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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. Banned for not creating a chasm with the ism.
  2. Banned for judging without being a judge.
  3. Granted. A pack of zombies descends upon you. Should be motivating enough to get you moving. I wish I was patient zero in the zombie apocalypse.
  4. Agreed. What people are forgetting is that they still need to place Colonies and Interstellar on top of the current structure, which means that the tech tree isn't even finished at this point. Starting with what they know from KSP1 and enhancing it for KSP2 is a great starting point, and I think they've left themselves enough leeway to be able to get the parts and such associated with the next milestones in there without breaking things. Then again, I'm not one of the developers, so what do I know? As I was watching the video and hearing them mention challenges, the first 3 that I thought of were: Caveman. KSP2 doesn't (at least not now) have part count or weight limits, but I'm sure someone will come up with a way to pull this off. Speed Run. Fill out the entire tech tree as fast as possible (in-game time, not IRL time). Kerpollo. 1 launch per planet (well, 1 for Mun, 1 for Minmus, and then 1 for every other planet) and fill out the entire tech tree by the time you do your Jool-5. And I am looking forward to doing these. I have only ever pronounced it "Tie-low"; I never knew there was an alternate way to say it. I pronounce it "Muhn" when identifying it as a celestial body...but then say "Moo-ner" when talking about doing missions (much like we say Moon and lunar IRL). Interestingly enough, neither are correct if you follow the accurate way to pronounce words with the umlaut: How to Correctly Pronounce the Umlaute ä, ö, ü | Expath The one I didn't hear mentioned is Dres. Is it "Drays" (like you'd pronounce place or face), "Dress" (like you'd pronounce, um, dress), "Drayz" (like you'd pronounce phase), or "Drez" (like you'd pronounce fez)? I pronounce it "Drez", but I'm not sure if that's right? Such an underappreciated planet...assuming it exists, of course. I'm not sure why they consider Dres to be Tier IV. Eeloo, Jool, and a return mission from Eve, sure. But Dres isn't all that difficult to get to, nor to get home from. It's like the mid-point of the outer Kerbolar system, tucked between Duna and Jool (or Eeloo, depending on when you leave Kerbin), and you don't need a gravity assist to get there. But poor Moho doesn't even get a mention here. I'd put Moho in Tier IV before Dres due to the dV requirement to get there and back.
  5. @Heretic391 I gotta ask how many times you tried launching individual pieces before that whole thing came together. That is awesome and frightening at the same time!
  6. For Science! drops on 12/19, which is about 2 weeks away. Dakota has indicated that IG has contingencies in place should something major happen or need to be fixed while most of the crew is on PTO over Christmas break.
  7. Boy do I like Sniglets. Rich Hall was a genius. I don't have any of my own, but I can share some of my favorites. Icelanche: When ice at the bottom of an upturned glass suddenly moves toward the mouth as one attempts to finish drinking the liquid. Cheeriomagnetism: The perplexing ability of the last several Cheerios in a bowl of milk to huddle together as if for protection. Caltitude: When petting a cat from head to tail, the act of the cat raising its behind higher and higher the closer you get to the tail. Burgecide: The act of a hamburger somehow falling through the grate into the fire as you are attempting to flip it on the grill.
  8. I need to add something to the list of stuff I put out there before: TWR Readout. As far as I am aware, there is no TWR display anywhere once you leave the VAB. And even in the VAB, the Engineer's Report only gives TWR for the launch stage. KSP1 had TWR per stage included with the dV calculations in each stage. You could expand a given stage and see both dV and TWR, and that was really helpful. Please bring this back.
  9. Banned for having the Lego train in a place where it can easily knocked over Edit: And thats 3 new pages for me in the last week!
  10. I honestly can't tell if you are joking, or if you think I don't know how to play the game. Yes, I've tried in multiple spots where there is a clear difference between ground and sea level. On multiple celestial bodies.
  11. Granted. Unfortunately, happiness is fleeting. I wish my hummingbird feeder would magically fill itself with the finest, most nutritious nectar - for hummingbirds, of course - when it is empty.
  12. Without an explanation of what is meant by a multi-joint system, my guess is that it's due to physics calculations.
  13. I have. Nothing happens. At least, nothing I've noticed, anyhow. You pretty much covered the why in these sentences. KSP2's dV calculations are off, which makes the burn time off. And for very small burns, where you plan on using less than 100% of the throttle. Granted, the muscle memory factor plays a part in this; it's how I learned in KSP1. And yes, your mileage may and probably will vary. But if we are calling out stuff we'd like to see...
  14. Everywhere between Eve and Duna? Well, how about everywhere beyond those orbits? You have Moho, Eeloo, and all 5 of Jool's moons.
  15. First, wow what a list of bug fixes! Second, more clips please! That was hilarious!
  16. Oh my goodness do I have a few things I'd like to jot down here. Most of what I'm about to say has been said, but it's better to make sure you know about it than to guess. VAB The camera controls are not friendly. Having to hold the middle mouse button and then move the mouse to move the view up or down is cumbersome. Not to mention that if you try to do this over a part then that part somehow becomes the focal point of the craft until you hit the Home key. KSP1 allowed you to move up/down with the scroll wheel, pan left/right with arrow keys or holding the left mouse button, and zooming in/out with +/-. I cannot overstate how often I fight with the controls just to zoom in on one tiny part. Please, for the love of everything Kerbal: Revert the controls back to KSP1 VAB camera controls; OR Allow us to map the camera controls to whichever buttons/keys/etc. we find most comfortable. A minor aesthetic to be sure, but any chance you can open the wall up that is supposed to be facing the launchpads? I like knowing where the launchpad is relative to the craft I'm building as I always rotate the command module/pod/probe core so that depressing S in flight turns the vehicle over to the East. And I know how to orient every pod in KSP1 based on being able to see where the launchpad is relative to the build. Again, aesthetic. Flight UI/Navball Allow the option to move the different elements, such as the navball or staging information, where it makes most sense for each individual player. On that note, allow the option to show/hide elements. For example, I don't need to see the Kerbals that are in the pod until I'm actually ready to have them go EVA. In my honest opinion, the color scheme of the navball - and, by extension, the rest of the UI elements - is ugly and hard on the eyes. An option to customize this as we see fit would be nice. Bring back the ability to switch between Ground and Sea Level altitude. If this exists, I haven't seen it yet (and boy would it be nice if someone would point out how to switch between them). Maneuver Nodes The ability to use the scroll wheel on the node controls (prograde/retrograde, normal/anti-normal, radial in/out) for small increments would be a boon. I've noticed recently that maneuver nodes are actually hidden from your view if they are on the opposite side of the planet that you are looking at. I can provide a screenshot if necessary to show what I'm talking about. Sometimes the controls on a maneuver node are stacked an top of one another, making it hard to actually see which control you are pulling/pushing, which can then lead to bad maneuvers, which then forces you to start over. Could we get something that allows us to tell the maneuver node "Hey, I want to alter this control"? On that note, is it possible to get a stock in-game option box/text field/etc. to put in actual dV values for each of the directions? Some of us know how much dV we want to spend, not to mention that it helps to fine-tune the maneuvers if we can enter in 1 m/s or .5 m/s instead of trying to pull on the control in a specific direction slowly. Any chance we can get the option to add number of orbits before node execution? Any chance we can get the option to bring back the old way of seeing burn times (instead of right now where it's time to start, go back to the KSP1 way of knowing how long to burn and then starting at the half-way point of that)? This may be more of a mechanical thing than an actual UI elements, but when moving maneuver nodes, if you hold click and hold still, you can literally watch the node move and change the Ap/Pe of the node. Even when you aren't moving it. Can we get an option to click the node and move it with arrow keys so that it actually stops when you aren't pressing a key down? Map View/SOI In map view, when you rendezvous with a craft and get really close, the markers for both the craft you are piloting and the craft you are coming up on are on top of each other, which means you then can't select the one you want at times. Can we get some control to pull up a list of craft you want to focus on? SOI changes are horrible to look at. Those concentric circles are confusing, and they don't really tell you which direction you are traveling (where you are entering an SOI, or where you are exiting). Can we get some kind of directional marker, like an arrow, to show this? Personally, I'd like to see the concentric circles go the way of the dinosaur here. They are confusing as all get-out. I'd like a way to center the currently-selected planet/moon in my view from the north pole of said celestial body. Top-down view, with orbit lines in full view, with the north pole center of the screen. PAM/PAW Overstated way before I showed up, but I'd really like to see the individual PAW's return. Keep the option to bring up the entire list, but I don't need the entire list when I'm literally right-clicking on one part I need to deal with. And it's so hard to find a singular part in that list when you've got hundreds of parts to scroll through Is there any way to remove parts from the PAM/PAW that you can't interact with or that don't have options to toggle? For example, struts don't have anything you can do to them once in flight; is there a reason these need to be displayed in the PAM? Agency Colors The ability to enter values as RGB values would be keen. I know what the values are for the color package I'd like to select; I'm not so good with moving a slider here. On this note, what about being able to enter an actual value for Opacity? Or even pre-scaled percent values? Another one that might be a bit of a mechanical thing, but only 2 colors allowed right now? I know there's a mod available that will store multiple color schemes, but wouldn't it make sense to have a list of pre-defined favorite colors and then select which color you want AND whether it's primary or secondary? That's about all I got for now. I'm sure as soon as I hit SAVE I'll think of something I forgot. Please keep in mind that these are my personal opinions and may not in actuality represent the thoughts or opinions of others.
  17. I think that's going to be an individual thing, and not something overly defined by the game itself. I guess it will depend on what parameters you set for yourself when you create a new game. Are you doing a speed run to see how long it takes to unlock the tech tree? Are you aiming to hit every planet/moon in the Kerbolar system? Once we get to colonies, are you aiming to turn them all into resource generators or habitat modules? What one person defines as being "all done" with a given save will not be the same as what another person defines.
  18. I'm not too worried (yet) about where things are in the tech tree, primarily because I'm sure a mod will come along that changes it all up anyhow. And I'm more concerned right now about playability with Science mode, especially as it relates to the bugs that still exist that might make things a bit more difficult than they should be (such as wobbliness, which is supposed to have a fix in 0.2 but hasn't been mentioned in weeks in anything they've dropped).
  19. Ah, I misread what you originally typed. That is my bad. And I agree with you that science experiments shouldn't be gated behind specific tiers...although they may be. The one example I have is Aquatic Sciences in Tier IV. Without knowing what parts might be available until we get the game, I am making an assumption that there might be science parts/experiments unlocked at that point that deal with different liquid bodies (Eve's methane oceans, Kerbin's water, etc.). Which, technically, isn't any different than needing to purchase a given node to get access to that tech, really.
  20. The trial and error we went through IN KSP1 LIKE I STATED with crafting rockets and trying to get onto Eve's surface. You are making the assumption that either I or the devs stated that going to Eve would be gated behind a specific tier. We didn't. There is nothing stopping you from going there as soon as you feel ready. For newer players, the tech at those later tiers is going to be geared towards making it easier.
  21. While I don't disagree with you, you have to remember that new players will make the same mistakes all the rest of us made in KSP1.
  22. Considering how devastating Eve's atmosphere is upon entry, as well as the high dV requirement to get back into space from her surface, I'm not surprised it is being touted as a later-game destination.
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