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Everything posted by kennyc222

  1. So Beautiful and Gorgeous! After the latest update, the graphic and gameplay are sufficiently better than the previous one.... Now the Science, missions, Exploration mode (aka Story mode) and Reentry in December!
  2. Keep up the good work! I can't wait for the patch for 0.1.5 then For Science!
  3. congratz on your new position @Anth You are a great bug killer! this may help report more bugs inside the game! Me too! I'm so hyped about the future updates for KSP2... 0.1.5 is coming this week and Science is coming in December too! Collecting Science and samples..Lots of in-game missions are coming up too! Lots of replayability !
  4. I can't wait for the contents and the high res for the new gameplay too! I would love to attend Space Creator Day (sadly, I couldn't as it is too far away from Australia, where I'm currently living)...As a graduate of Master of Science (Astrophysics) myself, this game gives me lots of practical ways to enhance and brush up my knowledge in Astrophysics and Aerospace flight. Time to apply what I learned from Astrophysics degree on KSP2! Especially when Science is enabled by this December!
  5. HECK YEAH! I can't wait to try them all out! What a great and meaningful updates in the past 8 months! FOR SCIENCE! Comeback time! LET'S GOOOO!!!
  6. thanks for the updates! and i will try it out!
  7. well, the designer says he will add some sound effects but he doesn't know how to do it! @schlosrat
  8. Do sound effects on those SPARK Engines exist? When I operate them, No sound effects are heard!
  9. I know! It happens once every 10 - 20 seconds for keep frustrating between 60 - 1 FPS in the entire campaign...even if no ships around!
  10. yeah! Before v0.1.4.0, everything goes so smooth..but after the patch, it keeps scattering everytime i play! Even if no ships in the campaign!
  11. yeah! The game is still scattering every few seconds after the update 0.1.40! Before this, the game ran so smoothly! I have an NV 3060 Grahpic card with intel 10700 2.5 GHz with 32 GB of RAM
  12. YEah I also experienced this! BEfore, my high-ended PC handled the KSP2 so well with satisfactory performance, but after the upgrade, it kept lagging every second in all time! no matter the campaign has a ship or not! it can't handle a single small ship!
  13. me too! After upgrading it to v0.1.40..the performance of this game decreases sufficiently...It can't hold even one single ship! When I look at the Munar Surface...my high-ended PC (It can handle MW II, RDR2 and AC: Valhalla smoothly) has trouble handling the upgrade of KSP2! It constantly dropped from 60 fps to only 0.5 fps every several seconds.. This will really ruin the experience too!
  14. Good ot hear! Do you know what type of bugs are fixed?
  15. -Will You adjust the consumption of Xenon Engine? As it consumes too much EC everytime i used, 10 points per second. Will you adjust it accordingly? -Will larger version of Xenon Engine be available in the future update? -What Science (Temperature, gas pressure, magnetic field, atmospheric composition, surface composition, etc) can we investigate for each planet, moon and Kerbol, and other stars? -What Science equipment can we use for detection and exploration> -Will near and far future engine and fuel from KSP1 make a comback to increase Delta V (Efficicency) for interplanetary and Interstellar travel? - Will Jump Drive, warp drive and FTL travel make a comeback via modding? (I know there is no such thing for an official unmodded version) Just like what KSP1 does
  16. Looking forward to 0.1.4 in 10 days time! I have lots of Faith in this great game and the dev, who dedicated lots of time and energy to fix the game! Lots of Potentials! THanks for the updates and follow up!
  17. THe performance starts decreasing on my PC (with RTX3060, i7 10700 2.5GHz and 32 GB of RAM DDR4) when I start planning of maneuver. ANd going to eve is very challenging for me!
  18. I also did mine one a few weeks ago....but it took me tons of time just for maneuvering alone from Kerbin to Eve..it is very hard..harder than Jool and Duna
  19. Nice patch! I'm looking forward to another one in few weeks time...Yes sir! Now I have much better confidence to play it! Good work!
  20. So cute! You should make a PIkachu too!
  21. Something wrong about the game. When I tried to maneuver the orbit to Duna, the orbit doesn't move at all! I use Pubble engine (orbit)...Looks like it is a bug. Both PE and AP are both zero..here is the screenshot! here is the screenshot
  22. Nice Probe! Good work! I finally realized that enough xenon gas with time wrap and literally takes me anywhere across kerbol system!
  23. it may not have to be haha..as My SSTO still doesn't have enough fuel or it just keeps wobbling left or right while take off!
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