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Everything posted by Kreuzung

  1. There is a neuer ordner and a folder called 1 in parts... Edit: Whaa, didn\'t take off... Edit2: The part folder called 1 seems to be an exact copy of the stock small control surface
  2. It\'s not even googles fault, it\'s spelled wrong ;P Google with corrected spelling:
  3. If the prices are high, I can\'t wait for money to be introduced.
  4. Oops forgot this. public float accelRateCharge; public double brakingDistance; public double cruiseSpeed; public double CruiseSpeedAccelLimit; public WarpEngine.EngineState engineState; public double initSpeedSquared; public float jumpDistance; public static WarpEngine Master; public float maxJumpDistance; public float minJumpDistance; public Vector3d targetPosition; public Vector3 warpVel; State, Master and the vectors can probably be ignored.
  5. They already implemented multiple fuel types. I don\'t think that they will make cargo without par modules, so you should be able to have it be both.
  6. Thanks for the bug report, persistent filters are damn easy to make. Batteries are weird in this release, I have a completely new system working here, it just randomly refills the batteries^^
  7. Added that, except the thrust/fule thing, it whould make the engine much worse than the ones by Maraz and kockaspiton
  8. I honestly can\'t stand lag in videos, I see you already tried to fix it with time acceleration? Did you unfix the oceans? Whould make performance way better.
  9. Sailing Drawing (99% Mirialans) But I think I sit the most of my free time in front of KSP...
  10. Why can you all draw on a computer?
  11. But I think the ZO2 boost does not work with engines that don\'t use the default liquid engine. There is something in ZO2 that gets the class name as string and compares it with 'LiquidEngine'. Replacing that with is LiquidEngine whould also work with engines derived from LiquidEngine, such as Ion Engines and MuMech engines. Oh, and with ZO2 boost, atmospheric engines should work in space ;D
  12. I had the batteries resetting to full if both Ion Engines and Solar Panels where attached. I think I\'ll handle part resources similar to MechJeb, mass recalculation shouldn\'t be a problem at 0 density.
  13. Whaa, worked on this the whole day, bugs are more weird than before. Rule 15 - The harder you try. the harder you will fail. And, the dead battery issue is not fixed in this release, I had some problems with it but thought it was fixed. Solar panels seem to not really work too. This was just the weird origin of the Solar Buddy Is the partResource system bugged? That whould expain a lot.
  14. And one of them is the best evidence for rule 15 'the harder you try, the harder you will fail'.
  15. Universal solution for everything
  16. It\'s not stock, it contains a rover ;P
  17. I think so. Modelers are always talking about invalid collision meshes.
  18. I\'d use that to get secret service equipment and steal some money from you all if possible, then I hire a whole third-world contry to count the money ;P fair-paid of course ;P ;P
  19. I\'ll talk about the version check to n3x15 the next time he\'s on IRC, last time he said it was my project settings, but that was wrong, and careo told me that he has the same problem.
  20. They\'d just make more because it sells good.
  21. Seems rather problematic. Some people have a mind and others far more than 3k.
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