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Everything posted by asap1

  1. I write this using a low end samsung chromebook but theres a caveat it can run kerbal... without enabling dev mode I completely forget how I managed this but I was able to install a linux gui and from there install the deb file for steam and well the rest is pretty simple from there. I don't actually have kerbal on here because: 1. not enough disk space 2. the speed the game would run at would be worse than a snail stuck in a glue trap; I would essentially be playing an interactive slideshow.
  2. agreed totally would buy it even right now I would have absolutely no problem buying a copy in it's current state(which is somewhat mysterious) .
  3. this will hopefully allow it to run reasonably on ps4 and xb1
  4. hello fellow intelligent predominant species you will be helping you nuke your own planet for not us but your own sake so that we might claim a bounty of natural resources from most certainly ourselves.
  5. my username I made as originally a gamer-tag for web based io games I liked it and it stuck so now if it isn't taken I use it. plus it also sounds kinda cool in my opinion.
  6. this had actual footage of gameplay so um ya really awesome and the planets look amazing+name of star system. best feature video yet.
  7. ok yes to be fair my hill was quite unfair and magic would have to be real for my hill of all hills to be possible. I call physics police and you are arrested for theft of a hill and magic. I then plant flag on hill my hill
  8. yay I have captured the original hill I construct a time manipulation device and make a ps5 so I can play ksp 2 early I am no longer bored I create a massive black hole consuming all the hills creating a singularity which I move to the center of the original surrounded by a shielding device preventing the original hill from joining the singularity. the shielding prevents a massive gravitational well from forming so I am perfectly fine to any of you who would try to turn me into a puddle stuck to the side of my hill. my hill of all hills
  9. ah yes indestructible shield with no entrances and surrounded by thanoshreks doing a default dance truly unbeatable. except this time install infinite life support and launch my hill into intergalactic space. I also create a black hole around my hill that shreds away the larger hill created by lava. to prevent temporal shenanigans I freeze time around said hill but only the hill not the black hole. also just to make sure nobody tries anything the hill is surrounded by a pocket dimension nobody can enter. my hill
  10. ah yes indestructible shield with no entrances and surrounded by thanoshreks doing a default dance truly unbeatable. my hill
  11. I construct indestructible shield around hill with infinite life support and no entrances or exits. it also has a time stopping device to prevent temporal shenanigans and to stop me from aging or being killed. my hill
  12. i start war to stop the spread of communism and win my hill
  13. as a general rule you creation must be able to hit a target at least 1 km from launch and have a projectile velocity at the muzzle of at least 343 m/s(mach 1) preferably your creation should be able to destroy buildings and other vehicles.
  14. the prismatic inscription reference to the inscribed square problem aka geeky math stuff look it up it's actually pretty cool
  15. would be very cool underground bases shielded from radiation underground caves just think of the possibilities. also terrain editing parts would be great.
  16. well take your time as much as the kraken is entertaining to watch it's not always so nice
  17. yeah thought so too could be another year or two before 1.11/1.12 comes out for console.
  18. this the equivalent of coding a general purpose ai and running it on a chip made from potatoes and prayers to the rain god. If I had to guess how this was done I would assume your school has not disabled linux beta and dev mode. because of this fact you were able to install steam and download ksp. would love to know how you did it correct me if I am wrong
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