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Everything posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. No. 1.1 is a very old version. 1.11 is the newest. They are not the same. Eleven and one are very far apart
  2. A desert moon with a breathable atmosphere and an oasis with liquid water at the poles.
  3. Hi @Syltus I believe this is a known issue and the developer is working to resolve this. Welcome to the forum!
  4. ♫ Big brain man ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫♫big brain man ♫ ♫ does whatever a big brain can ♫ ♫ makes a thought ♫♫♫ ♫any size ♫ ♫♫reads a book♫ ♫♫and eats pie♫ ♫♫♫look out,♫♫ ♫♫ here comes the big brain man♫♫♫♫
  5. Trust me, we put all sorts of stuff on boosters around here!
  6. Is that *actually* reuploaded, or is it just the default...
  7. Looking VERY snazzy. I love the new aesthetic you've gone with for this update.
  8. Welcome! Did you check the settings at the setup of your career?
  9. Based off a recent twitter post I would guess Lunar Starship! @Fraston
  10. Are you using a fairing to form the body of the starship? That often causes the hatch to be blocked. I recommend using Imgur.com. If you hit "new post" at the top you can upload your image. Hover your mouse over the image once it is uploaded and then click on the three dots. Select "get share links" and then copy the BBCode link. Paste that into the forum, and it should auto-embed. Welcome to the forums
  11. Is there any chance you will post your WIP configs? I (and I'm sure some others) would like to test them.
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