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Everything posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. Currently WaterfallRestock does not provide jet plumes. If you are using stock, you can use Stock Waterfall which does have jet plumes.
  2. I don’t know what you think subtle means, but the current memorial is very subtle given that it is small and on a relatively large celestial body I have tried lookin for it in the past, but I have not yet found it. I thinks it’s more than subtle enough
  3. It depends. Sometimes you can get very sticky basmati if it’s cooked right. Also why am I awake and discussing rice.
  4. @Nate Simpson Are you guys considering and easter egg/ memorial to those who have been a member of space programs?
  5. So you have the latest from the 2.0.0 branch? I think it was fixed recently.
  6. Very cool! Does it come with imbalanced fuel loads on the second stage?
  7. Near Future Electrical has Kerbalism configured reactors iirc. Also, SSPXR has greenhouses and gravity rings. HOWEVER, you could also get Kerbal Atomics which I think allows it engines to be reactors as well. You may need SystemHeat. basically just get nertea's mods I think some of them have Kerbalism configs, but I'm not sure as I have only used it in RO.
  8. I'm very glad to hear it! I noticed however, that there were no clouds on Kerbin. Was that not implemented in this build? Overall though, the Mün looks FABULOUS. I hope we see more minmus soon, that's my favorite.
  9. Absolutely. I don't think we've gotten anything other than test scenes.
  10. While that would be nice, it's almost certainly not going to happen until the game is in a better state. Although, it would be nice to know what state the game is in.
  11. They're not going to do that because then people will be angry if the timetable isn't met.
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