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Everything posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. They could use a change in leadership.... this whole thing is evident of that.
  2. That's a cool little plane. Maybe replace the deployable wheels with the small steerable ones. Or a parachute. Also, I would go for full Spider power.It would help with control and you and allow throttling.
  3. Yeah, but steam isnt perfect and they also take a cut, while when you buy off the KSP store the devs get it all.
  4. Since asteroids are technically parts, does this mean that Parallax could be used on other parts as well?
  5. banned for being a penguinaut and not having a beard
  6. Craft selector revamp. I was talking about this in another thread and now I realize just how much I NEED IT. Something similar in functionality to KAS, including the aforementioned EVA tethers. Perhaps making the Jetpack unlock later in the tech tree. The last few planet revamps. Maybe some new higher-tier parts, and new tech nodes at the far end where the NERVA and ions would be, along with new engines of those types. More diverse power options. Unfortunately these aren't really necessitated by anything at this point. there is nothing in the game that takes up enough power to warrant bigger solars than what we already have, and the RTG is overpowered (heh, get it) enough already.
  7. That would be a great QoL improvement. Having craft organized by type and series, so instead of having ten craft for slight variations on my Heron-class SSTO, I can have a folder for all of these. Honestly that would be awesome.
  8. wow it seems the station expansion^2 has really started now that the title has changed
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