 3) docked with a refuel ship a put in orbit. I noticed that the transport computer says 0 as "Route payload" after docking (it was 15) 3) Restored all the fuel consumed so far. The Transport Computer says 0 as "Route Cost" 4) Undocked from refuel ship, but when I click on "Connect to destination depot" following message appear: "The vessel is too small to establish a transport route" Something went wrong on step 3 as the payload disappeared. What I'm missing? Thanks in advance
  5. Hi, please can you explain better this solution? When creating a route with transport computer how a refuelling in orbit affect the transport credit? Many thanks
  6. Hello I'm playing 1.12.2 and trying the "unstable release v112.0.0". So far everything ok, except the WOLF transport computer that does't allow to create routes like I remember it should. Instead there is only a "connect depot" button that make the ship disappear like if it was a WOLF modules. Is it supposed to work in this way or it is due to work in progress on the mod? really thanks
  7. Hello I have a question, I tried to search but I didn't find if it was already covered. When dealing with big bases having a lot of different resource containers, the resource panel on the right side doesn't show them all and there is not a way to scroll down (as with the stock game resources you never overcome the space available) There is a solution of some kind to this? Thanks
  8. Happened to me also similar problem, reputation went negative. Continuing to check for other colonies rewards took reputation to -100%, and the next check bring it to grow vs positive values again. Has been addressed this issue?
  9. Then something changed in the Thermal power generator mechanics. I had a ship that worked well with KSPIE+1.26.18+for+KSP+1.8.1. Then after updating to KSPIE+1.27.3+for+KSP+1.8.1 it didn't work anymore. Same ship, I didn't change anything Power for warp drive is generated from a Beam core antimatter reactor+ Thermal power generator
  10. Hello, why antimatter reactors became so inefficient in the latest release? I had a ship with a wapr drive who could reach 6400c, now just 50c... What happened to the mechanics of antimatter reactors? Thanks
  11. I haven't Parallax. Have you tried to harvest ore on Fen from yourself? Same problem happens on Atlas
  12. Hello, I report following issue on Fen, cannot drill due to "no ground contact". Tried to change surface location several time but always same problem https://imgur.com/4G0shTC Thanks
  13. Hello, planetary logistics seems not to work on bodies related to planet packs/expansion mods. I'm using Galaxies unbound and my bases don't release goods on planetary warehouse on bodies belonging to this mod. What should I do? Thanks
  14. hello, Anyone is experiencing drilling problem on Bialo? After starting drills and warping time, after several hours the drills stop saying "no ground contact". Then if I stop time warping and restart the drill, it drills again but stop again as I told Thanks
  15. yes, if I wanted to get support. But I wanted only to share my frustration...
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