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Posts posted by AtomicTech

  1. 15 hours ago, Bej Kerman said:

    This is why I think doing colonies first is the complete wrong approach. People wanted KSP with colonies to extend the game, not a colony management game with a bit of KSP. Doing colonies first would also divert time away from optimising large part counts.

    Y'know? I don't think we know what we want. Maybe it should have gone this way. A KSP sequel that doesn't aim to replace KSP until the end. From the top down, as Felipe said.

    On 5/12/2024 at 12:38 AM, K^2 said:

    I really hope that T2/PD consider it at some point.

    Shoot, they might as well just sell it back to him and maybe take some royalties.

  2. Y'know, I think I've had enough of all of this T2 and KSP 2 nonsense. 

    I hope Felipe manages to find a way to get the KSP IP back without all of this complex crap from these large companies. I'm finding that he's the only person that we could trust to make/oversee a building/flight sim game. I am very excited for the potential new space game that he might do after Kithack :)

  3. On 5/5/2024 at 7:00 PM, Admiral Fluffy said:

    Made a really fast plane.


    goes over Mach 4. Couldn't get Mach 5.


    And I flew a plane on Tekto from OPM.

    It's quite pretty, even though the landscape blends together. Kinda like snow.

    So I actually did more stuff, and its cool, so I'll put it here.


    Launched a mission to Duna!


    Did a Mun flyby because its cool



    In hindsight, I should have made this one stage.


    Ike was going to cause problems but the orbit burn happened and solved that


    I can't really read his expression. Hopefully he is happy!




    After an orbit, I aimed for a very specific landing point known as "The Surface of Duna"


    Had a catastrophic failure with the main chutes. Somebody is definitely getting fired for that. Thankfully all went well, just bumpy.





    Safely landed!



    Monoprop tanks make going down the ladder slighty bumpy.


    And then Ranyo becomes the first kerbal avali on duna! Hooray!


    What will happen to our intrepid hero? Find out next time on What did you do in KSP1 today? *Heroic Fanfare*
    Hopefully he'll get back safely.

    Nicely done!

  4. 1 hour ago, pandaman said:

    Being outraged is easy.  How many would be prepared to pay (probably more than they paid for the game) for some legal action that has next to no chance of success?

    It's easy to sign a petition?

    I'm not in support of this; I'm pointing out that there's enough angry people to sign a petition and join in someone's legal challenge if they didn't have to do much of anything.

  5. On 5/3/2024 at 12:25 PM, bcink said:

    Steam can say whatever they want. The representatives for this game literally stated "this game is fully funded through 1.0." We have EVERY cause to pursue legal action. 

    I HIGHLY doubt there will be a problem getting enough signatures.

    Have you seen all of the outraged people here, on Reddit, and on Discord?

  6. 4 hours ago, Alpha_star said:

    Yeah, the current ones are just reskins you've said. Nice but I surely perfer KSP2's UI over KSP1's.

    I doubt that could be backported though, KSP1's basic UI layout has remain unchanged ever since the modding community was here, so it's probably deep inside the codebase and pretty hard to change.

    No, we've screwed with the UI a bunch of times. 

    And, I love KSP's UI and probably more than KSP 2 but that's just my opinion.

  7. 9 hours ago, The Aziz said:

    But I would also not say "don't buy it, avoid like fire" because it's not a crumbled ball of misery.

    I'd say "don't but it, avoid it like fire" because it's just a meh game and your money is much better spent on KSP and others.

  8. 29 minutes ago, Infinite Aerospace said:

    You can find that on Michael (NerdyMike) Linkedin. He comments about being layed off at Intercept Games, how it's bittersweet in essence but how he's enjoyed his time there and is doing what he can to ensure his work (whatever that might entail) is 'left in good hands'. Now that, left in good hands part suggests he is handing over to someone else, otherwise that statement is a non-statement. He also mentions Dakota being someone else whose being layed off but does not state the team as a whole is being layed off.


    Whether there's anything in that or not remains unclear, we also know BlackRack has been let go, but the likes of Nate, Nertea, for example still have their positions (on Linkedin) at Intercept Games - Private Division. Again, whether there's anything beyond face value, is unknown. It might just be that neither Nate or Chris has bothered to update their current job on Linkedin, OR it could mean that not everyone is gone and development is simply being restructured, relocated. 



    Thanks :)

  9. 11 minutes ago, TheSaint said:

    It's prom night. Thing #1 and Thing #2 are off. They're going stag, apparently that's what all the cool kids do now, I don't get it. Before they left, I gave them the best advice I could: "Remember, the loneliest creature in the world is a pretty girl. And if the DJ asks you what to play, tell him to play Robert Palmer." :cool:

    Um, where did this advice come from/mean?

  10. 6 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    I guess what I'm saying is that I still hold some small ray of hope that the game gets finished.  I am hoping that TT turns this over to a studio that is competent and capable and that finishes this thing the way it should have been done originally.  I'm a realist, and I know that this is a long shot and may not happen.  But a guy's gotta have hope, right?

    I am right there with you :)

    We just gotta hope for the best.

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