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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Waiter: We use the Superpower of Heat Vision to warm the soup. Customer: Is that a vision of a future soup in my soup?
  2. Floor 3969: There is a company running a Bungee Jump business on this floor. They attach you into a harness connected to what seems like an endless pile of rubber cord. They push you out the window and you fall for about a week. Finally you see the ground rushing towards you, you reach out your hand to just barely touch the ground before being flung back up the building. After another week you finally approach the level you were pushed out of but manage to go up one more floor before grabbing the window sill. You haul yourself in and remove the harness. You wonder what this floor will bring?
  3. Floor 3960: You enter into to what appears to be an underground club from the 1920s in America. Men in suits and Fedoras and Ladies in straight dresses and pearls are all around. You notice your reflection and see you are also dressesd like the men but in mainly white with black accents. On a whim you reach into your pocket and find a coin. You see a Jukebox on the other side of the club (totally out of place for the era) and flip the coin towards it. It miraculously goes into the slot and the music starts. Your feet have a mind of their own and moonwalk you into the middle of the floor, all the men are suddenly in sync with you and you start dancing out the whole routine of the video for Smooth Criminal. This is going to be interesting.
  4. Floor 3958: A live concert of "Jefferson Airplane". You sit down and they start to play "White Rabbit". You close your eyes and relax while listening to the haunting music.
  5. Waiter: the Universal Salt Shaker Registered, should not be placed in the soup. Customer: Waiter, there is a big red button in my soup that says "Don't Click This"
  6. Granted: It lasts fo 2 seconds each time. I wish I didn't forget what I wanted to wish for.
  7. Being well versed in subversive languages is cheating.
  8. 2: A company is trying to monetise space, see their lattest attempt HERE.
  9. Ok @TwoCalories, the post above yours was P -2, a negative number, so based on your P prefix your number should have been P -1. @Kerb24 as above that would mean your post should have been P 0 So my post is. N -1
  10. Banned because to be aware is to percieve but does not naturally follow that perception is comprehension or inturn that comprehension means complete understanding, understanding inturn does not naturally mean that lessons have been learned and so wisdom has been achieved. (I percieve a new page but do I understand its intent?)
  11. Floor 3955: You find yourself inside a massive gallery, halls stretch off in all directions. It is hung with with a multitude of paintings and littered with statues. There is a painting hanging right in front of you that appears to depict an animal that usually stands on 4 legs, but in this case it is dressed in scholarly robes and appears to be giving a lecture to an ampitheatre of seated students. The title of the painting reads: Dolor Asinum
  12. Not using a fork to whisk up a fluffy Umlaut is cheating.
  13. N 0 (There is something weird about this page, almost as if it didn't exist a minute ago)
  14. Hello @Lisias and @suchtorment. This and other similar glitches have existed in the Klaw module since it was first introduced. I tried to get an explanation 1 to 2 years ago but never could get anyone in the know to answer. It is the program Module itself, not the part that is to blame. I have seen grapples made by other modders have the same problems. One of the weirder ones is when it causes the part it has grabbed to stop being affected by gravity. When the part is let go it just floats slowly away and can't be grabbed again. I have had it happen to a one Kerbal cockpit and been able to have the Kerbal EVA and hang on to the side as it drifts away. Another one is when a wing gets grabbed and it detaches from the main craft. This stuff seems to happen randomly, so you never know if it will happen the same next time.
  15. "Archer" and "Rick and Morty" had the same plot line.
  16. Because the animal rights activists got upset about it. How many news stories did Clarke Kent submit each week?
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