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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. That's one small step for a Kerbal, one giant leap for all of Kerbalkind.
  2. This is one of the biggest benefits of working from home. When I take my lunch tomorrow (I get an hour) I'll already have the update downloaded, so I'll be able to fire this up and play for a bit.
  3. First, I will download the update while laughing maniacally. Then, I will giggle like a little girl as I start a new career game in Exploration mode. Finally, I will probably end up filing several bug reports due to things being broken due to the update.
  4. ...when you strengthened your math skills IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL by calculating THAC0 in your head. Without a calculator. Without having to look up the actual bonuses in the tables in the books. Yeah, I'm an old-school 1E nerd.
  5. I was 6 when it was released, so not in the theater. But all the time when it was on TV.
  6. In my KSRSS career, landed a probe on the Moon. Simple Octo with solar panels, antenna, and ~1000 dV remaining in the tank. Nothing special, but it was required for the KSRSS contract. So I did it. By the way, that little ball in the background is, in fact, Earth.
  7. Ahem. Message for you from her royal highness. "Dear sir. You are hereby banned."
  8. What we need is something like this, only kerbalized:
  9. Why are so many questions answerable with memes and gifs?
  10. While I am waiting for 0.2 to drop, I started up a new KSP1 career using KSRSS. I have successfully gotten as far as a lunar flyby...with the return trip scheduled for 7 years from now. Something like 4.1 BILLION km out from Earth at Ap. Well, guess I didn't need that satellite all that much. Or the science it is carrying.
  11. You get a name change. @kerbiloid shall now be known as ker-ban-iloid. Oh, and you are banned.
  12. Well, seeing as we've gotten to the inevitable dinosaur conversation... Bann-a-saurus Rex.
  13. Granted. You win every rock-papers-scissors competition by shooting your opponent. Comes with the side effect of being jailed for murder. I wish thumb wars could be played with pinky fingers.
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