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Posts posted by AtomicTech

  1. 4 hours ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    This situation is getting worse.  The community is now starting to be impacted, including the mods.


    Meh, ShadowDev failed to finish most projects, tried to force his own (often arbitrary) standards and techniques without consulting the tons of folks trying to come up with a community standard in the early days of KSP 2 modding, and his code wasn't often up to par. Had he finished projects and collaborated with the community (and the more experienced devs), then I would've had a completely different take.

    We've already had the mass modding exodus for KSP. 

  2. Just now, RileyHef said:

    I have said this quite often on other platforms, but looking back knowing what we know now - it would have been better for the KSP community and IP if KSP2 never even existed.

    I just hope that we can still rekindle the passion for KSP1 and breathe some new life into that old game. I truly miss those days.

    I'm starting to agree, with everything that's transpired this week. Before KSP 2 began to really materialize and before we heard about the release, we were having a KSP 2 modding renaissance. Things were good.

  3. 20 minutes ago, PDCWolf said:

    If anything², the community should be rioting for the game to be cancelled & delisted and the funds to be returned.

    Uh no, we must not go to extremes. There's a slim chance that we do get KSP 2 and we cannot forsake it in any way. 

    2 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    Where does that leave us?  Hopefully being cool to one another.  Perhaps talking about KSP1.  Maybe finding other games to enjoy.  But KSP2?  Gone before your time, and we barely knew ye.

    Yep :(

  4. 23 minutes ago, RayneCloud said:

    Well, that's that then. Good luck @Dakota in what comes next for you. All my best. 



    5 minutes ago, jaxmed said:

    @blackrack Also confirmed on Discord that he's no longer working on KSP2 and is going back to working on EVE stuff for KSP1 on his Patreon.

    Well folks, is it time to get worried?

  5. 1 minute ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    Hard disagree here.  A self-moderated community only works when all members are treated equally.  And we can all agree that this is not the case here.

    Where is this coming from?

    2 minutes ago, dprostock said:


    How much money are we talking about monthly? 

    Who is the owner of the page? How much do you sell it for? 


  6. 4 hours ago, Lisias said:

    I beg to differ. Some of the worst problems on KSP¹ were really, really silly mistakes buried into the code that only lived by so many years because nobody were looking for them, preferring to elect escape goats to take the blame instead.

    As why the devs didn't solved these problems before, well... I will left to an exercise to the reader. A chain is so strong as its weakest link - and corporate culture can be a Sun in your Beach. :P


    There're some gunk on KSP¹, but you would be surprised that most of the problems that plagued this scene didn't came from them.


    --- -- - POST EDIT - -- ---

    I HAD to quote this here! :)


    (I ran outta reactions lol)

    4 hours ago, Lisias said:

    I beg to differ. Some of the worst problems on KSP¹ were really, really silly mistakes buried into the code that only lived by so many years because nobody were looking for them, preferring to elect escape goats to take the blame instead.

    As why the devs didn't solved these problems before, well... I will left to an exercise to the reader. A chain is so strong as its weakest link - and corporate culture can be a Sun in your Beach. :P


    There're some gunk on KSP¹, but you would be surprised that most of the problems that plagued this scene didn't came from them.


    --- -- - POST EDIT - -- ---

    I HAD to quote this here! :)

    I loved your write up on KSP's Autostruts; maybe what we wanna do is try to get rid of Autostrut and replace it with much stronger joints and the built-in struts in an open source KSP (or even in the current one)?

  7. 1 hour ago, GGG-GoodGuyGreg said:

    Know what? Think it’s a disgrace they have volunteer run forums for a 50$ EA owned by a major corporation . 
    kudos for the volunteers but I wouldn’t do it anymore for free. 

    Nah it's better that we're the ones running and moderating our community. There are those of us who are more selfless and want to give back to the community in any way they can. That's why we have our mods (our beloved @Vanamonde and co.)!

  8. 2 hours ago, GGG-GoodGuyGreg said:

    Personally I’d hop on a new hype train right away if the team is completely new and is composed of people that have proven that they know what they are doing.

    or at least if it’s (most of) the same team that maintained KSP1 since HarvesteR left.  

    Sure, I'd be down for a KSP 1 2.0 if we get a lot of the technical debt gone, performance improvements, better graphics, tutorials, better music, and the promises from KSP 2. Basically, I just want an official KSP 2 in KSP 1 lol

  9. 8 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

    Sometimes a monkey squad can more than a division of privates.


    5 hours ago, Uuky said:

    If the game fails, I'll made my own KSP. It'll be called Uuki Space Venture.

    Uukis are a cat-like humanoid race. They build rockets to explore space and see how laser spots on the ground are fun on various celestial bodies. 

    Moar meow, moar boosters


    I'd be down for it :)

  10. 8 hours ago, Superpluto126 said:

    Alright here are possible scenarios I have gathered.

    Sc.A:T2 either has a Office in Seattle not tied to Game Development or it simply isn't listed that is getting the cut, and also has 70 Employees, and the KSP2 Devs have some NDA For some reason. VERY VERY UNLIKELY, hope its this but we all know deep down its not.

    SC.B:Intercept has more employees than we thought, and its their other unannounced game that is getting canned. Some Layoffs from the KSP2 dev team but not a world ending scenario.  Also Unlikely but somewhat more possible.

    SC.C:Take2 is closing an office floor, and consolidating workspaces. IG Staff not tied to KSP2 are being laid off along with probably half the Dev Team.  I have little idea about this one since its an Idea I saw on the IG Discord Server. Potentially Possible, but since I have no idea about it I really don't know.

    SC.D:Intercept is closing, but the Dev Team will be rehired at another Studio owned by PD/T2, or simply Private Division itself. Development stalls for a bit as the team readjust but gets back on track. Not unlikely but also not the most probable.

    SC.E:Basically the Same as Scenario D but the Dev Team gets shrunk by a lot, perhaps down to 15 people. More Possible and could see it happening

    SC.F:KSP2s Dev Team is taken off except for bare bones personnel, replaced by new dev team. Skeleton Original Crew pushes out a few patches, perhaps colonies, while teaching the new team the inns and outs of the games before being taken off to be replaced entirely.  Possible.

    SC.G:KSP2 is on Life Support, the Dev Teams works for 2 months and gets out 0.2.2 and perhaps, followed by a very buggy and limited release of 1.0 containing Bare Bones versions of roadmap features, before development ends. Possible.

    SC.H: KSP2 is no longer developed at all, only support is the Fact it is on Steam.

    SC.I: T2 cans ksp2, but someone else for some reason purchases the game IP and restarts development (Pls Elon, or anyone really). Near-Impossible.

    (Note, I have never had a Job nor know anything about economics, this is just potential things I am throwing out there)

    I'd be happy with D, E, F, and C because all of those have a better future than the rest :)

  11. 9 hours ago, dprostock said:

    Two years ago I was censured when I said that the failure to meet the deadlines was a terrible omen.

    Finally they realized that they were financing a "Black Hole" and were only receiving promises and new and unfulfilled dates. 

    They failed, simple as that. And they miraculously managed to extend the fantasy for another year, enough to pay for the trip along with the hotel, make corporate videos and justify travel expenses.

    They quintupled (and I'm falling short) the original Latin American team that developed KSP1, and sold the idea of the multiplayer concept knowing that they DIDN'T HAVE A PLAN AT ALL ON THAT SUBJECT. 

    They finally realized and discovered them.

    Now come and suspend my account like you did then. I WAS RIGHT. 

    THE END.

    Where did this come from?

    4 hours ago, dprostock said:

    the people who moderated already have their checks and are emptying the desks.  

    The volunteer moderation staff or the hired folks?

  12. 1 hour ago, RayneCloud said:

    Let me just quote a famous climate rights activist here and say to PD, and Take 2.. "How Dare You."

    As Matt Lowne said on Twitter earlier today, I am so utterly sick of the secrecy that surrounded this project from day one. All we got today was a spokesperson saying, "We continue to make updates to the label" and "we have no further comment."


    You've destroyed dozens of peoples lives and made NO mention of if any of them are being absorbed in to PD, or saying if the Franchise has been moved to yet another developer, or given us ANY information what so ever of any real substance. You're not making the next big AAA game here, you're making a Sequel to a beloved game and you're spitting on the memory and work of many dozens if not many hundreds of people over a decade. I look back at my time with KSP1 and Harv's dream, and what C7, Mu, Nova, Skunky, RoverDude, myself, and many many others dreamed of and this is NOT IT. 

    I have criticized your communication, leadership, and organization since day one, and while I still attempt to remain positive, I am going to KEEP doing it, because this is an absolute disgrace. You have failed at every single turn, to treat this community the way they deserved to be treated. The way the people that came before you treated them and none of us had made a game before. 

    So, what's next? ANSWER US. 


    To the rest of the community, I am sorry, truly I am. I hate to be loosing my temper like this, but this is just not it. It's cringe, I know, but I am MAD. To the Mod Team, many apologies if this is out of line, but I needed to vent.

    To the IG team that has had their lives destroyed by corporate greed and mismanagement, and are now struggling to figure out what comes next? My heart breaks for you and I truly hope you find something, or some miracle happens, that lets you really shine in this broken mess of an industry that we all love.

    TO PD and Take Two? You get nothing from me but contempt and anger. You deserve every single ounce of it. (No this does not include Dakota or other PD Employees that were working on KSP2 alongside IG, they did the best they could with what they had. I am talking to Senior Leadership here. Please understand that.)


  13. 1 hour ago, Icegrx said:

    KSP2 drops half its team, with others laid off the 2nd game Intercept is working on.

    Intercept studios close. 

    The remaining KSP2 team is shuffled directly under Private Divison. 

    With other projects getting canceled and laid off, the remaining team members from those projects and studios are placed on the KSP2 team directly under PD. 

    KSP2 gets delayed even further under the restructure. 

    KSP2 lives… eventually

    *Disclaimer, I am just speculating and making this up as I write it. This is just my prediction. Too much doom and gloom, so here’s my overly optimistic prediction. feel free to quote me and laugh at me as news develops and if my prediction is way wrong.*

    Y'know, I could very much live with that. We all seem to have learned patience the hard way lol

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