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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Banned by Lutetia, that is still stuck in its traffic jam since Asterix and Obelix last visited.
  2. Granted: He buys Twitter and starts hurting people instead. I wish to hear a climate change denier explain away what is happening this year.
  3. Floor 3592: This floor is filled completely with people, shoulder to shoulder, all trying to get a look at something behind a small window of bulletproof glass. You get a spyglass out of your bag of holding and try to see what they are trying to see. You can almost make out a plaque below it. It looks like in might say" Moaning Lisa". You assume it has something to do with the Simpsons.
  4. Floor 3590: A complete and accurate re-creation of the Smithsonian.
  5. That is an Enderman, don't look it directly in the eyes. If it was Kerbiloid in the Conservatory with the lead pipe, then where is Professor Plum?
  6. You are Sumer banned by the Sumerians.
  7. Granted: You find yourself a rare, nice pickle, and become fast friends, unfortunately the rest of the pickles relatives are evil, they set out to ruin your life. I wish that Spiderman was allowed to be happy.
  8. Congrats to the positives. I will play negative this match. As the game rules above have somehow lost several spaces I will re post them, edited back to normal. Game Start N 0 Game Rules. These are the game rules. As per instructions from the moderators. There is to be no role play elements to the battle. Simple exclamations that we are getting ahead or falling behind, or saying you need help are fine, but no suggestion that you are part of an army or fantasy faction in some epic confrontation. It is more or less attempting to reach a goal line and passing to another with the same goal or getting intercepted by someone going the other way. There is a term used in the forums called "Being Ninja'd". Basically if while you are typing your post someone else posts a move and you don't see it till you have refreshed your page. This then causes you to have to edit your post to correct for the new number. It is then not unheard of for someone to post before you have had a chance to edit your post and so a cascade effect happens. To make clear your original intent in the hopes of lessening this, These are the rules for posting as follows. When posting please preface your number by one of 4 letters. P if you are trying to get the score to +75 N if you are trying to get the score to -75 Z if your goal is to get the score to zero C if you are chaotic and just post as you feel, but your number must only be 1 different from the last post put. The addition of the number 1 or the subtraction of the number 1. By doing this a player can see what you intended to put and post knowing what it would be if you had not been ninja'd. There is a 5 minute rule for individual number posts done by you, this is to minimize spam and ninja posting. To post a new number post, there are 4 rules that must be followed for it to be considered valid. To make a valid number post, 1: Your previous post must say it was made 5 minutes or greater before your current. 2: Any other player must have posted a number post between your last post and your new post. 3: Your post must be only 1 number different from the last post. Clarification: The number must be the whole number known as 1, spelt One. Either the addition of 1 or the subtraction of 1. 4: Your number must have a preface letter. All new games must start with a "0" . If you posted the winning post, be it +75 or -75 , then it is asked that you copy this post into a new post and update the tally so that this is at the beginning of a new game. Tally of victories positives 12 negatives 8
  9. Floor 3588: You find yourself inside a Space Shuttle cargo bay. The klaxon and flashing light suggest that the cargo doors are about to open, and you aren't wearing a spacesuit. (welcome to a new page floor.)
  10. The rowers club. how many Kerbals could a Kerbalchuck chuck if a Kerbalchuck could chuck Kerbals?
  11. The dancers at The Moulin Rouge are dancing the Ban Ban and choose you.
  12. I am here in this minute. Does @Admiral Fluffy still visit?
  13. Now if you all look under your seats, you will find: You get a ban, and you get a ban, and you get a ban, and you get a ... (And we will also throw in a brand new Page. Packed with all of todays modern electronic features.)
  14. Hi everybody. I think it is time for @TwoCalories. Please don't keep spamming Kerbiloid. They don't play this game and it can be very annoying to find your notification box filled with calls that you don't want to respond to.
  15. Monty Python said: Nobody expects the Spanish intermission.
  16. It is one click for man, one giant click for mankind. (The Don't click this thread)
  17. Granted: You did but forgot. I wish that Monty Python had said: Nobody expects the Jedi Inquisition!
  18. Floor 3579: A Star Trek Universe Holo Deck. You program it to play an adventure that you have always dreamed of having and spend the next week playing it out.
  19. Floor 3575: Someone got the texture file upside down. This floor is colourful but nothing seems to be in the right place.
  20. Banned for asking Kenneth, what the frequency is.
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