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Everything posted by Kreuzung

  1. If you don\'t want your ion engines and batteries to die if empty, you can use the plugin from my sig for that ;D This just looks awesome!
  2. You can convert any static panel into a ZO2 panel. Or use the ones from Maraz, they are very small in folded state.
  3. You have to change the module line. And I think MJ is overpowered, I made them be Satellite Relay pods instea.d
  4. Happy birthday then What do you mean exactly with purpose?
  5. I\'m on french camping WLAN, so it can\'t be Germany, I\'ll try again.
  6. I thought this whould happen in half a year or so. Good thing that I\'ve been wrong.
  7. If you mean Kosmos panels, you need a KrMuMechPanel. For PowerTecb panels, you need Alchemists MuMech-based plugin. If you mean MJP panels, that doesn\'t work at the time, I haf it working but .15 broke MJP and I can\'t update now. For those having problems with greyed out stuff, download the 1.1.2 and the newest MuMechLib. I can\'t say anything specific about it, I depend on the worst phone ever ;(
  8. Granted, but the NATO becomes paranoid and forms an anti-pizza tasc force, leading into pizzanuclear world war. I wish for stable WLAN on camping 5tars la yole (or having them loose a star)
  9. PowerTech panels generating energy are found in Alchemists thread. ZO2-generating panels aren\'t that bad, they just have in-built filters^^ Can\'t put anything with a sense in here, have to go now
  10. One idea. Initialize 3 linerenderers at the beginning, then make each of them draw one axis around vessel.getworldspacecenterofmass() or whatever it is called. Should end with a coord cross around center of gravity. Just a thought, no warranty.
  11. You talked about a train plugin, couldn\'t you make the train be a loop animation? Maybe you could even make the whole thing be one part with part modules and multiple colliders
  12. Link is in my sig. You need the old MechJeb (1.8.3 or so) until someone updates it, thats a dev fail and I can\'t access my laptop in the next weeks...
  13. The best whould be making a PowerTech version of them. This whould use plugins, but you could still have a demo-compatible version. Also, using plugins is almost the same as using default part types.
  14. Damn. Someone hack my plugged-off computer, take \'mjppanel.cs\' and add it to my plugin? ;D
  15. Ok, after some hours at the beach, I calmed down a bit. It should work if someone recompiles te source with the newest MuMechLib and sends it to a Xenolith admin so he can replace it there. I don\'t have real Inet for at least 2 days and no KSP/VC# until the 4th. Maybe someone could also retexture the VB parts?
  16. New MechJeb released, plugin probably dead. I\'m really pissed of our holidays already at the first day, so I might abandon this plugin if completely outdated in 2 weeks. Until then, I can\'t really do anything.
  17. That gap is necessary to ensure attachment works to all parts.
  18. One thing, I have no problems with attaching nodes, you have to rotate them with WASDQE...
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