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Everything posted by Dientus

  1. Banned for underrating the food value of easy to kill animals.
  2. Banned for worrying about your location.
  3. Banned for abuse of Rule 1.4 while ignoring subsection c: Unless other involved parties have a dog in their picture.
  4. Granted. But everyone around you doesn't feel good and you still have to stay inside bored. I wish for a maid.
  5. Banned for having been banned, but not been in a band.
  6. Very much so. Happened back in early 80's... Young dumb and so on. But we were tougher back then too, break an arm? We used branches to splint it. Hospitals were out of the question We used to practice Darwinism lol
  7. I did rock climbing when I was young and stupid. No ropes, no boots, normal jeans and shirt with one other guy. We were stupid and lucky we only tore out clothes. LoL
  8. I took 2 years of German in high school and actually spoke it on and off a little bit when I was younger now the only thing I can remember is enough to get me punched
  9. Gilly: trip when you're running here and you end up in Eve orbit.
  10. Granted. But they are stuffed with thorns and rocks. Wish the money I printed look more real.
  11. Yep but only once. TUBM has gone to the Mohole.
  12. Granted. But you choke and gag when you realize air is not breathable on Duna Mars. Wished forums worked better on phones.
  13. Banned for never having been to Dres.
  14. Yes, multiple times. Pretty TUBM has also gone to Jool
  15. Checking... Affirmative. KSC has announced giving the "all go" for an everythree mission... Be safe boys!
  16. Granted but the extra dimensions required to create it become unstable and collapse in on itself creating a 500 kT explosion. Wished I made more money.
  17. 10/10 completely original and relevant to the forums.
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