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    Void Technician

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  1. Remember when joints weren't unplayably floppy? Or when you were able to see vacuum AND sea level delta v for each stage?
  2. 1. Why no TWR on each stage in the VAB? I don't want to click a button to see that every time. 2. Vacuum exhaust. There's a thing called an Euler number, not the natural constant but the dimensionless parameter. I think it's off! Pressure dominates inertia in these engines. It's really subtle, but engines are like the left situation and I think they should be like the right situation: Minor difference but it irks me! The curvature as the exhaust peels away and expands is good. I just don't think it should be so exaggerated.
  3. I dunno, that particular piece is about as magnificent as the planet itself is. And have you heard Mars?
  4. Straight and angled RCS jets/duos/quads that are mounted flush, like the nose RCS on Shuttle. I have no idea how that would be implemented what with needing to make the root part be partially transparent and all so that a visual cavity could be built in. Kind of a reach!
  5. This was taken 20 minutes ago. The powered flyby is now done but we're still in LOS as I type this. Requesting a recreation screenshot from the devs, please!
  6. I have a suggestion! When an engine is turned off, it would be nice to not have it gimbal. I think it looks kind of silly when I'm gently pitching around on RCS and my engine bells are uselessly flailing back and forth. I found an old gif of what I'm talking about: This would probably be easy enough to implement, if it hasn't been done already.
  7. So did the devs imply/state that on launch the game won't have interstellar travel or multiplayer? If that's true, we might not even learn how it works until after February, even.
  8. Temper your expectations. The game isn't going to run a raytracing monte carlo simulation every time you place a radiator in the VAB. Engines are just gonna work, and 90% of the game will be patched conics.
  9. I'm fine with the current system. There's a lot you can get done with just transparent flags and two colors. My current plan is to do up some kind of a mothership where every tank looks like it's covered head to toe in the good stuff.
  10. May I remind you that this image also has five vacuum exhaust plumes, precisely zero of which are interacting with each other? They're all clipped into each other. Also, I guarantee that if you plow engine first through the atmosphere your rocket exhaust won't form a blunt stagnation layer where the upwards rushing air fights the downwards rushing exhaust. Do you think your radiators are going to suffer from reduced efficiency because of view factor obstruction if you start piling on more than two of them around your rocket? It's just a video game. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MST3KMantra
  11. Question. Ages back, we got Game Informer claim no. 6 here about the navball gutter. You can also see that the navball is transparent, and markers on the opposite side of the ball can be dimly seen. Have these "which damn way is retrograde" helpers been cut in the name of visual cleanliness, or what? I thought they were pretty neat ideas.
  12. That doesn't follow. "If you can lose millions of watts in coherent, defined plumes of water vapor out the top of your power plant's cooling towers then you can afford to be using that heat to turn more turbines!" Sounds to me like you're trying to pass off an artistic complaint as an engineering complaint. Since it's all fiction, the losses coming from that plasma will be as little or as much as you want it to. The devs are still going to punch in the same number for "WyvernEngine_isp_setequal" either way. If you don't like how the exhaust looks, just say so. I've voiced as much on here about the bright green skybox nebula and no one's come calling the police on me for it. Personally, I like the look of the leaky exhaust. It yells "MAGNETS!" right into the player's face.
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