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Everything posted by Kreuzung

  1. I used to think I was close enough, but then I took your CAPSLOCK to the screen.
  2. Carrying heavy spare parts, even if there is almost no need for them? Thats NOT Kerbal. Fixing everything with duct tape and this mysterious elastic thingy labelled \'C4\'? Not that is Kerbal ;D
  3. Mine too, I still use it, and I don\'t even know anymore which year it is from. It has to be more than two years old, I think.
  4. = division by zero division by zero?
  5. If you need something added to the plugin, just ask me if it\'s possible. I really want to support this mod \'cause it\'s just awesome.
  6. Best thing whould be using the debris field generator, if it still works in .15.
  7. Does it hang meaning that the \'loading\' text stops flashing? Then it just needs time. Anyway, delete the parts mesh folder, then try again.
  8. In a personal conversation with cBBp, he said that Kosmos has never been optimized, but now parts will be overhauled anyway to have normal maps, which comes along with model changes to decrease polycount.
  9. Docking a supply capsule to a station? THATS NOT KERBAL! Grabbing it with a giant claw? THATS KERBAL!
  10. Yeah, solar panels with PowerTech and legs as default legs whould work and be cool.
  11. I used to follow spelling and grammar rules BUT THEN ARROW 2 NEE OOOUUCHHH :\'(
  12. I think cBBp said something about having all nodes pointing to the center, then rotating the thing at least one or so. Edit: Found the missing c?
  13. WARNING! C:\ contains a folder called \'Windows\'. This is NOT good. Destroy world? (y/y) n Invalid n Invalid n Invalid n Invalid n Invalid n Invalid n Invalid n Invalid n Invalid n Bill Gates seems to control your mind
  14. Allow spambots. 3k new users in up to no time ;P
  15. My hair? I think I\'ll let it grow to have the best anime hair ever. And guess what? It grows so I can always sell diamonds on ebay haha
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