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Everything posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. Guys I have an epic gamer plan when the thing comes out today, post the and that emoji only. No words. No thinking. Just. F R I D A A A Y Y Y Y
  2. Hey would you mind putting that in a spoiler box in the future? It makes the pag take a while to load and is a lot to scroll through. Also: It's
  3. Understandably. This could have been handled better. Yep. I feel ya.
  4. Will you all be applying similar optimizations to part quality and physics? (similar in level of improvement, not necessarily in manner. I don't know a whole lot about this stuff )
  5. Ok? I understand that. I was simply providing the only information available.
  6. We found out there is a raccoon that is living part-time in our attic and may have babies.
  7. From what I can tell it is a separate counter that only appears in the tech support section.
  8. A. Multi launch missions can be magical B. Asparagus
  9. That's unfortunate. There really isn't anything you can do then other than remove some mods. I would start with those that you just mentioned. Then go through your modlist and ask yourself "do i actually use this?" Also, if there are processor-heavy plugin mods, maybe consider doing something about those. Since you have a laptop, there is no way to improve it.
  10. There isn’t “one” thing you can change with your situation. If you want an improvement with no change to the game, you’d need an entirely different computer because you’re on a laptop. Really you need a better GPU. I think you should try removing all you graphics mods. EVE, Parallax, Scatterer, etc.
  11. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/202012-when-can-i-re-download-ksp/&do=findComment&comment=3961279
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