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Posts posted by AtomicTech

  1. 6 minutes ago, Fizzlebop Smith said:

    +1 As usual, wonderful words of advice.

    I was a bit overzealous in my  use of the like button. Apparently, I am unable to give this the like it deserves.

    You are often offer a silver lining or ray of sunshine in an otherwise excrementsty situation. I do hope all those that put hard work into the title, are able to find employment elsewhere 

    One thing that I see as a ray of light. Recently the US FTC has banned non-compete contact clauses. 

    I am hoping this allows developers more ease and flexibility in finding more work (at least where I live) & hopefully opens the door on a resurgence in the indi scene.

    It is often the indi development that captures out hear and forms cult followings  KSP is such a franchise to me.

    Discovered after my bout of homelessness, it saved me. At least assisted I  the process of my salvation. 

    Part of that was due tp community interaction. Though my opinions of various aspects of this game have been less than positive / optimistic, my love for the franchise and community is still there.

    I am sad for us all and hope we can avoid a descent into more toxic behaviors.


    Yessir! I'm right there with you!

  2. 16 minutes ago, RayneCloud said:

    I was listening to "The Light" by Disturbed when I heard the news, the news we were all hoping we'd never see.

    For those of us that have been in this industry for a long time, we've been here before. You come in to work thinking everything is going to be just like it was yesterday, only, it's very much not going to be like it was yesterday. You find out your studio was bought out and you're being made "Redundant" or that the studio is out of money, or any other numerous "nightmare" situations. You hear the words, "Realignment" and "Consolidation" and you look at the parent studio/publisher and see them posting record profits and you ask, "How can you do this to us when you're making so much money?"

    All of that being said, it's a dark day, I don't deny that at all. What I ask though is that you all don't forget the community we built, the dreams we all had of space travel, the memories we made. I ask that you don't forget the team that's hurting right now as so many lives have been upended over night and so many have been blindsided (including upper leadership who didn't sese this coming either, I promise you that).  A dear friend lost her job last year and ended up homeless for nearly 6 months before getting back on her feet, but she did, get back on her feet. 

    We will too.

    Kerbal Space Program as a franchise, an IP, as memories of space flight and dreams of the future, is not gone. It's not dead. Spaceflight is hard and so is game development, and the light that we have to see through the darkness of today's horrible news, (for me at least) is that we have KSP1 and all of it's mods, and the version of KSP2 that we have that is still playable. It wont be the version we were promised or dreamed of with colonies, multiple star systems, multiplayer, etc, that's true... but we still have it. 

    Anyway, I know this is an uber cringe post but at 40 and with my health issues, I don't have the negativity in me anymore. So, this is me asking our community to stay strong and look to the future while remembering the past.

    Former KSP 1 CM


    Aye aye Cap'n 


  3. Just now, Pulstar said:

    Pretty much, I've seen my fair share of game shutdowns and cancellations unfolding online over the years and I also have over a decade of experience working for large multinational corporations that did their share of mergers, layoffs, restructurings, criminal investigations, legal squabbles, whistleblowers etc. in my professional career, even managed to dodge one mass layoff by correctly seeing a major red flag for what it was, and I saw how PR/internal communication was done in all those cases.

    My personal experiences sadly force me to join the pessimists on this one, as much as I don't want to. This rings too many familiar bells, the dementi would have been very clear and swift from PR if it wasn't at least partially true.

    Man :(

  4. On 4/16/2024 at 11:44 PM, Cytauri said:

    Remember the days when we eagerly checked the forums for dev updates on KSP 2? Remember the amazing teasers they showed us? Remember the anticipation of a true successor to KSP 1, that would make all other space flight sim games be reduced to obscurity? I remember it so clearly. I love KSP 1 dearly, I remember fond days of playing the game on my 2012 MacBook, having to turn down all the graphic settings in order to play it at a reasonable 50 fps. It truly was one of my favorite games, and still is.


    I couldn’t wait for the sequel of this seemingly awesome game to release. But then, I saw a shift, around a couple weeks before its February 24th release. The devs had released some gameplay footage of KSP 2, and it looked different than what was expected. We all knew that this game was going to release as an ‘early access’ sim, but I had noticed that the frame rate in this video was really low. As time went on, they released the system requirements, which shocked a lot of people. At that time, I had a mid range pc (Rtx 3060 and Ryzen 5) so I felt like I would at least pass the minimum requirements.


    Then, release happened, and that was the day when a huge chunk of my hope was lost. Everyone on the forums were furious of what had released on that day. It was hideous. After that day, they promised that they would make the game better. For months, I regularly checked the forums for updates, but the final breaking point was at some point in June when I realized that this game just wasn’t worth it. All that had came out at the time were a few bug patches. No hint of science releasing anytime soon. So I decided to do something different. Instead of checking the forums like a drug addict, I opened up Steam, clicked over to KSP 1, and hit play. That day, I had the most fun I had in months.


    When science released in December, I played KSP for the first time since release and liked it, but later put it away. I remember checking the forums and saw that Nate Simpson said that there would be ‘increased communication’.


    Now 4 months later, what do we have? A still buggy and extremely unfinished game, with no news whatsoever about colonies except for TWO VIDEOS. So this is what I’ll tell y’all to do, go play some KSP 1, I know a lot of you are doing that. Goodbye all, I truly have lost faith in KSP 2. Maybe one day, if the game releases, I’ll check it out. For now, I’ll be playing KSP 1 and Star Citizen.

    Sorry for the wall of text, just wanted to show what a longtime follower of KSP 2’s development thinks. Thank you to the mod devs, moderators, community managers, and devs for keeping KSP 1 alive. Take Two is messed up man. o7 all.

    I'm right there with you pal :(

    I'm just playin' DRG, my modded KSP, Helldivers 2, and the new Fallout 4 update these days

  5. 2 hours ago, DeadJohn said:

    If the KSP franchise was shuttered and we lost these forums, where would people go to discuss KSP1?

    KSP1 is the only game I frequently discuss. I play other games and read their forums but rarely post, so I don't have any other favorite gaming forums. My first instinct if the KSP forums died would be to try contacting some of my favorite modders to see where they went.

    (There's a gloomy mix of rumor+news about layoffs in the KSP2 subforum. That's not what I'm here to discuss, just offering context about why I'm asking my question.)

    We might just have to make another forum.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    The problem for Take Two is that they are in a position whereby anything they do is doomed.  There are only 4 scenarios that play out for them this morning.

    Scenario 1
    Take Two comes out with an announcement indicating that yes, the studio is closing, but they are going to continue development under a new studio.  So sorry that this had to happen, and right after we gave Nate the green-light to talk about an upcoming patch, but we're truly sorry and we promise things will be better from here on out.  The community will respond with varying levels of "you went through this with Star Theory" and "you have continuously delayed this game" and they'll raise pitchforks and burn TT's buildings to the ground.

    Scenario 2
    Take Two comes out and completely dismisses the rumors and stories, indicating that things are just fine and there is nothing to worry about.  So sorry about the misinformation, and right after we gave Nate the green-light to talk about an upcoming patch, but we're truly sorry and we promise that this will not impact KSP2 in any capacity.  The community will respond with varying levels of "we've been asking for more communication" and "you have lied to us in the past" and they'll raise pitchforks and burn TT's buildings to the ground.

    Scenario 3
    Take Two comes out and flat admits the project is canceled.  So sorry this had to happen, and right after we gave Nate the green-light to talk about an upcoming patch, but we're truly sorry to anyone who purchased the game.  The community will respond with varying levels of "we told you this would happen" and "you made all these promises" and they'll raise pitchforks and burn TT's buildings to the ground.

    Scenario 4
    Take Two says and does nothing.  No explanations, no messages, no communication.  The community will respond with varying levels of "why aren't you telling us what's going on" and "we just know it's canceled so rip off the band-aid" and they'll raise pitchforks and burn TT's buildings to the ground.


    There is nothing that Take Two can do in the immediate future - today, tomorrow, perhaps the coming weeks? - that will ease tensions and make this all right.  Unfortunate for them, and unfortunate for the community.

    Hmm, seems like all roads lead to Dorado.


  7. 4 minutes ago, NexusHelium said:

    I wouldn't be surprised lol. Intercept works in mysterious and wonderful ways :) 

    Perfect response. If no other times, this is the one time we need to let Intercept figure out whatever there is to say (whether it be really bad news or only kinda bad news) and not push on them for a response.

    I can imagine this is also a pretty confusing time for them.

    Aye, they're right there with us. Dragged down by corporate nonsense.

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