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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. So, on a hunch, I started a new Exploration game; I wanted to see how many flights it would take me to fill out Tier I. The answer? 3. 3 flights is all it took for me to completely unlock all of Tier I (and then 3 nodes inside Tier II). The 3 flights: Get to 10km or higher Go sub-orbital. Then orbital. Then do the EVA mission. Do a Munar fly-by. Then land on the Mun. Then plant a flag in a Mare on the Mun. Then return to Kerbin. I am wondering if I could maybe do this in two launches (combine the first 2 bullets above into 1 launch). All told, 3 flights is pretty darned quick. I had the contract to go find the source of the Munar signal after landing on the Mun, but it was so far away from where I would be orbiting once leaving the Mun, and I was low on fuel (I had 22 m/s of fuel after the maneuver to aerobrake on Kerbin at 57km). Maybe I could have done that, maybe not. But I know I can get to the Mun, find the signal, then land at the monument all in one trip (and a few other things, like the perfect circular orbit).
  2. Well, I can either play the game peacefully, or I can complain about it and still play. Guess which one I'm choosing? The more I play, the more I find that I don't like about 0.2. But apart from filing bug reports, there isn't much I can do. Easier to just plow ahead and do what I can.
  3. What exactly are you talking about? Bej stated they didn't like the mechanic, so I simply asked what they would like to see. I then even stated that while I like the idea, I am not sold on the implementation AND I don't have any ideas of my own. Your response and its point, if there is one, is lost on me as I don't know why you responded in this tone.
  4. Ok, so what would you prefer to see? What idea do you have to make this better? I like the idea of a science mechanic...but I don't think the current implementation is right or perfect. I also don't know what the right one would be. So I simply play with what we are given.
  5. I'm not sure. I haven't tested it in a while, and I don't know if the person who developed it is still maintaining it.
  6. Flight Plan doesn't chew up system resources, nor does it impact sharing craft. And it does exactly what you are asking for. If you want to wait to see if some stuff shows up officially in the game, great. But you might be waiting for quite a long time.
  7. So much for staying on topic. The mods can close this thread as the economic discussion is not what this thread was to be about.
  8. No shield on the tank itself. So I expected it to heat up...just not at 60km. Why is it that I'm the only one getting called out here? I'm following what others have done.
  9. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: Flight Plan, Maneuver Node Controller, MapView Focus and Targeting, K2D2, Micro-Engineer | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Win11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900 12 core | GPU: GeForce RTX 2060 Super | RAM: 32GB Had this happen to me today. Waited until I hit about 10km before attempting to deploy (speed was at ~200 m/s). The pair of drogue chutes deployed, but the pair of radially attached Mk16's did not. Deployment was attempted through staging. Quicksave and quickload did not work; Mk16's did not deploy through staging. However, through PAM I was able to click deploy and they worked, slowing the craft down to 14.5 m/s...before flipping the craft over and picking up speed to 20 m/s. That's probably more a function of the weight of the craft, but I've never seen chutes slow something down and then have that thing pick up speed after flipping over. Weird. All told, chute deployment is simply not working through staging.
  10. Ok, so I'll retract my earlier statement about the lander can. I came back from Minmus in the 3-seater capsule, and with a heat shield it survived re-entry very nicely. So it's not the heat system, but rather my choice of re-entry capsules. However, I'd like someone to explain to me why the fuel tank itself overheats and explodes at 60km, but none of the landing legs, radial tanks, or the 6 Ant engines I've got on this thing did: That shot is the lander on Minmus, and I flew that thing back home to Kerbin. The medium tank overheated, but none of the radial parts did. At 60km. Why does that happen?
  11. Today I completed the Minmus Signal mission, dropping a simple lander with 3 Kerbals in it less than 1km away from the Minmus Monument. In KSP1 I rely upon MechJeb to do the landings for me, so to get this close is nothing short of monumental (pun fully intended) for me. Like @stephensmat, I'm shocked with how close I was able to stick the landing. You will also see a shot here of Raysen next to a flag he planted. Kind of like him saying "Kilroy was here".
  12. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: Flight Plan, Maneuver Node Controller, K2D2, MapView Focus and Targeting | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900 | GPU: GeForce RTX 2060 Super | RAM: 32 GB I tend to use roman numerals for flags that are planted. However, consecutive capital letters (such as II, VI, XLX, etc.) are not allowed in the name of a planted flag. Numbers (such as 2, 5, 1111) are also not allowed. Screenshot of the flag planted for the Nebuchadnezzar II, and you'll see that the roman numerals are forced to Ii: Included Attachments:
  13. I started this topic as a way to share our thoughts on what the 0.2 enhancement brought with it, and to share our thoughts on the gameplay of For Science. Please don't turn this thread into an ideological dissertation on economics or what countries do in real life. Please stay on topic, lest the mods close the thread.
  14. I'm thinking along the lines of: EVA repair (fixing drones and satellites) in Tier II ISRU in Tier III EVA construction in Tier IV Colonies and extra-Kerbin (surface) launchpads in Tier V Orbital launch sites in late Tier V (or in Tier VI) Interstellar tech in Tier VI I could be very wrong here, but that seems like a decent progression based on how things are currently laid out.
  15. Thirded. You can get to, at a minimum, Mun orbit and back with the starting parts (and I am going to aim for a landing and return with those), but you get credit for none of that if you do them without them being "enabled". I like that they are presented in a linear order for new players. But those of us who have been playing for years don't need our hands held the whole way. Give us credit for thinking outside the box.
  16. And I disagree with you. As I stated, I've got over 1000 hours in KSP1 and I have never seen the Mun Arch there. Without the mission tracking, I would have never seen it here.
  17. @The Aziz Huh. I never read that in the wiki, but it makes perfect sense that this then should happen with the lander can. If it is wider than the heat shield that is supposed to protect it, then yes, the sides should melt off upon re-entry. My big issue here is that it's happening really high up in the atmosphere, and it's happening before anything else overheats. There is also very little warning that it's happening; you look at the craft, it's fine, you look away, it's exploded. Going to have to retest the heat settings with every capsule now, I guess. I mean, I never had this happen in KSP1...but as has been pointed out, we shouldn't expect the same stuff to happen in KSP2 that happened in KSP1. Although, I'd argue that this does in fact need to be tweaked so you aren't turning into plasma at 60km as that will have a negative impact on new players.
  18. So why does it not blow up in KSP1? I have never had this happen in KSP1. And why does it overheat when things below it and connected to it don't?
  19. Standard heat shield. Tin can lander. Coming in retrograde, with heat shield, fuel tank, and engine still attached. Tin can overheated and exploded before the fuel tank. Before the engine. Before I could decouple and a tally try to use the heat shield. It simply blew up. Every time until I got down to 20%.
  20. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: See previous submissions for entire list | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900 12 Core | GPU: GeForce RTX 2060 Super | RAM: 32 GB RAM Created a craft to exit Kerbin's SOI and get into Kerbolar orbit. First stage has 5 engines (primary Mainsail, 4 Skippers). Stacks with the Skippers attached radially, with fuel lines stretching from the radial stacks to the central/primary stack. TWR and dV are not being calculated for the second stage, which is shown as highlighted in the below image. Craft file attached. Included Attachments: RamesesI.json
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